Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Having problem with my circle lens i dont know whats wrong?

FIRST if you are gonna come here to tell me stop wearing them just cause you think contacts are bad in general please dont even bother! I just want my question answered
So I have worn circle lens several times and I always got them in easily and felt comfortable. I know how to clean them properly and occasionally change their solution water.
As of right now I have two pairs of circle lens and the first pair I've had I always worn well with no problem. But the last time I tried to put them on for some reason it gave me a HORRIBLE stinging burn that I just took them off immediately to rinse out my eye. I ended up getting red eye on my right one and the vision blurred a little bit. But my eye went back to normal by the third day. I did manage to put on the circle lens in the end and as always theyfelt comfortable but it left my right eye red for a while
So now i just received some new pairs of circle lens and I disinfected them thoroughly and added new solution to their case. But when i was finally gonna try them out the same thing happened again. I completely failed to get them on cause it gave me the same horrible burn. This time it turned my left eye red. As of today my eye is going back to normal again. So my eye is doing fine. The circle lens are comfortable when i get them on but i cant help bit feel its probably the solution maybe. I read that its not always good to keep on using the same brand for a long time and i use CLEAR CARE solution. What could I be doing wrong?

Read more: Having problem with my circle lens i dont know whats wrong?