Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I want to look like British woman, am I insane?

I consider British women and other caucasian women attractive (creamy,white skin/pinkish skin/accent/height/hair color/pointed nose, big boobs, culture)

I'm an Asian (not too brown skin, small nose, petite, black hair) trying to look British girl or any other Caucasian (Americans, Aussies,etc.)
-I dyed my hair. (light brown, blonde, etc.)
-I take whitening capsules.
-I go to skin whitening center, to bleach my skin.
-I apply Bleaching cream and use bleaching soap.
-I imitate British/American accent.
-I use colored contact lenses.

Is this normal to an Asian girl like me?
Added (1). I want to look like British woman, am I insane? (I envious them.)

Read more: I want to look like British woman, am I insane?