Friday, July 24, 2015

Still can't see with prescription glasses?

So, I'm 16 years old, and I've seen a lot of optometrists in my life. But whenever I get glasses or contacts, I still can't see as far as other people I know.

A teacher may hold some box with a tiny letter on it in the back of the class, and, with the exception of me and maybe one other person, the whole class can read it.

In the cafeteria, I can't read the some of the bigger words on the signs on the other side of the cafeteria that my friends can read.

When I'm out on the road with my parents, if I'm driving anything faster than 35 mph I wouldn't be able to read a street name in time to slow down and turn into it if I had to without my parents reading it out for me.

And another strange thing. When it's dark, for some reason a range of lights seem to become blurred to me. For example, if the lights are off in the house, the electronic clock in the kitchen uses blue light. With my glasses on, I can see everything around it clearly, but for some reason the blue light is blurry AF.

For another example, if I'm on the road at night, the yellow and green traffic lights become blurry as heck and the street signs that have a light flashing on it (like in intersections) also become slightly blurred. The range of colors seem to go from yellow to green to blue.

But this isn't anything new to me. I've been like this my whole damn life and I am absolutely sick of it. I want to find answers but google doesn't seem to cut it for me. Can anyone explain why my eyesight is like this?

Read more: Still can't see with prescription glasses?