Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What type of glasses should I get?

So tomorrow I'm getting new glasses and I don't know what frames to get and what color to get. I asked my mom and she kept saying "because of your skin tone, the shape of your face, your flat nose," and she kept saying stuff about my face and she said that it matters on what I look like. So here's a description of my face(?)

I have tan skin. Just google "indonesian people" and look at images. That's my skin (and my race ;D)
I have round eyes and a round face. I have fairly large eyes. And an oval like face.
Lastly, I have a "baby" nose. I just call it a flat nose so yea.

I don't really like my current frames and I want really good ones for the upcoming school year. Thanks!

Read more: What type of glasses should I get?