Thursday, April 13, 2017

Is there anywhere I can sell unused contact lenses?

My eyes are getting worse and I've got some unused lenses that are not strong enough for me now, they cost me a lot of money, what can I do with them? Is there anywhere I can sell them or return them to an optician or optician shop? What do you normally do with unused lenses?
I bought them in boxes of 4 and 6. I used half of the boxes of 4 and 1 of the box of 6. Which means I only have the lenses one by one, not a complete box which I could return to the optician.

They all are Bausch&Lomb:

Optima FW, base curve 8.7:
2 of them are -2.50, 2 of them are - 3.00.

Pure Vision:
5 of them, base curve 8.6, -3.50.

Read more: Is there anywhere I can sell unused contact lenses?