Thursday, December 11, 2014

Smoking for the first time - help?!

Hey guys,
I'm a responsible teen girl and plan to smoke marijuana in the next few weeks. I know I shouldn't do it if I'm nervous, but I think the time is right and I will be around close friends.

1. I'm not that articulate as it is and am petrified that the joint will literally render me unable to talk - how realistic is it that it will have some effect like that? I don't mind a bit slurred, because the others will be drunk anyway, but is there a risk that I won't be able to speak?

2. I wear contact lenses - do you think my eyes will get really irritated and water a lot?

3. I have only smoked e shisha (vaping) and that doesnt make me cough when I lung inhale. I know weed is actual smoke, so will I most likely cough my lungs out initially? Will I look like a total idiot in front of the practised smokers or does everyone cough a bit?

4. If I secretly only mouth inhale one joint, what will the high be like? I have never got completely drunk, because I hate loss of control, so don't compare it to that. Is it possible that I'll say ridiculous stuff and laugh uncontrollably? How out of control do you feel? Will I be together enough to realise the concept of not losing my phone etc. Or will I just act the total idiot and fall over etc?

5. I will have to face my parents about three hours later. When they smell it, I'll just say some girl was smoking a regular cigarette near me. Will I still be high as a kite?
Thanks so much. Sorry to be such a total noob, but I'm worried.

Read more: Smoking for the first time - help?!