Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cloudy/greasy contact lens?

I wear Acuvue Advance Plus and have worn these for about a year. They are two-week lenses.

Over the past few months, I've been having trouble. It seems like one side (it varies at different times, too) "gets something on the contact" somehow after a few days and it is this whitish film looking stuff that appears as if it is greasy when I attempt to scrub it clean with my fingers, using solution. Then I get it clean… I put it in and within a small amount of time (usually hours), it's like it gets dirty again and has the haze/white film on it. I've tried changing contacts when that happened (this wasn't back to back… The old were taken out on the previous night and the new ones were put in the new morning). Still the same issue. I see nothing that my eyes are emitting apart from the normal small amount of "sleepy" that gets in the corners (not on the contacts themselves). This white film/haze is almost always a circular-like ring that is right in the middle of the contact.

I've worn contacts almost always, since around 2004 or 2005. On a day or two each week, I leave them out to give my eyes some rest. I never wear them to bed. They go in during the morning and out every night by about midnight. They soak in multipurpose solution overnight.

Added (1). When I take them out of my eye at night, I do wash them with water briefly, to get any gunk off from them after scrubbing them lightly with my finger. Then I soak them in the multipurpose solution overnight. Before I put them in in the morning, I lightly scrub them with solution, wash them with water briefly (because using solution to wash stuff off from them doesn't seem to work that well), then I rinse them again with the solution before putting them in my eyes.

Added (2). I should also note that about 6 months ago, I started a new job within my company. I work in the meat/seafood departments of a grocery store in interchangeable positions several nights per week. We spray a deli detergent that does say "eye irritant" on it, but I don't get anything in my eyes that I am aware of. We also use some sanitizing stuff for the pans and utensils and such that we use. However, even on other days when I'm not in those areas, I get this white film.

Added (3). This white film/fog of sorts seems to be directly in the middle… Sometimes it is actually in a circular pattern around what I presume is the corner (?) pattern in the middle of the contact. So for some reason, it seems to get trapped there and/or originate from there for some reason. When I wear my glasses, I have no issues. There doesn't appear to be any type of infection or anything in my eyes. No stye, bumps or eye injuries that I know of.

Added (4). Hmm… Typo correction: "This white film/fog of sorts seems to be directly in the middle… Sometimes it is actually in a circular pattern around what I presume is the CORNEA (?) pattern in the middle of the contact"

Read more: Cloudy/greasy contact lens?