Sunday, November 22, 2015

My eyes burn, irrated from contact lenses!

Ok. So Ive always worn glasses since I was 5. My great grandmother was blind, my grandma has bottle thick glasses. My mom and sister dont have glasses or need them. I started to wear contacts when I turned 15 (im 18 now) and I always had some issues w it. I tried many kinds.changed the liquid, etc I buy them I wear them, some days are good, some days i put them on and my eyes burn… Or they irrate me… I have acuvue stigmatism, i tried others. Im tired of eye is 4.50 and the other is 4.75… Today I had contacts and they were fine, but then my eyes started to get a bunch of boogers, the whole day, I kept cleaning.


Read more: My eyes burn, irrated from contact lenses!