Monday, October 27, 2014

I'm confused about my eyeglasses prescription. Help?

My Rx is (what I can read):

for right eye: -4.25 spl (or some kind of doctor's chicken-scratch writing that looks like that)
for left eye: -6.25 -0.50 x 180

What does this mean? I got glasses 5 days ago and was having some issues that seem people with "progressive lenses" have. Do I have progression lenses?

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb, but I honestly want to know what my prescription means.
What is that "spl" (?) at the end of the right eye, and what does the -.50 x 180 mean after the left?

I don't even know if I have progression lenses. Any thoughts?

Read more: I'm confused about my eyeglasses prescription. Help?