Thursday, October 2, 2014

I'm humiliated of my past?

3 and a half years ago, I was in the 7th grade and I didn't care about anything (I'm still not sure why). I never brushed or washed my hair, I was about 50 pounds overweight, I had a HUGE sweating problem and wore glasses. I had pimples all over my face and didn't care what I looked like. The worst was that I was always embarrassing myself. I tripped on my own feet all the time and even farted in class once by accident (I still cringe when I think about it). I didn't even have many friends. Fast foreward to now, I have changed a lot. I finally took care of all my problems. I got contact lenses, highlighted my hair, lost a TON of weight, the sweating problem is gone, and I am a lot more outgoing with a ton of friends. I'm even on the honor roll unlike the F's I used to get. Finally everything is good for me. But my old classmates from back then are my classmates NOW in high school. Everyone knows I have changed. But I am still so embarrassed on how I used to be back then. Even my now best guy friend (and crush) always saw me like that yet he was the only one who was nice to me. I still can't look at my old classmates everyday without knowing that they remember everything. How can I finally forget my past and move on with my life?

Read more: I'm humiliated of my past?