Monday, August 25, 2014

Inflammation around iris after contact use?

about a month ago, my eye was inflamed, I went to eye doctor, she told me it appears my right eye isn't getting enough oxygen even tho I buy the air optix brand for about 2yrs that's suppose to be a thinner contact. She prescribed be a anti inflammatory drop antibiotic which told me to use for a week and leave contacts out. After one day of use it cleared up the next day but I still continued drops.Goin back for the follow up appointment she said I can start use of contacts again but take out every night unlike before. So for the past month and I litterally only wear my contacts 8hrs a day (just for work) and as soon as I get home I take them out. And on the weekends I don't even wear them. All was fine. Last night at work my eye started feeling dry/itchy/then watery again. I got home, took them out, my eye did appear inflamed. Upon waking up I see the redness is back around my iris again, definitely inflamed. I'm callin in the morning to make another appointment. Also I noticed my (generic walmart brand eye solution) expired November of last year, which I know isn't good but if it was its fault, wouldn't that affect both eyes? Anyway I'm goin to ask her to recommend a new solution and possibly a new better contact (if there is one?). I'm just so nervous they are goin to say I can't wear contacts anymore or Somthing. Anyone ever hear of this? I'm a hypochondriac to boot, I don't want it to be eye herpes or Somthing.I'm hopin she woulda be able to see that

Read more: Inflammation around iris after contact use?