Wednesday, January 10, 2018

When will my eyesight stabilise? (If at all). Laser eye surgery with astigmatism?

I'm 22 (23 later this year), and have been wearing glasses since I was around 7 years old.
My left eye is around -4.50 and my right eye is -2.50. Every year I go to the opticians, my eyes seem to deteriorate and I usually need a new prescription.

I have just got some disposable contact lenses, too, and my right contact lens is a slightly weaker prescription than my current one because of the astigmatism in that eye, and there not being any disposable contact lenses to that power atm.

I'm wondering if it IS true that your eyesight stabilises in your mid 20s? Ideally, I want my eyes to deteriorate as little as possible, as the more they deteriorate, the more I will be unable to wear my contact lenses.

Also, I hear it's possible to get laser eye surgery with astigmatism, but also that astigmatism seems to get worse with age - so how would that be possible?

Thanks for any explanations!
Added (1). Also, just for reference, I'm short sighted.
Added (2). My contact lenses are already Toric. The details are:
L: SPH: -4.50, CYL: -1.25, AX: 170
R: SPH: -2.75. CYL: -2.25, AX: 180

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