Friday, March 6, 2015

Contacts made my left eye red and heavy feeling?

This was my first time wearing contact lenses. This morning it was fine and at school I didn't really feel anything except itching from my eyelashes. (My eyelashes are unnecessarily long and they irritate my eyes often). Then when I got home it was bothering me so I took them out, cleaned them, put them in solution and then back on and it felt fine. But then after a while it stated really bad making my left I feel heavy and hard to blink. It is also red along the bottom of my eye. I have astigmatism and the contacts I was wearing, my left eye was slightly the wrong prescription because they needed those shipped first but the doctor said it was fine and that I wouldn't even notice. Could that be what is irritating my left eye? It was more comfortable with more solution so do you think my eyes are dry? Is there a way I can fix this? I really want to continue wearing them because I feel a million times more confident in them. Please please please help. Thank you.

Read more: Contacts made my left eye red and heavy feeling?