Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why is my life as a teenager so hard?

First, the drama in school. With crap like "the whole class hates you", "everyone hates you", and "I have more friends than you." is really awful. I have several close friend and I am proud of that.

Second, the desire to look good.My friend from another class is upset that she's ugly because the boys told her so (people think I am ugly as well) and I feel upset because she's upset. Girls around me splurge on contact lenses and dress and I am guilty of it too.

Third, relationships with the opposite sex. When I reject a guy, it becomes a gossip topic that can last for weeks. And of course, boys knowing more things about sexuality, throwing terms like "bj", "blue bell" "dumplings" and "opening a girl's chamber of secrets" and all sort of names for my reproductive organs. I hate boys of my age. They sucks. I hate being in a relationship with these boys now. They are not mature at all.

Fourth, grades. Everything subject in school is becoming harder and harder and I can't take it anymore. Caucus, trigonometry, arc length, mole concept, dissection of animal organs. And the pressure for national exams when you don't even know what you really want for your future.

Fifth, the world opening up to you. I am 15 and I have been misunderstood by the media who failed to clarify facts, landing me in trouble. I don't understand politics and PR. I don't understand why they didn't ask me or even protect me. I made my first mistake in the world of politics.

Sixth, uncertain for the future. Doctors and lawyers have the highest suicide rate, engineers and people in the information technology sector get retrench at 50 years old, replaced by cheaper graduates. And teachers are overworked, I can't find a job offering stability and a work-life balance. Everything is getting more expensive and consumerism is declining. I have a business idea but it won't work well unless everyone is rich to spent on luxuries.

Why is my teenage life so hard?

См. статью: Why is my life as a teenager so hard?