Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hydrogen peroxide in my eye. Should I go to the doctor?

I thought it was contact solution, the bottle never said I couldn't use it in a regular contacts case. It turned out to be lens cleaner. So I put in my contact, and it STUNG. I didn't even get it completely in, it just got in my eye but not fully onto it. I got it out before it slid over my pupil. The second I touched my eye with it it started burning. I waited for the burning to cool off and put a new pair of contacts in, then about 30 minutes to an hour later my eye was super red so I googled it and rinsed my eye like it said to. My eye was itchy for a while after that, but it stopped burning.

I wore my glasses for the rest of the day and the one after that, and most of the red has gone down. It's only in the bottom left side of my left eye now. When you pull down my bottom eyelid, it looks Really red down there. I wore my contacts to school today and took them out when I got home. My eye doesn't burn or itch anymore, it just feels uncomfortable. I guess it's on the stinging side still, but it's very veeeeery mild. Occasionally it'll sting for a like a second and go away.

I don't know whether I should go to the doctor or not. My mom just lost her job and we're really tight on money- I don't want to make her spend it on me. And then they'd probably tell me to stop wearing my contacts and just wear my glasses, but I didn't update my glasses to my prescription like I did my contacts so my glasses are still pretty blurry. My mom would have to pay for new glasses, too.

Read more: Hydrogen peroxide in my eye. Should I go to the doctor?