Monday, November 9, 2015

Is this normal when wearing glasses for the first time?

Ok so I had an appointment a few months ago to see my family eye doctor after suddenly realizing that the last time i went to the eye doctor was when i was 12. Which was about 10 years ago. My eyes are ok, he just told me that I have a slight astigmatism, and im a little bit near sighted or far sighted (i get both of those confused), I tested 0.3-0.4 for that.

I took me a while to get used to them but I do notice a difference when im in front of the computer screen or watching tv, (i picked the lenses that would help me with this). Umm what im confused about though is how my glasses supposedly give me 20/20 vision (again) but the only difference between when im wearing them and when im not is that sometimes words appear to not be as sharp focused when im wearing my glasses but i can still read them. Plus I feel like my glasses give me too sharp of a focus, like I can stare at the ground and see every individual blade of grass, it's crazy, it's like im on a trip or something haha. During the vision test I could swear I was picking the less blurry letters they showed me, but they told me i wasn't.hmm…

All the times before I had glasses, I never paid much attention to my vision, but I do not even remember my vision being THAT sharp or crystal clear before. It's just strange is all. Maybe it is because I have gone so long without glasses?

Read more: Is this normal when wearing glasses for the first time?