Monday, September 2, 2013

Soft contact lenses - first time user?

I am nearsighted and can see perfectly fine at far distances with my new contact lenses. However, when reading articles on computer screens or even a book in front of me, I sometimes have trouble focusing.

Closing my eyes for a few seconds seems to help, but not for long. I know you may be thinking dry eyes, but that can't only be the problem here.

Do you think it's a brand issue or a fitting issue?

My optometrist said that my fit was fine as well as my prescription. I was examined twice already.

Also, should soft contacts be perfectly centered over your cornea or just slightly off center but still covering the cornea?

I am currently on a trial pair of Acuvue Oasys brand contacts - 2 weeks.

I prefer answers from eye specialists, but user experiences are welcomed as well.
Added (1). I can see perfectly up close without my contacts as a side note.No astigmatism in my eyes.
Added (2). -1.50 in both eyes

См. статью: Soft contact lenses - first time user?