Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Acuvue oasys.blurry contact?

I just recently started wearing Acuvue Oasys contacts because of lack of oxygen to my eyes. They have been working really well. But i work at an office where i'm constantly looking at a computer screen, so for the past 2 days i wore my glasses. I just went to put my contacts in and realized that somehow there was no more solution in my case on the right side… Not really sure why since I just added more solution yesterday morning, but either way there was no more in it.

so i put more solution in and went to put the right contact in and it's all blurry. The left side is fine. I'm assuming it's because it was sitting without solution for a bit, but my old contacts would be fine as soon as i stuck them in solution. I don't know if the oasys is just doing that because there's suppose to be more moisture?

i stuck it back in the solution and i'm gonna let it sit for a while, but i just want to make sure this is normal, or if something is screwed up now. This is only a trial pair, so it's the only pair i have.

Read more: Acuvue oasys.blurry contact?