Saturday, December 20, 2014

Contact lenses sterilizing help, to make contact lenses last longer?

Hi, I bought some monthly grey contact lenses like last week or something and out of curiosity to see what they would look like on me, I opened the packet and tried them on. Now because I wear glasses full time and contacts on the weekends or whatever, I was wondering if using saline solution (which is the solution the contact lenses come in, rather than contact lense solution you would clean your lenses with every time you used them) would make them last longer because with monthly contacts, you're suppost to throw them out 30 days after you open them from the packet. Seeing as I haven't been going out too much lately, I don't wanna let these contacts go to waste. If this doesn't work, is there any other way I can make my lenses last longer or keep them clean for longer? Thanks if you do leave me an answer, I really appreciate it. :]

Read more: Contact lenses sterilizing help, to make contact lenses last longer?