Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Will not wearing my glasses make my lazy eye worse?

When I was younger, I had a squint and the doctor told me to wear a eye patchs on the good eye to force that bad eye to work.

The patches never worked, my squint is unnoticeable now, but my right eye is suppressed; I only use my left eye now.

Because my vision in my left eye is good, and I can read properly and see things properly with it. I felt there was no point of wearing glasses as I was told my right eye will never work again. I haven't put on glasses for a year now.

But does not wearing glasses make my vision worse, will I get a squint again?

Is there too much stress on my left eye. But wearing glasses never made my right eye work anyway.

I'm going to the opticians soon and I'm worried what they might say. Will I be told to wear glasses again but just for reading and writing? Should I get contact lenses if I don't want to wear glasses, but I'm nervous about putting fingers on my eyes and poking my eyes.

I don't get hadaches or anything and I haven't noticed any changes in my vision. Does bad vision eventually turn blind?
Also,a few years ago, I had to go to hospital because behind my eye looked swallon. They said it was swallon because I had too much spinal fluid. I had an opperation and the doctors took out some of my spinal fluid and they said I had lots of it. I want to a hospital about my swelling behind my eye and they gave me tablets. After a month they said that the swelling had gone and it may be a problem called fake swelling wear the eye appears…

Read more: Will not wearing my glasses make my lazy eye worse?