Saturday, July 25, 2015

Whats going on with my eyes?

I know this question is long but thanks in advance for any help. I have scheduled a eye doc appointment for the 29th in 5 days. Okay. So as a bit of back history. I over-wore my contact lenses for about a month or so. I slept in them, etc and I also severely over used vasconstrictors like visine and clear eyes for red eyes multiple times per day. (I stopped using these products about 4 days ago) The contacts I wear are Airoptix for astigmatism bran
So one night I noticed my left eye got super red and blood shot one night so I took both contacts out and threw them away. Anyways I took them out and I had some anti biotic drops I used for about 4 days while I had them out and I wore glasses. My eyes cleared up and even look clear to an extent, but I have these red prominent veins in the whites of my eye that never used to be there. They are more prominent in the left than right eye. My eyes have no pain or anything like that. I bought brand new contacts, brand new solution and all that and just tried to wear my contacts, there was no pain or anything and i could see fine. I had the contacts in for only like 2 or 3 hours, and the veins seemed to get worse and my eyes werent "bloodshot" per say but my eyes were not white like normal. It's been 30 mins since I took the contacts out of my eyes. They are still red with veins n stuff but have slightly improved. The pics I posted are from like 5 secs ago. The pic quality doesnt really show the veins

i know this is long thank you in advance
Added (1). this is BOTH eyes not just one Whats going on with my eyes

Read more: Whats going on with my eyes?