Monday, August 8, 2016

Why do I sometimes feel ugly? How can I get over this feeling?

I am in my mid twenties, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, size 4. I have always been told by numerous people that I am very beautiful. I often get asked out by men, or told how good I look. Most of the time, I think I am beautiful too. However, there are days like today where I just feel disgusting. I pick at the way my hair looks, I feel like none of my clothes look good on me… I just feel gross. Why does this happen to people? It's like the lens I'm seeing myself through is foggy or something. I have good self esteem and love myself. I just don't want to obsess over how I look. What can I do? Does anyone else have days like this?

Read more: Why do I sometimes feel ugly? How can I get over this feeling?