Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Afraid I might need glasses?

I can't read out of my left eye because it's blurry, and I close it when the sun is in my eyes, so I look like this o_- It drives me crazy! My english teacher has us do these weird read-a-louds and we have to be doing an action while reading, and most often it's closing your dominant eye, when I'm picked it's really embarressing to not being able to read, it makes me look stupid. I'm also having trouble seeing the board in classes that I sit at the front of the room. I have to ask people around me to say what it says. I'm considering getting contacts but then again… I usually wake up 10 minutes before I leave for school, that gives me enough time to brush my teeth, hair, and change my clothes. Then I have to get on my bike and get to school. And I'm kinda noncommital… I'd wear my lenses/glasses for the first few weekes but then I'd stop wearing them. My little sister has glasses and she never takes them off! She even sleep in them! Because when she takes them off, she can't find them.

Read more: Afraid I might need glasses?