Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting contact lenses when I'm not allowed to?

I'm 16 and I asked my legal guardian if I could have contacts and she said "yeah I don't care what you do" and then she said no because "I wanna piss away all my money" She has "two many things on her mind" and it's punishment for "all the sneaking around I did". By sneaking around, she means that I scheduled a driving lesson and test and "didn't tell her" when I told her several times. However, she's a senior citizen and forgets things all the time, then accuses me of lying and not telling her things. I've had glasses since I was 10. Really, I should wear them all the time but I wore them at the absolute minimum for 4 years, only for the blackboard and when watching TV. Then I dated this guy who told me I should wear them and that I looked fine with them. I refused before because I thought they made me look ugly. We broke up and I still think they make me look ugly but by then, I was so used to wearing them, it was too hard to stop. My guardian tells me I look better without them. They always get dirty and I can see out of the corners of them so I see two perspectives at once and it's very uncomfortable. And when it's sunny, the light reflects off the glass and it hurts my eyes. I called my eye doctor and I don't need her there with me. The exam is insured so a 6 wk supply only costs $20 and I have a job. Starting July, i'll be working two. I'm going on a school trip to Europe and I want the contacts to look my best and see well and be comfortable. Would it be awful to do it?

Read more: Getting contact lenses when I'm not allowed to?