Friday, May 6, 2016

I eligible for SSI if I become blind due to cataracts?

i won't get the surgery because insurance will only cover the cheapest. If I get that procedure I won't be able to get the bionic lens later when it does become available in the us.
So if I am declared blind, can I get disability or ssi even tho it can be surgically corrected?
Added (1). I am not "giving up on my vision" just for a check. I'm trying to plan. I want the bionic lens surgery when it becomes available, as it will correct my vision so I never need glasses again. If I get the cheap surgery that only "fixes" the cataracts, I'll still be stuck with glasses, may end up with cataracts again, and won't be a candidate for the bionic lens. So if I end up blind before the bionic lens is available, what am I supposed to do?
Added (2). I can get off ssi after I get the bionic lens
Added (3). I am not "refusing treatment". I am refusing inadequate treatment. Why should I settle for a cheap option, that won't prevent cataracts from returning, when there is a far BETTER option out there?
Added (4). I am a tax payer too. I also work and pay into the system. Insurance will cover the bionic lens. It will be comparable in price to the current cataract surgery. The bionic lens tho can't for cataracts, so it means not having to go thru surgery again, and its like 10 mins per eye instead of an hour. Why do I haveto settle for inadequate care when spmething far more efficient is around the corner?o

Read more: I eligible for SSI if I become blind due to cataracts?