Monday, February 20, 2017

I have several eye problems, what are my options for vision correction?

Hi all,

Unfortunately, I was born with horrible vision and it's slowly getting worse. At 22 years old, astigmatism, a thin cornea and a torn retina make my prescription equal to HM for "hand-movements". I spoke to my optometrist the other day about LASIK and she said that because my cornea was already thin that I might not even be eligible for the operation. She told me she'd check it out, though, which leaves me some hope.

This is the thing: My vision is terrible and as a result my prescription eye glasses average out to be about $1, 000. They're expensive, and if I have to get a new pair of $1, 000 glasses every 2 years or so, I might as well front the cost of corrective surgery. Additionally, having thick glasses is kind of embarrassing and, even if surgery can't completely correct my vision, improved eye sight would open up my options to different styles of glasses as well as minimize the embarrassment of thick lenses.

I've tried contacts, but because of my level of eyesight, I can only wear the hard lenses which are extremely uncomfortable. Judging by this information, of additional info if you need it, am I able to get ANY type of vision correction other than glasses/contacts or am I just SOL? I don't really know too much about how the other operations work so if you wouldn't mind explaining I'd really appreciate it.

Either way, I appreciate any help you can offer.


Read more: I have several eye problems, what are my options for vision correction?