Friday, September 11, 2015

Why are my eyes always red?

My eyes are always really red and sometimes my vision is blurry. This has been happening for months. It gets a little better when I wear my glasses or at least my eyes don't hurt. It gets worse when I wear contacts. I work as a software developer so I'm looking at a monitor at least 8 hours a day. I do however take small 2-3 minute breaks about every 1.5 hours to go to the bathroom or go refill my water bottle. I am near-sighted. I have the night and day contacts but only wear them for maybe 5 hours during the day. I started using the opti free pure moist solution the doctor recommended last time I went in for my exam a couple months ago but that hasn't helped at all. I have also tried TheraTears Contact Lens solution and it just made my eyes burn. At that exam he also upped my prescription in my left eye from -8.00 to -8.50 (my right eye is still at -8.00). My glasses are also a weaker prescription than my contacts so perhaps that is why my eyes don't hurt as bad when I wear my glasses. My eyes aren't red from being tired because I get about 8 hours of sleep every night. I do however have seasonal allergies which I take Zyrtec for but they are only to pollen. I would appreciate any help or suggestions anyone has from similar past experiences. Thanks in advance!

Read more: Why are my eyes always red?