Saturday, September 14, 2013

Monovision contacts: How long does it take to adjust?

I have excellent distance vision and just need some help seeing close up (for reading, computer, etc.for presbyopia) I am on my third combination of lenses in about a week and a half.My current contact lens is a near-correction lens in my non-dominant eye and nothing for distance. I've worn it for about 4 days and it's very difficult adjusting to it. I've read different reports where people either love the contacts instantly or that it took them two weeks---but if you've tried this, how long did it take for you to adjust?

I've also tried multivision lenses in both eyes and a distance and near lens in each eye. If this doesn't work I'm going to try a single bifocal lens.

I don't want to wear reading glasses. I have a pair of progressive lenses that are scratched and I either have to get them fixed or wear contacts. I want the convenience of contacts but if they do not work I'll go back to progressive lenses.It took me 4 weeks to get used to my progressives.
Added (1). … but once I got used to my progressives, I loved them (except that glasses get scratched… and you have to have them on :-). thanks

См. статью: Monovision contacts: How long does it take to adjust?