Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Can I order -2.25 cyl contact lenses instead of -2.75?

Can I order -2.25 cyl contact lenses instead of -2.75?
I was fitted for frequency 55 xr with -2.75 for my right eye and did not like how they fitted even after complaining ot my doctor she still prescribed me those saying those were the right ones for me.
My right eye kept feeling very irritated, and the lenses felt too tight to the point where I couldn't leave them on for longer than an hour.
I have used acuvue advanced before and they felt great, couldn't even tell i had them on.
Could I just order online the acuvue advanced or oasys with -2.25 CYL for BOTH eyes and get it over with? Is -0.5 of power for astigmatism really much of a difference? Help!

Read more: Can I order -2.25 cyl contact lenses instead of -2.75?