Saturday, November 24, 2018

I worn contact lenses that have been sitting there for probably over 1 year and the solution expired about 7 months ago?

I worn them and they felt fine, nothing out the ordinary, felt annoying but i had that when i used to wear them months ago anyway, i had them in my eyes for about 10 minutes maybe 15 minutes at most and then i took them out and i realised the solution has expired and so has the lenses, then i googled it and it says i could get an eye infection and solution is bad to use after expiry date cause it turns more alkaline or something, so I'm wondering if i worn them long enough to get an eye infection and how long would it take to start to get symptoms of an eye infection, they looked and felt fine when wearing though, no burning no nothing my eyes at the moment feel ever so slightly warm but i think i had that anyway when i used to wear them ages ago after taking them out, and now I'm just panicking that'll i will go blind, any answers would be good rn:/

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