Friday, June 26, 2015

I think i need glasses? Optometrist help?

Hello. My name is Matt, and for the past couple of years ive neglected to address the health of my eyes, and I think now should be the time. I discovered in the sixth grade that my left eye was exceptionally blurry compared to the right, whenever we did eye tests at school, ot never got to the point where it was bad enough to merit a note home, so I just shrugged it off as a harmless problem, but looking now, 4 years later, I think it might’ve gotten to the point where it will make me need glasses. My friends grandfather is an Ophthalmologist, so he has a bunch of cool equipment lying around as well as an eye chart or too tacked up on the wall. It was hung at the end of the hall, so we tried and measured out 20 ft. As well as we could and gave ourselves a rudimentary test for fun, my right eye was perfect, but my left eye failed at the 20/30 line (that’s where I missed the first letter, I don’t know if there is a limit, basically its where everything became fuzzy, but it would require some focusing for me to figure some of them out). We called my friends grandpa over and we asked him what this means, I told him ive experienced this for a couple of years, and he thinks I need glasses. My friends grandpa than opened a case full of lenses, and told me to try them until my vision was completely clear. I selected a lens labeled “-0.50” and that for the most part made my vision clear. I have a friend who wears glasses who started out with the same problem as
Added (1). me, but over the course of a year or so, his other eye eventually needed glasses, and one didn’t just need a clear lens. On my way home, I stopped on the sidewalk and downloaded an astigmatism test off the internet to my phone, and my right eye tested positive for astigmatism, and autonomously opened a tab in maps to an optical shop, which is why I guess the lens never corrected my eye to the extent of perfect. I also found the
Added (2). the board a little bit fuzzy to take notes, but it only rarely required me to squint in order to do so. Before I tell my parents, id like to know even if I should because its not that major, whether you think ill need glasses or not and what you think will happen to the eye that is currently not experiencing any problems.


Read more: I think i need glasses? Optometrist help?