Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Soft or hard (rigid gas permeable) lenses?

I have been wearing soft daily contacts for the past 1 year. I wear them 6 days a week and to be honest i hate it. At first it was fun wearing contacts and i felt safe but now i feel very unsafe because my degrees went up from 550 to 700 in just a year… Could it be because of the lenses? Did it change the shape of my eye?

Should i consider hard lenses? My optician said they are better in the sense that they will fit my eyes better. (the soft lenses i wear feel uncomfortable when i am focusing on nearer objects like eg computer and homework). What are the pros and cons of soft and hard lenses? Also, i heard hard lenses can drop out of your eyes in the middle of the day. Is this true?

Read more: Soft or hard (rigid gas permeable) lenses?