Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Why does my left contact lens feel weird!

I have been wearing contact lenses for 2 months, and it's been pretty good so far. Except in the past week, my left one feels weird, (though this hasn't happened the first time, just more often now) and I have to take it off a few times and put in solution before I put it back on again. I change my contacts every 2 weeks, and last week I hit the 2 week mark. When I put in the new left contact, it felt fine until since Thursday. It feels weird in my eye. Do you suggest disposing it and me putting a new contact? Also, do you suggest that I get eyedrops? I have extremely dry eyes, and that's actually the reason why my optometrist wouldn't let me wear contacts for years… She always suggested eyedrops and tear supplements.So… Any help?

Read more: Why does my left contact lens feel weird!