Sunday, September 6, 2015

Should I visit an eye doctor? Severe eye pain when removal of contacts. Or any advice?

For the past few months whenever I take either of my contacts out I get severe pain, to the point I cannot open my eyes and they re watering and burn and sting worse than I ve ever experienced for roughly 10 minutes then it s fine. I ve had a scratched cornea before and it s nothing like this.
I m probably the worst contact lens wearer, I do sleep in them and go a month or so without taking then out or changing them (I know what can happen and I know the consequences)
I recently moved so I don t have a set eye doctor and already used up my free appointment through insurance for the year so I m wondering if it s worth the money to go or if anyone else has experienced this.
I ve had to wear contacts for 5 years now

Read more: Should I visit an eye doctor? Severe eye pain when removal of contacts. Or any advice?