Thursday, October 16, 2014

Acuvue Advance W Hydraclear vs Air Optix Aqua?

I´m currently wearing Acuvue Advance w Hydraclear, but I´m gonna run out of the soon, so I´ve heard a lot of pros that the Air Optix Aqua have over other contacts, but I dunno, are they really worth it (cuz they´re more expensive). And what´s the difference between the regular Air Optix (former O2 Optix) and the Air Optix Aqua? Acuvua Advance are great but after many hours of wearing them my eyes are kinda red. Please if u´re a contact lenses wearer, answer this.
Added (1). The answers have been very informative so far, but I would like to hear more opinions, Mazikaiser recommended the Clear Care Solution, I´m using currently the Cibavision´s Solocare Aqua MultiPurpose Solution? Which one is better?

Read more: Acuvue Advance W Hydraclear vs Air Optix Aqua?