Thursday, October 9, 2014

How long can you keep monthly contact lenses for?

I've heard there are people who actually keep their daily/monthly lenses longer than the 'recommended' time and are fine. So to those people, how long do you guys (or gals) keep them for? This one guy told me that he uses his pack of 6 months worth for almost a year o_o

I understand that contacts can become scratchy if you wear them for too long because I've been wearing circle lenses for 3 years. I know how to disinfect, store and how long to wear them for (usually max 8hrs and don't sleep in them). Since I will ONLY be needing contacts for school and that I know how to take care of them, how long do you think I can keep them before throwing them out?

Note: And please don't tell me that it's frowned upon. I am aware of what could happen and I'm willing to take responsibility for my own eyes.

Read more: How long can you keep monthly contact lenses for?