Wednesday, May 10, 2017

I'm desperate to lose weight and be confident in my body before I go to university?

So I'm an 18 year old guy and a little on the chubby side and always have been. I'm 5 foot 9 and around 185 pounds and I want to be around 150 pounds. I would go to gyms but I'm too self conscious to go so that's out of the question. For exercise I normally just walk to school and that's about it which is about 25 minutes there and 25 minutes back and that's about it which is more than some people but still not great. For meals I never eat breakfast or lunch and I haven't since I was about 10 years old and it's not an option to start since my parents don't buy enough food for that. When it comes to meals I can honestly say I only ever have 2 different meals. I have microwave curry with fries or takeaways. My mum normally gets 2 takeaways a week where I have like 4 slices of pizza and some chips. As I eat just in the evening I get really hungry so I tend to eat like 3 slices of bread with every meal which is around 300 calories alone. I have an addiction to soda and can honestly drink around two litres a day which equates to around 800 calories if I cut out just soda and bread alone I'd be removing 1200 calories from my diet a day. I rarely snack but my plans are to not snack at all no sweets or chocolate remove bread from my diet no soda and have dilute sugar free juice instead since I don't like water and to eat dinner at around 5pm instead of at like 10pm. Is there anything else I can do. Would sit ups and things like that help. Can someone give me tips

Read more: I'm desperate to lose weight and be confident in my body before I go to university?