Monday, March 17, 2014

Why is one of my contact lenses doing this?

I had my contacts since Thursday. I have them because I'm nearsighted. When I went to the eye doctor to get them, they had me put them in and take them out a few times before taking them home. Even though it took me a while to do so, I did it. I had no problems with the contacts the last few days (no pain) other than the fact that it takes me a while to actually get them in. But today, I was putting my contacts in. My right one felt fine like it normally does and I could see with it, but when I put in my left contact, it hurt. So I took it out and put it back in, and when it was in my eye, it looked like it was wrinkled up in a way. Like it wasn't flat against my eye. My vision was fine, but It hurt to have it in. I tried a few more times but it did the same thing. Even when I cleaned it with more solution, it still did it. I know they weren't dried out, because they sat completely in the solution overnight. I don't know if I put my contacts in the opposite eyes, I don't think I did. So why was it like this? They aren't in my eyes now, I took them out and I'm using my glasses.

Read more: Why is one of my contact lenses doing this?