Saturday, June 18, 2016

Can you wear contact lenses while welding?

I got contact lenses and I am in high school. I have welding class in school and I have heard that you should not weld with contact lenses. I have heard myths of them getting "welded" to your eyes as a result of the heat during welding but I have never tried it so I don't know. I always have my helmet on and also safety glasses while welding but sometimes my welding partners like to joke around and flash me with the welding rod which I find dangerous and stupid of them. I heard that it would be even more dangerous with contact lenses but I don't really know why.

Also, it is not my last class of the day so I could not take them out and then put them back in since that would be a very big hassle for me. I would rather just not wear contacts if that would be my only choice.

Thanks in advance. Thanks You. :)

Read more: Can you wear contact lenses while welding?