Saturday, September 12, 2015
Are Air Optix Aqua contact lenses good to wear all day?
I'm 15 years old and I need to wear them at school from 7am till 9pm.
Read more: Are Air Optix Aqua contact lenses good to wear all day?
Why do we have to dry our hands before handling contact lens?
I don't understand why we should dry our hands before putting contact lens on. I wash my hands really well with soap and water. Then I just use the contact solution and squeeze a few drops on my fingers before I touch my contacts. Supposedly pathogens/bacteria thrive in water. But if I dry my hands, where do the germs go? They got onto my towel? They evaporated because of the dryness? They simply disappear? They are dead when there is no water? I'm sure that my dry towel could have a lot of germs on it too right?
Read more: Why do we have to dry our hands before handling contact lens?
My glasses has one yellow lens and one that is not - is that normal?
I realize it s probably a strange thing to ask, but it has been bothering me for a while. Basically, the left lens on my glasses has a slight yellow tint to it but the right one does not. Is this normal or perhpas even intentional? If not, does it affect my eyes in any way? I should say that I did have one of the lens replaced a few days after I first got my glasses (because of a scratch), but it wasn t until months later that I realized this oddity. I don t remember which lens I got replaced either or if that one was yellow or not. I just basically want to know if it's something I should worry about.
Read more: My glasses has one yellow lens and one that is not - is that normal?
Friday, September 11, 2015
Does anyone have any 1800Anylens coupon code?
I want to buy some contact lenses from 1800Anylens and was wondering if anybody had any promo/discount coupon codes. Anything would be helpful, free-shipping, 10 off, I dont care.
Read more: Does anyone have any 1800Anylens coupon code?
Do I sound humble or prideful?
I'm a 23 year old Ghanaian female and I am a good girl because I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any STDs. I graduated High School and obtained a Diploma. I have never been in a relationship or marriage before in my entire life. I have never been arrested before. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have any tattoos on my body. I don't wear nose rings or tongue rings. I don't wear fake nails or nail polish. I don't wear contact lenses. I don't go to parties or clubs. I don't bump and grind on guys. I don't twerk and I don't swing on poles. I don't wear thongs. I don't strip or give guys lap dances. I don't call guys on the phone to have phone sex. I'm not a gold digger. I don't makeout with guys in public. I don't rough play with guys. I don't wear high heel shoes and revealing clothes with an intention of getting guys to check me out. I like to cover myself because I respect myself. I don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. I like to follow my own lead and stand out of my peers. I don't hang around bad friends. I am not pressured by my peers because I know right from wrong and I won't allow them. I remained true to myself. I am unpopular and I like myself just the way I am. I will never change myself for anyone. What is so cool about being popular? Popular people aren't any better than me and you. They are human beings just like me and you. I'm not materialistic and I wear what I can afford. I am content with what I have.
Read more: Do I sound humble or prideful?
Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? - 1
I'm 19 and all my friends wear either contact lenses or glasses, I'm the only one who doesn't. Neither me or my brother (who is 17) need them as we still have very good eyesight. My dad (who I take after) didn't need glasses until he was 25. Everyone else seems to need them so much earlier so we must be quite lucky.
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? How old were you when you had to start wearing them?
Read more: Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? - 1
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? How old were you when you had to start wearing them?
Read more: Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? - 1
Why are my eyes always red?
My eyes are always really red and sometimes my vision is blurry. This has been happening for months. It gets a little better when I wear my glasses or at least my eyes don't hurt. It gets worse when I wear contacts. I work as a software developer so I'm looking at a monitor at least 8 hours a day. I do however take small 2-3 minute breaks about every 1.5 hours to go to the bathroom or go refill my water bottle. I am near-sighted. I have the night and day contacts but only wear them for maybe 5 hours during the day. I started using the opti free pure moist solution the doctor recommended last time I went in for my exam a couple months ago but that hasn't helped at all. I have also tried TheraTears Contact Lens solution and it just made my eyes burn. At that exam he also upped my prescription in my left eye from -8.00 to -8.50 (my right eye is still at -8.00). My glasses are also a weaker prescription than my contacts so perhaps that is why my eyes don't hurt as bad when I wear my glasses. My eyes aren't red from being tired because I get about 8 hours of sleep every night. I do however have seasonal allergies which I take Zyrtec for but they are only to pollen. I would appreciate any help or suggestions anyone has from similar past experiences. Thanks in advance!
Read more: Why are my eyes always red?
Read more: Why are my eyes always red?
What is your basic information? - 1
Name: Queenstar Betty Amoah
Birthday: April 18th, 1992
Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Tema, Ghana
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 191 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Blood Type: O+
Education Level: High School Graduate
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink? No
Do you do drugs? No
Do you have any STDs? No
Do you have any tattoos? No
Do you wear nose rings? No
Do you wear tongue rings? No
Do you wear contact lenses? No
Do you own a car? No
Do you know how to drive? No
Are you employed? No
Do you own any pets? No
Have you ever been arrested before?
Do you have a criminal record? No
Have you ever been in a relationship before? No
Have you ever been married before?
Read more: What is your basic information? - 1
I have astigmatism, do i have to wear my glasses all the time?
I have a medical question I'm 20 years old and recently i was diagnosed with astigmatism in my both eyes
Right eye: cyl 0.75, axis 175
Left eye: cyl 1, axis 175
And i was prescribed astigmatism glassea so my question is, is it possible to have 6\6 visual acuity and astigmatism at the same time? And do i have to wear my glasses all the time? And does astigmatism gets worse by age? Noting that i read books alot and use my cellphone and computer alot as well.
I'd really appreciate if you can answer any of my questions.
Read more: I have astigmatism, do i have to wear my glasses all the time?
Thursday, September 10, 2015
How to get into the habit of sleeping with my glasses off in the dark?
I am not ashamed to say this or ask this quesrion… I am a teenager and sleep with a butterfly nightlight on and i sleep in the dark. But i sleep with my glasses on because i find it comfortable and i always think that SOMEHOW someone will break in and in an emergency situation i wouldnt be able to see them.So i dont sleep with my glasses off.Sometimes when i am getting ready at my grandmas and i wear contacts, I will forget my glasses. What do i do?
Added (1). P.S. I dont sleep with the contacts in.
P.P.S. I HAVE a night stand but my Xboxes are on it and i have nowhere else to put them.
P.P.P.S. I dont break my glasses by sleeping in them because they are built a certain way and i have a certain type of lenses
Read more: How to get into the habit of sleeping with my glasses off in the dark?
Can I get contacts even though I only use my glasses when I need to?
I only wear my glasses to read or when I cant see something far away. I was just wondering if it would be ok to get contact lenses even if I don t wear glasses all the time?
Read more: Can I get contacts even though I only use my glasses when I need to?
Understanding my prescription?
I had an eye test today, but didn t have much time to ask about the details; could somebody elaborate based on the picture below? I was told that I am not long or short sighted, but that I have astigmatism… What exactly does this mean?

Also, the optician recommended I wear glasses for a few months before lenses, however I really would like lenses, as I want to wear these mostly, and also need them for sport etc. Is this a bad idea?
Added (1). If link broken:
Read more: Understanding my prescription?
Also, the optician recommended I wear glasses for a few months before lenses, however I really would like lenses, as I want to wear these mostly, and also need them for sport etc. Is this a bad idea?
Added (1). If link broken:
Read more: Understanding my prescription?
What are the most realistic coloured contacts you can get in Canada?
I have freshlooks and airoptix but they look so fake. What are the most realistic lenses you can buy here? Solotica looks so nice but is not available here.
Read more: What are the most realistic coloured contacts you can get in Canada?
Which soft contacts are best for dry eyes and a dry environment?
Which soft contacts are best for dry eyes and a dry environment?
Added (1). I'm a -6.00, 8.7 BC, DIA 14.0.
I have heard of the Air Optix and other brands that supposedly last a lot longer and you can wear for a month or so at a time. I will be taking mine out on a daily basis because I know of the complications that can result from wearing them that long. I'm just looking for something better than my AcuVues.
Read more: Which soft contacts are best for dry eyes and a dry environment?
Will the curvature of my contact lenses cause any discomfort or damage for my eyes?
I have just had my eye exam recently and I have a new trial of lenses with the same prescription, but different curvature. Yesterday, I accidentally tore my left lens for some reason. I want to continue wearing the lenses I have from last year of the same prescription just to use them up. However, since they have the same prescription with different curvature, I am not sure if it is safe to wear them to replace my torn lens. Is it safe to wear them with different curvature? Will anything happen?
Read more: Will the curvature of my contact lenses cause any discomfort or damage for my eyes?
Are contact lenses with Dk/t 26 good to wear all day?
Are contact lenses with Dk/t 26 good to wear all day?
Read more: Are contact lenses with Dk/t 26 good to wear all day?
What happens if you get into a fight at school and you wear contact lenses?
Will fighting with another person gonna be safe if you wear contact lenses? I know that you could block the hits from the opponent that will help a lot but what if you just don't block the hits and get full hits will the contact lens fall off from your eye or will it remain on the eye?
Read more: What happens if you get into a fight at school and you wear contact lenses?
For dry eyes which type contact lenses are better?
Soft Contact lenses or Rigid Gas Permeable lenses?
Read more: For dry eyes which type contact lenses are better?
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
If I behave like a good girl will Jesus be proud of me and let me go to heaven?
I'm a 23 year old Ghanaian female and I am a good girl because I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any STD's. I graduated High School and obtained a Diploma. I have never been in a relationship or marriage before in my entire life. I have never been arrested before. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have any tattoos on my body. I don't wear nose rings or tongue rings. I don't wear fake nails or nail polish. I don't wear contact lenses. I don't go to parties or clubs. I don't bump and grind on guys. I don't twerk and I don't swing on poles. I don't wear thongs. I don't strip or give guys lap dances. I don't call guys on the phone to have phone sex. I'm not a gold digger. I don't makeout with guys in public. I don't rough play with guys. I don't wear high heel shoes and revealing clothes with an intention of getting guys to check me out. I like to cover myself because I respect myself. I don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. I like to follow my own lead and stand out of my peers. I don't hang around bad friends. I am not pressured by my peers because I know right from wrong and I won't allow them. I remained true to myself. I am unpopular and I like myself just the way I am. I will never change myself for anyone. What is so cool about being popular? Popular people aren't any better than me and you. They are human beings just like me and you. I'm not materialistic and I wear what my parents can afford. I am content with what I have.
Read more: If I behave like a good girl will Jesus be proud of me and let me go to heaven?
What are the best contact lenses for a dry environment and dry eyes?
I'm using AcuVue Advance Plus right now. In the past, an eye doctor told me that the AcuVue Oasis were the best at staying moist for a longer time throughout the day. However, they became quite uncomfortable in general and another eye doctor (same place) told me that he has had a lot of complaints about Oasis drying out. He switched me to the Advance Plus.
Is there anything better than this? I have taken a new job in printing. Machines run all day long, output a lot of heat and the air is dry in general.
Read more: What are the best contact lenses for a dry environment and dry eyes?
What are the measurements that are taken after an eye exam?
You hold up this binocular-like device, look at the green dot at the bottom and I presume that they are measuring the distance from iris to iris. However, she didn't tell me to look at the green dot at the bottom until after she had already made some measurements. You can also see their eye(s) at the top through a lens.
I was wondering because at my previous eye appointment at the same doctor, I got an eye exam and came in with my old glasses. They were about 6 years old because I mostly wear contacts. They gave me -6.75 glasses in each eye. When they came back, they were extremely blurry. When I returned, she told me that, "Maybe we were a little overzealous on your prescription." She was then going to make my glasses -6.00, which is what my old pair (that I can't see as well with) is. When I told her that I can't see as well as I used to out of them, she went to -6.25. Realistically, I felt like I was having to tell the eye doctor what my prescription should be and she seemed clueless. :-\
I think their measurements at the end after the exam (I didn't have a second exam) were also wrong, because the eye doctor told them to do my measurements again. So, I was wondering what this device does.
Read more: What are the measurements that are taken after an eye exam?
What kind of contact lens should I get if I'm only wearing a few hours a week?
I'm planning to wear contacts for only a few hours a week but felt like it would be a waste to get monthly ones for that. Can I extend my wear to 2 months since I only wear them a few hours a week?
Read more: What kind of contact lens should I get if I'm only wearing a few hours a week?
How difficult/hard is it to put in and take off daily disposable contact lenses?
I will soon be looking into getting contact lenses which I intend to where until I can get and get through my cataract surgery which I will probably schedule a month or two out from now. I have never worn contacts but my current eyeglass prescription is not correct for my eyes and is giving me headaches because of the diopter difference between by eyes. I plan to wear contacts until I get this over and done with. I am thinking of getting the daily disposable kind so i don't have to clean them all the time.
Read more: How difficult/hard is it to put in and take off daily disposable contact lenses?
Why do I see blurry with colored contact lenses?
I mean. Is it normal to see blurry from the sides? I just got them 2 days ago, so idk if that happens the first time and I just have to get used to them.
Read more: Why do I see blurry with colored contact lenses?
Read more: Why do I see blurry with colored contact lenses?
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Can daily contact lenses be worn for, say, up to 16 hours a day?
If not, why are they called dailies? I've seen people say they should only be worn for 8-12 hours… But… If you only sleep 8 hours a day. You need them on for 16 hours! So what gives? Can dailies be worn for 16 hours.a true day (when you are awake) ?
Read more: Can daily contact lenses be worn for, say, up to 16 hours a day?
Opti-free pro multipurpose disinfecting solution?
Does anyone know where they sell this specific brand? I swear I can't find it anywhere.
Read more: Opti-free pro multipurpose disinfecting solution?
How do ancient people with short-sighted live without glasses and contact lens?
How do ancient people with short-sighted live without glasses and contact lens?
Read more: How do ancient people with short-sighted live without glasses and contact lens?
Why do contact lenses have a blue tint on the edge?
I'm guessing so we can see it better in the contact solution?
Read more: Why do contact lenses have a blue tint on the edge?
Why are brown eyes so boring?
So, I have brown eyes, and they're so ugly! I seriously wish I had those rare bright blue eyes, but unfortunatly not… My whole family has those beautiful blue eyes, but my mum is Asian (and she has dark brown eyes) and my dad is Belgian… And I'm very unlucky, because my step-dad also has blue eyes, and my half sister has green eyes! I'm stuck with this dull colour. I've never been complimented on them either, the only things I've heard of them are negative things that they look like poop, dirt,… What do you think? Btw, I'm not allowed to do surgery or wear coloured contact lenses, I don't really like that either:/
Read more: Why are brown eyes so boring?
How come all circle lenses base curve are 8.6?
I'm a 8.3 base curve, and I really do want to buy circle lenses. I know my diameter and prescription, but I'm scared that since I'm a 8.3 BC, a 8.6 bc might harm my eye? Does anyone know if there sure sny 8.3 bc circle lenses out there, or if it's safe to wear a 8.6?
Read more: How come all circle lenses base curve are 8.6?
PRK eye surgery or Contact eye lenses side effects and age limits?
Does the PRK eye sugery have any side effects and is there a particular age that the sugery can t be taken before and is the contact lenses(not glasses) preferable or the sugery
Read more: PRK eye surgery or Contact eye lenses side effects and age limits?
Are you an angel or a demon?
I'm a 23 year old Ghanaian female and I am a good girl because I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any STDs. I graduated High School and obtained a Diploma. I have never been in a relationship or marriage before in my entire life. I have never been arrested before. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have any tattoos on my body. I don't wear nose rings or tongue rings. I don't wear fake nails or nail polish. I don't wear contact lenses. I don't go to parties or clubs. I don't bump and grind on guys. I don't twerk and I don't swing on poles. I don't wear thongs. I don't strip or give guys lap dances. I don't call guys on the phone to have phone sex. I'm not a gold digger. I don't makeout with guys in public. I don't rough play with guys. I don't wear high heel shoes and revealing clothes with an intention of getting guys to check me out. I like to cover myself because I respect myself. I don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. I like to follow my own lead and stand out of my peers. I don't hang around bad friends. I am not pressured by my peers because I know right from wrong and I won't allow them. I remained true to myself. I am unpopular and I like myself just the way I am. I will never change myself for anyone. What is so cool about being popular? Popular people aren't any better than me and you. They are human beings just like me and you. I'm not materialistic and I wear what my parents can afford. I am content with what I have.
Read more: Are you an angel or a demon?
Wore contacts overnight and it helped eyes?
I wore my contacts overnight for 2 nights, not in a row when I went camping, eyes felt so moisturized and awesome in the morning and I notices my never ending red eyes are a lot better. I wear regular biofinity lenses. Could these actually help my eyes in the long run?
Added (1). And I know I shouldn't wear them every night, maybe just every other?
Read more: Wore contacts overnight and it helped eyes?
Monday, September 7, 2015
How long can I wear pinky paradise circle lenses?
okay, so i was thinking of getting some circle lenses from this website.
i am familiar with taking care of contact lenses, but i dont understand how a pair of 20$ contact lenses can last a year?
"1 year disposal" it says.
does it really last for a year? Or do i throw them away after 2 weeks just like any other disposable contacts?
i dont understand how they can last for a year, and for so cheap?
Read more: How long can I wear pinky paradise circle lenses?
I accidentally opened a brand new contact lens, what to do?
So I opened two new contact lenses for my left eye, and I only need one to use. These lens are for two week terms and I'm afraid the one I open and am not using will expire. What should I do?
Read more: I accidentally opened a brand new contact lens, what to do?
I'm not allowed contact lenses?!
I'm almost 17 and have been wearing glasses for around 10 years. I'm sick of them I want soft contact lenses now.
But my mum doesn't want to buy me them, it's NOTHING to do with money she just doesn't want me to get them and tells me to shut up every time I ask about them and tells me 'she'll call the optician (eye doctor) in her own time'
I'm old enough but my mother is a controlling freak and acts as if she doesn't want me to mutter the words 'contact lenses' even though she wears them herself which is pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
What will I do? I know you'll say I'm old enough to do it myself but if you were in my shoes you'd understand that she would do anything to make sure I don't do it myself.
Read more: I'm not allowed contact lenses?!
I need glasses right now?!
Hi I need glasses before school and school is tomorrow! How do I ask my mom? I really need glasses cause I can barley see the board in school. I need an answer ASAP! Do you think I will get glasses by tomorrow?
Read more: I need glasses right now?!
Can i darken my sunglasses?
My friend got me a pair of sunglasses (it was a buy 1 get 1 free and she knew i was looking for new ones)
Im not a fan of the frame color but thats not as important as the size and shape and these happen to be just the right size and shape BUT the lenses have a gradual tint that starts medium-light and goes almost clear at the bottom.
My eyes are extremely sensitive to light i get mild sunburns from too much sun exposure these do have a UV treatment so they should be ok but to be safe id rather have them darker the less light that gets thru the better but i still need to be able to see for driving and stuff like that.
Id like to do this the cheapest way possible and at home if possible
Read more: Can i darken my sunglasses?
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Contact lenses make me see halos around lights at night?!
I see glares/halos around night lights at night when i wear my contacts. Is there there s something wrong with my eye or is it the lenses? What should I do? Im really scared, I hope it s not cataracts:/
Read more: Contact lenses make me see halos around lights at night?!
Should I visit an eye doctor? Severe eye pain when removal of contacts. Or any advice?
For the past few months whenever I take either of my contacts out I get severe pain, to the point I cannot open my eyes and they re watering and burn and sting worse than I ve ever experienced for roughly 10 minutes then it s fine. I ve had a scratched cornea before and it s nothing like this.
I m probably the worst contact lens wearer, I do sleep in them and go a month or so without taking then out or changing them (I know what can happen and I know the consequences)
I recently moved so I don t have a set eye doctor and already used up my free appointment through insurance for the year so I m wondering if it s worth the money to go or if anyone else has experienced this.
I ve had to wear contacts for 5 years now
Read more: Should I visit an eye doctor? Severe eye pain when removal of contacts. Or any advice?
How eye lens get short focal length when it is elongated by cilliary muscles?
When cilliary muscle elongates the eye lens, the focal length is increased since it gets long centre of curvature, but why it decreases in eye which causes short sightedness?
Read more: How eye lens get short focal length when it is elongated by cilliary muscles?
I slept in my contact lenses for 3 hours, do I need to throw them away?
I know sleeping in your contacts is bad, but last night I accidentally slept in them for three hours. When I woke I immediately went to wash my hands, fill the case with new solution, and take them out. My eyes looked the same as usual, but the only difference was they felt a bit dry for a while, but now they feel normal again too. When I went to take them out, they felt a bit tighter around my eye and when I moved them with my finger they just kinda stayed there instead of sliding back into place. I still made sure I followed all the correct procedures when taking them out though. I need to know if my eyes will be okay, and I need to know if I can keep the lenses.
Read more: I slept in my contact lenses for 3 hours, do I need to throw them away?
Will -8.00 glasses lenses be really strong and make my eyes look huge?
Im short sighted and I'm concerned this new strong prescription will have a magnifying effect on my eyes when I put them on
Read more: Will -8.00 glasses lenses be really strong and make my eyes look huge?
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