Monday, February 29, 2016

Can I wear a contact lens over the maximum wear schedule if I do not wear contacts every day?

This is part two of last question about a few things I forgot to mention. For all those who have not read my question, you may go right to it. Anyways, I have concluded that I might be able to still wear my recently changed left lens for 29 days after the maximum wear schedule because I do not contacts for that long. I work out every day for around 10-15 minutes. As a result, I do not think it is going to cause any harm because I do not wear contacts for several hours. The contacts I wear are Proclear Toric XR. I am really sure if they are safe to wear for 29 days after the date that they have to be changed. Again, I do not want to change the lens after the maximum wear schedule because I do not want to disrupt the cycle of changing lenses as it will make the amount of left and right lenses unequal. Is it safe for me to wear my recently changed left lens for 29 days after the maximum wear schedule?

Read more: Can I wear a contact lens over the maximum wear schedule if I do not wear contacts every day?