Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I might have dyslexia so am I autistic?


I am from Tunisia originally and I embarked in United States in 2007 for a PhD program.
I felt since my early childhood that I had hard time with reading and my spelling was poor in Arabic and French. I had hard time learning English. As far as I remember when I was in school my reading was very slow and I never wanted assignments that involved memorization. I was always slower than most other people when it came to learning. However, I was great with technology, mechanics, electronics I developed special interest in science. I was extremely in love with science and complex topics of science. I was great with pure mathematics and physics. I can if given longer time build a ship, a plane entirely which would include all sort of disciplines, control systems, aerodynamics, structural design and analysis, complex numerical methods and algorithms to optimize the design.
Back to the problem though, I also remember that I was never good with soccer as it involves making quick passes and seeing all of the team players and your opponents and make quick movements and dribbling. So I am narrowing this to possibly a vision problem. In only when I was 22 I seriously started feeling I have myopia and obtained my first glasses. Later in life Now I am 34 years old my eye sight stabilized to -1 on both eyes. On the other hand even with glasses and the best an optomerty doctor could do to prescribe the right lenses, my right eye is still weaker than my left one. My left eye is sharper
Added (1). I had to work much harder to get to the level I am in languages. Now my French and English are better than they used to be. But I am however still a slow reader. I am not sure if it is a coordination problem or vision problem because both eyes are not equal in sharpness. Now I felt if I close one eye and read with a single eye this might have the possibility of improving my reading speed. It seems as if my glassing at words and capturing the word is slow. I can tell others read at ease faster.
Added (2). I meant to say glancing instead of glassing. That's an example of how perhaps my vision and typing coordination can deceive me sometimes and type something when I want to type something else. This problem obviously exacerbates when I am out of energy by less sleep and/or tiredness and/or lack of nutrition.

Read more: I might have dyslexia so am I autistic?