Saturday, May 2, 2015

Why aren't my eyes comfortable with contact lenses on?

So for christmas I got these cool purple contacts I wanted. I had never used contacts before these so I was a little nervous, but I figured if anything I could just take them out. I can get them in and out of my eyes fairly easily, but I can't keep them in to save my life. Everytime they go in my eyes just get really watery and red and I cant keep the eye open for more than a second or two. It's something on your eye so obviously you should be able to feel it. But its so uncomfortable, it just feels like an eyelash on my eye and I cant stand to leave them in for more than 90 seconds or so, my question is why. Why is it so easy and comfortable for other peopl? Am I not doing something I should be or vice versa? Anyone else ever had this problem?

Read more: Why aren't my eyes comfortable with contact lenses on?