Saturday, November 28, 2015

Recently had trauma to my eye, would you date a guy that had to wear an eye patch?

I recently was in an accident which has deformed my eye. I still need two more surgeries before I can think of getting a prosthetic contact lens(so it will be at least 1year before i can consider getting one). Its really hard adjusting to wearing an eye patch with all the stares and pirate comments you get every time you go in public as I am a pretty timid/introverted person. Would you ever date someone with an eye patch? This has really shot my self confidence right down, I just want to go back to feeling normal again.
Added (1). I know its superficial but I used to get complimented on my eyes all the time and not I have to wear this big black thing over one of them. Would it weird you out dating someone with one or would that be a non-factor?

Read more: Recently had trauma to my eye, would you date a guy that had to wear an eye patch?