Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Embarrassing and Unfair Momment at School?

I am very embarrassed right now. But I also have a mixed feeling of anger as well. There's this one boy named Jeremy and he's always picking on me. He broke something of mine once, made racist comments at me for being asian, and today he threw a block of ice at me on the forehead. The reason was because when my friends and I were sitting and talking in the snow by the school, Jeremy was sitting at a hill. I started getting bored so I started throwing snowballs at the hill. One of them barley missed Jeremy by the head. It was completely an accident. He started get mad and threw a huge ice chunk which hit my forehead, knocking off the lens of my glasses, almost making me blind in one eye. It was the most unbearable pain you could imagine. It was as if someone has put the cruciatus curse on you. At first I thought I was going to get brain damage. My friends started thinking it was funny at first, but then realized I was extremely hurt. I started sobbing. It was so embarrassing and I'm usually not the cry-type but it was unbearable. The bell for the end of our break-time rang shortly after. My friends started helping me find my lens for me and one of them found it later on. A teacher walked up and apparently saw everything that has happened, but started to get mad at ME for 'starting' the snowball fight in the first place which apparently was my fault. I tried to explain that it was an accident but the teacher continued to say it was my fault. My face was puffy and I didn't want to go back to class. But of course, I had to. Our class teacher had heard what had happened and she too started blaming me. Although both of us got a punishment she was more angry at me. In math class I didn't understand a question and she started getting angry, telling me how easy the question is without even explaining on how to do it. I kept saying sorry, but she was still treating me like I was the one who hurt someone else. It was a mixture of embarrassment and unfairness. I was so upset about how I get the bigger punishment for doing almost nothing. The teachers continued to pick on me for this. They didn't bother about how my glasses almost broke, or how I now have a big red lump on my forehead. All they cared was about how I apparently almost hit Jeremy, and how big my punishment should be. But I am also as well embarrassed, as for I cried which will leave me more devastated. I don't want to go back to school again with jeremy picking on me however he likes without the teachers noticing or caring and seeing all the expressions on everyone's faces with my big, ugly red bruise. Any suggestions for how I can not get picked on and blamed for things i didn't do wrong?

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