I am trying to order my husband contact lenses online. The prescription says that his right eye prescription is -6.00. That is no problem, but the left eye prescription is this long number -6.00-0.75x180. The online ordering does not give me an option for a number that long… do I just order him a -6.00 for both eyes or what?
>>> Need quick contact lens help (how to read prescription)?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Can you wear expired contact lenses?
My monthly lenses expired 10 days ago as in it's been over a month but tomorrow there's a wedding, I really need to wear them? Is that ok? I mean I've only wore them 3 times a week and even went a week without wearing them, so been in the solution for a long time?
I've lost my right contacts of the new pair so I'm thinking of wearing the right expired contact with the new left lenses?
>>> Can you wear expired contact lenses?
I've lost my right contacts of the new pair so I'm thinking of wearing the right expired contact with the new left lenses?
>>> Can you wear expired contact lenses?
What is the best creme eyeshadow for people with contacts?
Ive always worn powder eyeshadow but now that I have contact lenses, I was told to only wear creme. What are some good kinds? thanks
>>> What is the best creme eyeshadow for people with contacts?
>>> What is the best creme eyeshadow for people with contacts?
Is it true that after using soft contact lenses you should not use hard contacts?
Someone told me this, but i'm not sure because my eye doctor recommended i get used to the soft ones before using the hard pair you wear at night.
>>> Is it true that after using soft contact lenses you should not use hard contacts?
>>> Is it true that after using soft contact lenses you should not use hard contacts?
I have cylindrical -4.50 in my left eye, is it possible for me to use lens?
I have cylindrical -4.50 in my left eye, is it possible for me to use lens?
>>> I have cylindrical -4.50 in my left eye, is it possible for me to use lens?
>>> I have cylindrical -4.50 in my left eye, is it possible for me to use lens?
How much would my high index lenses cost?
I got my eyes tested and was told high index lenses were my best choice but theyre pricey.My perscription is SPH OD-400 OS-475 CYL OD-179 OS-050 AXIS OD+179 +180 how much roughly would my lenses cost in Canada with no insurrance???
>>> How much would my high index lenses cost?
>>> How much would my high index lenses cost?
How much are high index lenses for glasses?
Got mmy eyes tested found out I'm blind as a bat. Doctor said unless I want super thick lenses to get high index lenses with AR coat. I live in Canada and don't have eye insurrance. He said they can be very expensive. How much in a high to low price range with these lenses cost??? I don't want to have to spend 5-800 dollars on lenses. 200 is fine tho. Please help???
Added (1). My perscription is SPH OD-400 OS 475 CYL OD-100 OS-050 AXIS OD+179 OS+180
>>> How much are high index lenses for glasses?
Added (1). My perscription is SPH OD-400 OS 475 CYL OD-100 OS-050 AXIS OD+179 OS+180
>>> How much are high index lenses for glasses?
I'm all out of contact lenses?
Well, I'm on my last pair or contact lenses and I'm only supposed to wear them for 2 weeks. I've been wearing them for about 3-4 weeks. I have no money to pay $100 for the new ones. Insurance doesn't cover them until January.Is there any place where they'll let you purchase or give you a pair of trial lenses until you get your new lenses. I would wear my glasses, but they are my old prescription and it hurts to wear them. Or is there anyway to clean these? They hare little whit dots on them? They irritate my eyes! HELP!
>>> I'm all out of contact lenses?
>>> I'm all out of contact lenses?
Failure to obey officer?
On my way home from work I saw a police car with an officer next to it. I had taken my contact lenses out due to irritation and could not see exactly what his hand motions were. I thought he was directing traffic to go to another direction so I turned onto a residential street. I then saw the officer follow me with his lights on so i pulled over. He said I was speeding and failed to respond to his command to pull over before I turned. I did not realize I was speeding and I did not realize he was motioning me to pull over before I turned. Now i have a ticket for speeding and failure to obey the officer's command.
Can I get into serious trouble from this?
>>> Failure to obey officer?
Can I get into serious trouble from this?
>>> Failure to obey officer?
Friday, December 14, 2012
Christmas film what is it called?
It's one that was on tv and it's about a woman who puts a Santa letter in at her work and everything on it starts to come true. For example her boss buys her contact lenses because he trips her and she breaks her glasses. Please help it's driving me insane!
>>> Christmas film what is it called?
>>> Christmas film what is it called?
My eye doctor gave me the same glasses and contact lens prescription?
I heard that your contact lens prescription should be a bit lower because the contact is "touching" your eye whereas glasses are a few millimeters away from your eye.
I want another opinion on whether I should trust my optician
>>> My eye doctor gave me the same glasses and contact lens prescription?
I want another opinion on whether I should trust my optician
>>> My eye doctor gave me the same glasses and contact lens prescription?
Can i do this with contact lenses?
Today i put contacts in (second week wearing them now) and i put one in my eye and it irritated for a few minutes like it always does and then i thought i lost my second one so washed the place that i put the lenses in and found it i then put it in my eye and it wasn't irritating.
So my question in is it alright to take the contact less out of the solution and then wash them (with water) and then put them in your eye or are you not suppose to do that?
>>> Can i do this with contact lenses?
So my question in is it alright to take the contact less out of the solution and then wash them (with water) and then put them in your eye or are you not suppose to do that?
>>> Can i do this with contact lenses?
Correct These Mistakes?
The light rays are reflected by the cornea and lens.An image is formed on the optic nerve. Nerve impulses are then sent to the spinal cord. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the iris.
Apparently there are three mistakes and it is all to do with how the eye works.
>>> Correct These Mistakes?
Apparently there are three mistakes and it is all to do with how the eye works.
>>> Correct These Mistakes?
Contact lenses with astigmatism?
I am buying contact lenses with astigmatism but I just can't make out which one is my Ax…
I've got a paper with this written on it:
R) -4.25-0.50x3
L) -4.25-0.75x2
does any of them indicate my Axis?
>>> Contact lenses with astigmatism?
I've got a paper with this written on it:
R) -4.25-0.50x3
L) -4.25-0.75x2
does any of them indicate my Axis?
>>> Contact lenses with astigmatism?
SIA or emirate Cabin crew?
Hey if my eye power is 800 do I allow to wear contact lens or I need to go for laser?
Do I really need to know how to swim?
Will the training program teach us how to swim?
>>> SIA or emirate Cabin crew?
Do I really need to know how to swim?
Will the training program teach us how to swim?
>>> SIA or emirate Cabin crew?
Hi so I'm going to a party tomorrow and I really really really need coloured contact lenses.It'll be too late to order them online as it's not guarenteed they'll be here by tomorrow and if they come Monday what will be the point? As I want red and I'm hardly going to wear red out in the street so it will be a waste of money. I'm from England, London and I was hoping anyone knows of any shops or places I could buy them SAFE in person? So a shop I can just walk into and walk back out with the contacts? Don't care for your opinion on them please lol I know what I'm doing. If you could help, please do, Have a good day you beautiful people!
Whats the best website to get circle lenses?
Whats the best website to get circle lenses?
>>> Whats the best website to get circle lenses?
>>> Whats the best website to get circle lenses?
Is there a type of glasses prescription that fits all?
So my eye sight isn't really bad, but only when I watch tv and play games and when I drive anyway they are legit prescription lenses but everyone of my friends say that they see normal thru them and that it doesn't effect their vision And they think that I just wear the glasses for "fashion"
>>> Is there a type of glasses prescription that fits all?
>>> Is there a type of glasses prescription that fits all?
I got an insert with my Cokin filter holder, and I'm not sure what it does?
Its a black plastic insert that slide in like the lens cap, but it as a half circle cut out. I'm not sure exactly what it's for. Can anyone help?
>>> I got an insert with my Cokin filter holder, and I'm not sure what it does?
>>> I got an insert with my Cokin filter holder, and I'm not sure what it does?
Are JCPenny Optometrists trustworthy?
I want to get new eyeglasses and was thinking about getting new lenses at jcpenny optical. Should I get my eye exam there too? I need an eye exam and was wondering if the optometrist there is trustworthy and an actual good doctor.
>>> Are JCPenny Optometrists trustworthy?
>>> Are JCPenny Optometrists trustworthy?
What happened to iheartgb.com?
I've always ordered my circle lenses from this site, and the owner, Christina Nguyen, has always been awesome. I ordered from their last batch and it was suppose to arrive at the end of November- beginning of December.It's December 13th and I haven't gotten a reply from the emails that I've written. And when I went to check on their website, it was down (their address wasn't paid???). I checked their first website (girlieboutique.webs.com) and didn't find anything.
This morning I emailed the address (Christina's husband's- found via paypal), but haven't heard back from that address yet either. I have no idea what's going on! Does anybody know what's going on? Or have heard from Christina???
>>> What happened to iheartgb.com?
This morning I emailed the address (Christina's husband's- found via paypal), but haven't heard back from that address yet either. I have no idea what's going on! Does anybody know what's going on? Or have heard from Christina???
>>> What happened to iheartgb.com?
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I'm ordering crazy color contact lenses online!
So I'm ordering crazy color contact lenses online and I did get my prescription on phone from the eye doctor but the site doesn't have my power… Which is my left is Neg 2.50 & Right is Neg 2.50 which I know is both the same however I have little astigmatism in the left eye but I'm checking online all it says is - 2.25 & - 2.75 should I go with a lower or a higher it just doesn't show the power when I'm about to order HELP!
>>> I'm ordering crazy color contact lenses online!
>>> I'm ordering crazy color contact lenses online!
Freshlook colorblend color contacts power!
I have brown eyes, and I'm really tired of them, so I was thinking about getting freshlook colorblend contacts in pure hazel, when I went online to buy them it asked me for a power from both my right and left eye.
I havereally good, kinda perfect eye sight, meaning I don't wear glasses or contacts.My question is, what kind of power to I get? There's no 00.00, only -00.00
And I read online that most people who get these contacts that have perfect eyesight usually get +25.00
Which Power do I get?
Thank you, Karina
>>> Freshlook colorblend color contacts power!
I havereally good, kinda perfect eye sight, meaning I don't wear glasses or contacts.My question is, what kind of power to I get? There's no 00.00, only -00.00
And I read online that most people who get these contacts that have perfect eyesight usually get +25.00
Which Power do I get?
Thank you, Karina
>>> Freshlook colorblend color contacts power!
Where can I buy multifocal contact lenses in China?
I'm an older athlete former professional tennis player and ex-pat living in China.My eyes are'nt what they used to be and would like to find a retailer for multifocal contacts somewhere here in China. Thanks.
>>> Where can I buy multifocal contact lenses in China?
>>> Where can I buy multifocal contact lenses in China?
Stupid Americans, is it true?
The American way of life:
It seems so many people around me are more often than not happy. Their moods are consistently good, they do not question their love for more money and more things (and indeed appear to define success and get real lasting self-esteem from this very act of accrual), sports, cars, beauty, technology, celebrity culture, Facebook etc., and to top it off, often times are just blissfully unaware of their own stinking entitlement.
Is it just pathetically, painfully true that Americans get their self-esteem by comparing themselves to others with "less"? And furthermore, should I just give up and conform and be a narcissist like everyone else (e.g.competing, back-stabbing, greedy, paranoid, disconnected, obsessed), or continue to suffer more by psychologically fighting the very system I've been conditioned to squeeze self-esteem from? Is it even possible for someone with eyes open to be emotionally healthy here?
So someone in the cyber-verse please help me.Is my cynicism about modern American culture true or am I distorting things (e.g.looking at things through a depressive "lens," being a victim complainer, being resentful). I do recognize the strengths of America, cutting edge medical technology (for the rich and the insured anyways), the civil rights movement, etc. But there seems to be a horrible spiritual void here, manifested by being inauthentic, fueled by lack of self-awareness.
>>> Stupid Americans, is it true?
It seems so many people around me are more often than not happy. Their moods are consistently good, they do not question their love for more money and more things (and indeed appear to define success and get real lasting self-esteem from this very act of accrual), sports, cars, beauty, technology, celebrity culture, Facebook etc., and to top it off, often times are just blissfully unaware of their own stinking entitlement.
Is it just pathetically, painfully true that Americans get their self-esteem by comparing themselves to others with "less"? And furthermore, should I just give up and conform and be a narcissist like everyone else (e.g.competing, back-stabbing, greedy, paranoid, disconnected, obsessed), or continue to suffer more by psychologically fighting the very system I've been conditioned to squeeze self-esteem from? Is it even possible for someone with eyes open to be emotionally healthy here?
So someone in the cyber-verse please help me.Is my cynicism about modern American culture true or am I distorting things (e.g.looking at things through a depressive "lens," being a victim complainer, being resentful). I do recognize the strengths of America, cutting edge medical technology (for the rich and the insured anyways), the civil rights movement, etc. But there seems to be a horrible spiritual void here, manifested by being inauthentic, fueled by lack of self-awareness.
>>> Stupid Americans, is it true?
Which is better place to do lasik in coimbatore?
Hi All,
Am 28 years old male, based out of coimbatore, currently working in Singapore.Am coming to vacation for 10 days to Coimbatore, in the month of Jan.
I have approximately 4.5 cylindrical power in both my eyes. Degrees - am not sure, but high.
Am wearing 1.67 high-index lenses. I would like to go for lasik eye treatment in Coimbatore. Can someone who is experienced in lasik, please recommend me, if 10 days is enough for it? Also please tell me the pre-caution I need to take after my lasik.
Did my 10 days vacation will be spoiled? Can I watch the TV in two three days? Can I go out wearing sun glasses? Can I drive in 2-3 days wearing sun-glasses? Am an IT engineer, Shall I work in the Computers regularly after 10 days without any issues? Please guide me
>>> Which is better place to do lasik in coimbatore?
Am 28 years old male, based out of coimbatore, currently working in Singapore.Am coming to vacation for 10 days to Coimbatore, in the month of Jan.
I have approximately 4.5 cylindrical power in both my eyes. Degrees - am not sure, but high.
Am wearing 1.67 high-index lenses. I would like to go for lasik eye treatment in Coimbatore. Can someone who is experienced in lasik, please recommend me, if 10 days is enough for it? Also please tell me the pre-caution I need to take after my lasik.
Did my 10 days vacation will be spoiled? Can I watch the TV in two three days? Can I go out wearing sun glasses? Can I drive in 2-3 days wearing sun-glasses? Am an IT engineer, Shall I work in the Computers regularly after 10 days without any issues? Please guide me
>>> Which is better place to do lasik in coimbatore?
Do people with contact lenses rub their eyes?
So i got surgery on my eyes and the doctor said i should never wear contact lens as i will rub my eyes when they're dry… but i really want to wear them.
Do people often rub dry eyes from wearing contacts?
>>> Do people with contact lenses rub their eyes?
Do people often rub dry eyes from wearing contacts?
>>> Do people with contact lenses rub their eyes?
Could diabetes be causing my astigmatism? - 1
I'm 17 and it is quite likely that I have Type 2 diabetes. I need to pee every 1-2 hours and need to have a bottle of water with me because I am constantly thirsty. I am generally lethargic (I used to think this was normal for most teenagers) and have regular subtle headaches. 3 of my grandparents and my dad have Type 2 diabetes so my chances of inheriting are almost inevitable. Also I've been tempting fate with my eating habits- since I have a fast metabolism I never give junk food a second thought.In spite of this I've recently gained a few kilograms of weight.
A bit over a week ago I went to the optometrist who told me I have mild astigmatism in both eyes (I'm already myopic and wear contacts). This was never diagnosed before (I have been wearing glasses since 9 and contacts 14). I don't need to wear toric lenses yet but I've been wondering whether this could have to do with my diabetes. I've heard that high blood sugar levels can change the shape of the eye and when they go down it reverts back. I've had diabetes symptoms for months now so this would fit.
Could this be possible for my case? Or is the high blood sugar level thing a myth? Many thanks for your help.
>>> Could diabetes be causing my astigmatism? - 1
A bit over a week ago I went to the optometrist who told me I have mild astigmatism in both eyes (I'm already myopic and wear contacts). This was never diagnosed before (I have been wearing glasses since 9 and contacts 14). I don't need to wear toric lenses yet but I've been wondering whether this could have to do with my diabetes. I've heard that high blood sugar levels can change the shape of the eye and when they go down it reverts back. I've had diabetes symptoms for months now so this would fit.
Could this be possible for my case? Or is the high blood sugar level thing a myth? Many thanks for your help.
>>> Could diabetes be causing my astigmatism? - 1
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Can I take Contact Lenses in my Carry On Bag?
I'm flying with United Airlines in the morning, and I was wondering if I would be able to take unopened cases as well as boxes (I have 2 opened boxes, one for each eye, and 2 unopened boxes for each eye) of contact lenses in my carry on? Or do I have to pack that in my checked bag?
I am not returning here, so leaving them is not an option.
>>> Can I take Contact Lenses in my Carry On Bag?
I am not returning here, so leaving them is not an option.
>>> Can I take Contact Lenses in my Carry On Bag?
Is Surgery Required For a Dislocated Lens?
Can you still wear contact lenses comfortably?
>>> Is Surgery Required For a Dislocated Lens?
>>> Is Surgery Required For a Dislocated Lens?
I don't like wearing glasses!
Because I have a prescription of +8.50, it magnifies my eyes.My close friend says I suit glasses, however I can't help but think I look awful in them. Anyone else with the same problem? Before you say, wear contact lenses. I do, but my eyes are becoming dry and tired from wearing them everyday (except the weekends) So, my problem is: I should wear my glasses to school tommorrow, however I have anxiety and am scared about any rude comments. What should I do? Thanks Louisa
>>> I don't like wearing glasses!
>>> I don't like wearing glasses!
My cylindrical power is -0.50.i want contact lens.can i?
My cylindrical power is -0.50.i want contact lens.can i ?
>>> My cylindrical power is -0.50.i want contact lens.can i?
>>> My cylindrical power is -0.50.i want contact lens.can i?
The _ is not an optic component of the eye?
A) retina
B) cornea
C) vitreous body
D) aqueous humor
E) lens
>>> The _ is not an optic component of the eye?
B) cornea
C) vitreous body
D) aqueous humor
E) lens
>>> The _ is not an optic component of the eye?
The _ is not an optic component of the eye? - 1
A) vitreous body
b) retina
C) cornea
D) aqueous humor
E) lens
question 25
>>> The _ is not an optic component of the eye? - 1
b) retina
C) cornea
D) aqueous humor
E) lens
question 25
>>> The _ is not an optic component of the eye? - 1
New Contacts. Need some help?
My first question is, i brought natural blue contacts from online… I've had many yes/no answers on doing this, and it's put me off my contacts. The brand of the lenses are Tutti premium.
When i put them on the first time, it was like a burning sensation, and as time wen't along it got a little better, but i was freaking out so much. I was so stressed when i tried to take them out i couldn't take them out! I started sweating and ugh… Nightmare.
I can't seem to get them in again.i think it's the fact i'm worried it will burn, as soon as i think it's in i start to panic again… But i don't want to be like this?
The next option is going down to the eye doctor and getting some prescribed for me, though i don't want to waste these ones i just purchased… unless they are very dangerous.
>>> New Contacts. Need some help?
When i put them on the first time, it was like a burning sensation, and as time wen't along it got a little better, but i was freaking out so much. I was so stressed when i tried to take them out i couldn't take them out! I started sweating and ugh… Nightmare.
I can't seem to get them in again.i think it's the fact i'm worried it will burn, as soon as i think it's in i start to panic again… But i don't want to be like this?
The next option is going down to the eye doctor and getting some prescribed for me, though i don't want to waste these ones i just purchased… unless they are very dangerous.
>>> New Contacts. Need some help?
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
How to get my parents to buy me something I need with my own money?
I wear contacts. I wear them so often that it's causing my eyes a lot of stress. But, I need to wear them as often as I can. We can't afford for me to get glasses.My family's budget has been extremely tight lately. I recently came into money (please don't ask me how) and it's enough to cover the glasses and lenses. I really want to get them or just give my parent's the money, but I can't with all of the questions of where I got the money. I was thinking of anonymously mailing it, but they would spend it on something else, not what I need. How do I get them to buy me them without knowing where or how I got the money? Or is there a place I can say I got the money?
Added (1). I am not ashamed of what the money came from I just secretly got a job saying I have been going to "club meetings." My parent's can not know, but I have been kind of secretly supporting them sliping twenties into their wallets and paying off bills. They would be ashamed if they knew there teenage daughter was secretly supporting them. Let me just say the budget is a little tighter than I may have advertised.
>>> How to get my parents to buy me something I need with my own money?
Added (1). I am not ashamed of what the money came from I just secretly got a job saying I have been going to "club meetings." My parent's can not know, but I have been kind of secretly supporting them sliping twenties into their wallets and paying off bills. They would be ashamed if they knew there teenage daughter was secretly supporting them. Let me just say the budget is a little tighter than I may have advertised.
>>> How to get my parents to buy me something I need with my own money?
Vision treatments for +8.50 prescription?
I know glasses and contact lenses, and its to bad for laser eye surgery right? Is there anything else? Preferably permenent?
>>> Vision treatments for +8.50 prescription?
>>> Vision treatments for +8.50 prescription?
Kara colored contact lenses?
So, last night I bought myself some Kara colored contacts (violet) I put them easy enough, but while they were in, they would always move and make small parts of my eyes blurry.Is there something I can do to stop that?
>>> Kara colored contact lenses?
>>> Kara colored contact lenses?
Which numbers for my lense prescription do I use!
I want to order a pair of circle lenses, but I'm unsure of which numbers to use.Do I use my Cylindrical number, which is -3.00 for OD and OS, or do I used my Spherical numbers, which are -1.25 for OD and -3.50 for OS? I need to order them today, or else they won't be here in time.
Help! Thank you very much. Best answer gets 10 points.
>>> Which numbers for my lense prescription do I use!
Help! Thank you very much. Best answer gets 10 points.
>>> Which numbers for my lense prescription do I use!
Using a different contact lens solution?
I always use Opti-Free solution for my soft contact lens, but today I ran out. A friend of mine gave me a bottle of Bausch-Lomb solution and it is for soft contacts as well. I'm thinking of using it just to see how comfortable my eyes feel with this different solution. However, I'm afraid I might develop an eye infection with it.
What do you think, Should I try it out at least for one day?
>>> Using a different contact lens solution?
What do you think, Should I try it out at least for one day?
>>> Using a different contact lens solution?
What kind of lense is used for 20/20 vision?
I am waiting for new glasses. I have a very odd case of having one eye that is 20/20 and another eye that is really bad ( can't remember what number ) I only need a perscription for the one bad eye, i was wondering, what kind of Lens will they use for the 20/20 eye? Will it have any kind of perscription? Or will it just be a piece of glass?
>>> What kind of lense is used for 20/20 vision?
>>> What kind of lense is used for 20/20 vision?
Can I use my own frames if I need new lenses?
I bought a pair of raybans a while back when I didn't need glasses (don't ask) but I had an eye test today and looks like I do need glasses now! Can I take in my old frames and have them put the new lenses in? I don't want to pay another £120 for something I have in the house
>>> Can I use my own frames if I need new lenses?
>>> Can I use my own frames if I need new lenses?
Average cost of contacts per year?
General question:
To anyone who wears monthly contacts, roughly around how much do you spend on contacts for 12 months/an year (including multipurpose solution and rewetting drops if you use them)?
Specific question:
To anyone wearing Biofinity monthly contacts, what's the best website to purchase these lenses really cheap(including postage to Australia) for 12 months? I don't mind if its an overseas website, just as long as the total price of purchasing the lenses is really cheap.
Thanks in advance!
>>> Average cost of contacts per year?
To anyone who wears monthly contacts, roughly around how much do you spend on contacts for 12 months/an year (including multipurpose solution and rewetting drops if you use them)?
Specific question:
To anyone wearing Biofinity monthly contacts, what's the best website to purchase these lenses really cheap(including postage to Australia) for 12 months? I don't mind if its an overseas website, just as long as the total price of purchasing the lenses is really cheap.
Thanks in advance!
>>> Average cost of contacts per year?
Would i qualify to be a Police officer?
I am thinking about applying to be a police officer after university, preferably OPP. I know they have some pretty strict medical regulations, i read the qualifications online but it did not really help. I have one eye that is far sighted and the other is near sighted, it is not too severe, i have corrective lenses which correct my vision to 20 20.just wondering if there are any insider opinions as to my chances of getting accepted.
>>> Would i qualify to be a Police officer?
>>> Would i qualify to be a Police officer?
Contacts and eyeliner? HELP?
Okay, so I've been wearing contact lenses for about a year. Every time I wear makeup on my water line, a bit of the debris rubs off and gets on my contacts. Then it starts to poke at my eye and really hurt, so I take them out and clean the smudges off. I alternate between wearing eyeliner on my waterline and liquid on my upper eyelid, and it usually happens when I use eyeliner on my waterline. I don't really want to stop wearing eyeliner on my waterline because I like the way it looks, I just can't stand the stupid smudges because I don't wanna ruin my contacts and I'm sick of it poking my eye! help?
>>> Contacts and eyeliner? HELP?
>>> Contacts and eyeliner? HELP?
How to figure out my prescription?
My glasses just broke and I have to wait a few weeks for an appointment with the optician, so I want to buy a really cheap pair online to use until then.My contact lenses are -3.50 for both eyes but the website is asking for my prescription details (sphere, cylinder and axis). What should I write for these values, at least to make the glasses functional? I know you shouldn't use glasses without the proper prescription but it will only be for a short time and I don't have any other options.
>>> How to figure out my prescription?
>>> How to figure out my prescription?
Never taking contact lenses off?
So i wear biweekly contact lenses, there soft, and there specific to allow more air flow so its more able to be slept in.
the thing is, i never take them off
I leave them on for 2 weeks straight and then maybe ill take them off once for a night and put the new ones on the next day
I never have any problems, dont feel any pain or anything,
I just got used to not taking them off,
what are the consequences?
what can happen down the road? anything bad?
i know its said it might be bad, but has it been proven to do anything bad?
>>> Never taking contact lenses off?
the thing is, i never take them off
I leave them on for 2 weeks straight and then maybe ill take them off once for a night and put the new ones on the next day
I never have any problems, dont feel any pain or anything,
I just got used to not taking them off,
what are the consequences?
what can happen down the road? anything bad?
i know its said it might be bad, but has it been proven to do anything bad?
>>> Never taking contact lenses off?
Optometrists? What lens prescription should i wear?
If I want to wear contact lenses that come only in paired prescriptions (they both have to be the same), and for my right eye I usually wear -3.00 and for my left -2.25, then what prescription should I wear to balance the 2 out? I have a bit of astigmatism but i just wear regular lenses b/c they seem to fit me better and that's why the optometrist actually gave me a prescription higher than what my eyes really are (so they're actually less that -3.00 & -2.25). But the lenses I want to buy are NOT toric lenses :]
Please don't say go ask the optometrist, get your eyes checked blah blah blah cuz I know my prescription already… And stuff like you shouldn't wear lenses that are off for both eyes blah blah… Just don't bother answering then ^^
>>> Optometrists? What lens prescription should i wear?
Please don't say go ask the optometrist, get your eyes checked blah blah blah cuz I know my prescription already… And stuff like you shouldn't wear lenses that are off for both eyes blah blah… Just don't bother answering then ^^
>>> Optometrists? What lens prescription should i wear?
Should i wear my circle lenses to school? - 1
I have 14.5 (diameter) circle lenses (geo princess mimi almond brown) and ive had them for about 1 month. I wear them out while im shopping and doing different things. The ones i have give you a big eye enlargement but i was wandering if i should wear.them to school or not.its just that girls in highschool and can be real mean >_<. I do look good in them XD they make me feel good its just that i dont know.how people will react (;-;) one girl wore 15.0 (diameter) black circle lenses and people said she looks really bug eyed. I dont really want that to happen to me. I just need a boost of incouragment XD … So should i or should i not? (^-^)~
>>> Should i wear my circle lenses to school? - 1
>>> Should i wear my circle lenses to school? - 1
Circle lens for astigmatism?
So my prescription is
R -1.25 DS
L -1.75 -0.25 x 159
I'm not really clear on how to read it, all I know is that I have astigmatism on my left eye.
I'm just wondering if I can possibly just order a regular prescription of -1.25 and -1.75 instead of getting toric lens? Will there even be a difference?
>>> Circle lens for astigmatism?
R -1.25 DS
L -1.75 -0.25 x 159
I'm not really clear on how to read it, all I know is that I have astigmatism on my left eye.
I'm just wondering if I can possibly just order a regular prescription of -1.25 and -1.75 instead of getting toric lens? Will there even be a difference?
>>> Circle lens for astigmatism?
Is there something wrong with my circle lenses?
Its my first pair of contacts and i been wearing them for like a month.
The first i put them in i was like OH MY FLUFFING GOD IT BURNS IT FLUFFING BURNS AGHHHH.
And the second time, it hurt for like 3 minutes and then i couldn't feel them.
ive worn them about 5 times, and it hurts and makes me cry each time. When i see other forums, they say they didn't have problems with their contacts.
Do i have anything wrong with my eyes ?
>>> Is there something wrong with my circle lenses?
The first i put them in i was like OH MY FLUFFING GOD IT BURNS IT FLUFFING BURNS AGHHHH.
And the second time, it hurt for like 3 minutes and then i couldn't feel them.
ive worn them about 5 times, and it hurts and makes me cry each time. When i see other forums, they say they didn't have problems with their contacts.
Do i have anything wrong with my eyes ?
>>> Is there something wrong with my circle lenses?
I want to know which company is providing aish eye colour lenses?
I want to know which company is providing aish eye colour lenses?
>>> I want to know which company is providing aish eye colour lenses?
>>> I want to know which company is providing aish eye colour lenses?
Monday, December 10, 2012
Marine PLC Soft Contact Lenses Waiver?
For the PLC-Air program, do they have soft contact lens waivers? What would be the best way to go about it if my vision is not 20/20, but I am eligible for PRK, as a broke college student, can't really afford it right now. Also if it matter, I am currently a sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering.
Thanks for your help.
>>> Marine PLC Soft Contact Lenses Waiver?
Thanks for your help.
>>> Marine PLC Soft Contact Lenses Waiver?
Contact lenses with -0.25 cylinder?
I wear glasses all the time as I work on computers and can't see without them. I am fed up of wearing them, they are so uncomfortable as annoying to have on your face and I would much prefer contact lenses. I can't find ANY anywhere with the right cylinder, of -0.25 on both eyes. Apparently this is because its such a minor thing to need to correct with lenses but without glasses I just cannot see a thing, how is it minor?!! Is there a contact lens that exists with this cylinder or will I just never be able to get them? I'm in the uk, thanks
>>> Contact lenses with -0.25 cylinder?
>>> Contact lenses with -0.25 cylinder?
(coloured lens) Is i best to go for opaques or enhancer in my situation?
I have a grey blue eye (more grey) but want natural blue eyes.
Is it best to go for freshlook turquoise opaques or acuvue 2's ocean blue/aquamarine
>>> (coloured lens) Is i best to go for opaques or enhancer in my situation?
Is it best to go for freshlook turquoise opaques or acuvue 2's ocean blue/aquamarine
>>> (coloured lens) Is i best to go for opaques or enhancer in my situation?
Are contact lenses dangerous? Will I damage my eyes?
I'm turning 16 soon and wanted to get contact lenses because of many reasons… but my aunt is really lecturing me about how contact lenses damage your eyes and later on when I'm an old grandma i'll probably have eye problems and maybe be blind.
she's acting like she's an eye doctor but she's not. She's intelligent but …
I am a clean freak and very delicate with my eyes so I would clean them and my hands very thoroughly and do everything as the doctor says e.g. Don't sleep in lenses, don't wear them for too long, etc.
my aunt also says that contact lenses make cracks on the surface of your eyes? And really damage the surface in other ways?
shes a teacher and she says that many of her students suffer from eye problems because of contacts…
should I get them? I really want them
>>> Are contact lenses dangerous? Will I damage my eyes?
she's acting like she's an eye doctor but she's not. She's intelligent but …
I am a clean freak and very delicate with my eyes so I would clean them and my hands very thoroughly and do everything as the doctor says e.g. Don't sleep in lenses, don't wear them for too long, etc.
my aunt also says that contact lenses make cracks on the surface of your eyes? And really damage the surface in other ways?
shes a teacher and she says that many of her students suffer from eye problems because of contacts…
should I get them? I really want them
>>> Are contact lenses dangerous? Will I damage my eyes?
Swollen lips, itching eyes. What kind of allergy is this?
Omg, I'm in panic right now.So, about a week ago I wore contact lens which is a little uncomfortable when wearing it, so I discontinued wearing it. And after that, my eyes started itching.It wasn't that horrible.So I thought it will go away, but it didn't. And 2 days ago i went to a club and drank some alcohol, and the next morning i also ate some peanut butter. And then my lips started to swell.It wasn't swollen that much, but i can feel it, and see it.In the evening the swelling seems got away. But today morning it was swollen again, and right now it even started itching. A little bit of pain. And also my eyebrows, scalp, my neck area is also itching like hell.It seems like some kind of allergy. But i don't know what caused it, alcohol or peanut or even the contact lens. Oh for additional information, I have eaten peanut butter about a month ago, and it didn't caused me some kind of reaction…
I'm a foreign student in China. I'm on my own, and i don't have money right now.So i can't consult a doctor. Please let me know if someone have any clue. And sorry for my bad English. Thanks.
>>> Swollen lips, itching eyes. What kind of allergy is this?
I'm a foreign student in China. I'm on my own, and i don't have money right now.So i can't consult a doctor. Please let me know if someone have any clue. And sorry for my bad English. Thanks.
>>> Swollen lips, itching eyes. What kind of allergy is this?
Can I take a nap in contact lenses?
How long can I take a nap whilst wearing contact lenses? Or do I have to take them off before taking a nap for like an hour? By the way, if it makes any difference, I wear Biofinity monthly contacts and these specific lenses are approved for continual 7 day wear(but I still take them out before going to bed, just to be on the safe side)
Thanks in advance! :)
>>> Can I take a nap in contact lenses?
Thanks in advance! :)
>>> Can I take a nap in contact lenses?
Is there any insurance covers surgery for Implantable Contact Lenses in India?
Here are my details below:
Age: 26 years
Defect in eyes: hyperopia [far-sightedness ( Right: -7.5D, Left -7.0D)]
my cornea thickness is very thin, my doctor did not recommend for LASIK. He suggested ICL instead. Here are my questions regarding ICL:
1. What is the approximate cost for the operation/ procedure?
2.Is it covered under insurance?
I would really appreciate your response at the earliest.
>>> Is there any insurance covers surgery for Implantable Contact Lenses in India?
Age: 26 years
Defect in eyes: hyperopia [far-sightedness ( Right: -7.5D, Left -7.0D)]
my cornea thickness is very thin, my doctor did not recommend for LASIK. He suggested ICL instead. Here are my questions regarding ICL:
1. What is the approximate cost for the operation/ procedure?
2.Is it covered under insurance?
I would really appreciate your response at the earliest.
>>> Is there any insurance covers surgery for Implantable Contact Lenses in India?
Cat Eye Pupil Surgery?
Is there any surgery you can get to make your pupils look like a cat's? Slanted and oval shaped? Also, if there is, could they dilate like normal pupils and on cats? That would be so awesome: D <3 I was wondering because I haven't been able to find any cat eye pupil contacts that are clear, not colored. I love the color of my eyes, but I want cat pupils. Plus it'd just be awesome to have your eyes like that naturally, sorta.x3 I also plan on getting laser eye surgery, I hate being freaking blind and *having* to wear contact lenses. Also you can't wear two pairs at once, and I'd rather be able to see so yeahhh. /: Would that affect the cat eye pupil surgery? Thank you :3
>>> Cat Eye Pupil Surgery?
>>> Cat Eye Pupil Surgery?
Ray Ban Sunglasses Scratched Australia (NEED REPAIRS) Who to contact?
I bought ray bans in Italy, in July 2012, now they are scratched on one lens, as i dropped them. Who do i contact in regards to repairs. I live in Australia now. There is no contact number for Australia rayban repairs or anything. Any advice would be helpful.
>>> Ray Ban Sunglasses Scratched Australia (NEED REPAIRS) Who to contact?
>>> Ray Ban Sunglasses Scratched Australia (NEED REPAIRS) Who to contact?
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Do I Need New Glasses?
I just got my prescribed lenses this year on janurary, i know the first week makes your eyes hurt but i got use to that. But lately My eyes have been really sore when i wear them, not only that it makes my head hurt like hell, i never really had this problem before. Could it be i need a new prescription for glasses?
>>> Do I Need New Glasses?
>>> Do I Need New Glasses?
Should I try wearing contacts again or just keep wearing glasses?
I've worn glasses for several years. I've tried contacts twice and both have been bad experiences. The first time I got contacts they were painful and would make my eyes water and I ended up getting pink eye so I stopped wearing them.
Several years later, last year, I tried contacts again. I tried both Acuve Oasis which I hated and then Biofinity Toric which are a lot more comfortable and thinner. The problem is that they dry my eyes out really bad to the point were they get bloodshot and I had to take them out. I did follow all of the doctors instructions and washed my hands before touching the contacts, cleaning the contacts, and changing the solution. Since they made my eyes hurt so bad I stopped wearing them again.
I've since been told that I may be intolerant of silicone lenses and that I should try Frequency Toric. But the thing is, I don't know if its worth it to try again. I ended up spending a lot of money on the contacts and solutions and then I ended up never using them. Plus, I don't really like putting the contacts in my eyes either. Should I try contacts again or stick to glasses? What are your thoughts?
>>> Should I try wearing contacts again or just keep wearing glasses?
Several years later, last year, I tried contacts again. I tried both Acuve Oasis which I hated and then Biofinity Toric which are a lot more comfortable and thinner. The problem is that they dry my eyes out really bad to the point were they get bloodshot and I had to take them out. I did follow all of the doctors instructions and washed my hands before touching the contacts, cleaning the contacts, and changing the solution. Since they made my eyes hurt so bad I stopped wearing them again.
I've since been told that I may be intolerant of silicone lenses and that I should try Frequency Toric. But the thing is, I don't know if its worth it to try again. I ended up spending a lot of money on the contacts and solutions and then I ended up never using them. Plus, I don't really like putting the contacts in my eyes either. Should I try contacts again or stick to glasses? What are your thoughts?
>>> Should I try wearing contacts again or just keep wearing glasses?
My stye only feels better when I wear my contacts?
Obiously I have a stye, I know you are not supposed to wear contacts, but my stye doesnt feel better unless I wear them, I know it sounds crazy. The stye isnt in contact with my eyeball and I think that is why. I didnt even felt I had one until I took out my contacts lenses. I'm thinking about wearing them to school tommorow and taking them out as soon as I get home, and make sure I clean them well, should I?
>>> My stye only feels better when I wear my contacts?
>>> My stye only feels better when I wear my contacts?
Its refractive lens replacement surgery visible after wards?
Surgery on a shoulder would leave a scar, is there anything like that once you get refractive lens replacement surgery on your eyes? would there be anyway for someone to tell by visually looking at you that you have had the surgery or is it undetectable once healed?
>>> Its refractive lens replacement surgery visible after wards?
>>> Its refractive lens replacement surgery visible after wards?
Who would date this guy?
Contact lenses aren't an option for him because his prescription is too bad.
>>> Who would date this guy?
>>> Who would date this guy?
Converting toric lenses to spherical?
The main reason I wanted contacts was to use colored contacts and I have an astigmatism in my left eye. I'll put my prescription below but I think it is possible to convert my lens to spherical and if I can does anyone know if I can get contacts from a reputable place like 1-800 contacts or something like that? Any advice is appreciated and if I should see another doctor for a second opinion and/or fitting please say so. Thanks in advance!
Diameter -0.50
Cylinder -0.75
Axis 170
>>> Converting toric lenses to spherical?
Diameter -0.50
Cylinder -0.75
Axis 170
>>> Converting toric lenses to spherical?
Should I get computer glasses?
Hey guys I was wondering if I should get Computer Glasses… I use the computer for LOTS of time, really alot. I am nearsighted, I see far objects blurred. I don't know how to say it in English of if I am saying it right..but try to understand from that.My levels of nearsightedness last year was 1.00 and now afte a year it's 1.75.So it has added 0.75 in a year that's why i'm worried.
I use eye contact lenses for outside and glasses for when i'm home though I don't use my glasses / contacts when i'm using the computer.
Any ideas? Should I get Computer Glasses or what? Will it help me? And if you guys know about how much do those glasses cost? Thanks in advance!
>>> Should I get computer glasses?
I use eye contact lenses for outside and glasses for when i'm home though I don't use my glasses / contacts when i'm using the computer.
Any ideas? Should I get Computer Glasses or what? Will it help me? And if you guys know about how much do those glasses cost? Thanks in advance!
>>> Should I get computer glasses?
Albino for commission cosplay?
I've read a lot of articles about this sort of thing but none are to my liking. I have the pinkie red contact lenses, a white chest binder and a gray-white wig ready, but I have dark hair and tan skin. I have a white powder that will work for my eyelashes and possibly eyebrows depending on how I apply it, but it's strangely difficult to get the beautiful albino-white skin, even with the powder.
In January I'll be cosplaying an albino man for a commission shoot and one of my signature things as a model is not to use Photoshop or any editing software on my skin, or as little as possible if my freckles show on a shot where they're meant to be hidden. Usually I wouldn't care about perfection in a case like this, but obviously with being paid for it, I want it as good as possible.
Sun lotion doesn't work for me, and paler make up isn't doing much either. I don't want to hire a make up artist and can do pretty much anything myself if I have the right equipment. Any tips?
>>> Albino for commission cosplay?
In January I'll be cosplaying an albino man for a commission shoot and one of my signature things as a model is not to use Photoshop or any editing software on my skin, or as little as possible if my freckles show on a shot where they're meant to be hidden. Usually I wouldn't care about perfection in a case like this, but obviously with being paid for it, I want it as good as possible.
Sun lotion doesn't work for me, and paler make up isn't doing much either. I don't want to hire a make up artist and can do pretty much anything myself if I have the right equipment. Any tips?
>>> Albino for commission cosplay?
What to do about my uneven eyes?
I have uneven eyes, one is more upturned than the other. The more upturned one is smaller as well
My friends have assured me that the difference is not noticeable at all, but i think it is very obvious ):
I was thinking of wearing contact lenses instead of glasses, do you think i should ??
And how to get rid of dark circles !? its driving me mad ):
I drink about 8 cups of water everyday and sleep for at least 8 hours everyday
Added (1). I cant use make up ):
except concealer i suspose, as school doesnt allow us to put makeup
>>> What to do about my uneven eyes?
My friends have assured me that the difference is not noticeable at all, but i think it is very obvious ):
I was thinking of wearing contact lenses instead of glasses, do you think i should ??
And how to get rid of dark circles !? its driving me mad ):
I drink about 8 cups of water everyday and sleep for at least 8 hours everyday
Added (1). I cant use make up ):
except concealer i suspose, as school doesnt allow us to put makeup
>>> What to do about my uneven eyes?
Could I model in korea or japan?
I'm going to Korea with my roommate next summer to teach English as a way to pay for college. She suggested I also look into modeling, because I have a "unique look." While I modeled as a child, I quit at age 12 and never looked back.but now, financial difficulties are forcing me to reconsider. I'm not an attention whore by ANY means. I would just like to know people think I would be successful modeling in Eastern Asia. I also know most Asian models are basically lampposts, but that's why my roommate said I should look into it- they want more variety in looks, etc.My stats are: Height- 5' 4"Weight- 115 lbsBust- 34"Waist- 26"Hip- 36"Eye/Hair- naturally brown [blue lenses]/ dark brownThe reason I'm not considering modeling in the US is because I'm far too short for most jobs, and I'd have to lose at least 20 lbs first, haha. Thanks for the input in advance!

Added (1). No im swiss
>>> Could I model in korea or japan?
Added (1). No im swiss
>>> Could I model in korea or japan?
Should i get pink or violet circle lens? with links?
thank you!
Added (1). I'm asian, so my eye color is dark brown
>>> Should i get pink or violet circle lens? with links?
thank you!
Added (1). I'm asian, so my eye color is dark brown
>>> Should i get pink or violet circle lens? with links?
Glasses cleaners are toxic?
My eye doctor gave this lens cleaner for my glasses.It's this spray bottle that you spray on the glasses and then wipe off with a cloth.
Is it likely that this cleanser is toxic enough that I should wash my hands after using it? Should I wash the glasses for that matter? I'm just wondering since the bottle says caution, do not ingest, contains isopropanol, and it has got me paranoid.
>>> Glasses cleaners are toxic?
Is it likely that this cleanser is toxic enough that I should wash my hands after using it? Should I wash the glasses for that matter? I'm just wondering since the bottle says caution, do not ingest, contains isopropanol, and it has got me paranoid.
>>> Glasses cleaners are toxic?
Should i get pink or violet circle lens?
Should i get pink or violet circle lens?
Added (1). Pink ~ http://www.koreabigeyes.com/Florest/Forest-Pink.html?keyword=8.6
violet ~ http://www.koreabigeyes.com/World/World-Violet.html?keyword=8.6
>>> Should i get pink or violet circle lens?
Added (1). Pink ~ http://www.koreabigeyes.com/Florest/Forest-Pink.html?keyword=8.6
violet ~ http://www.koreabigeyes.com/World/World-Violet.html?keyword=8.6
>>> Should i get pink or violet circle lens?
Do i look better with or without glasses? - 2
I've had glasses since i was 9, Im 17 now. I like how i look with glasses. I think i want to use contact lenses.but im not sure if i look good with out my glasses.So, any opinions?

No rude comments please :)
>>> Do i look better with or without glasses? - 2
No rude comments please :)
>>> Do i look better with or without glasses? - 2
Why is my mom always arguing with me over small things?
I'm 18, and my mom is always argueing with me, not even about things like sex or voilence, but small things like me wearing blue contact lens, and me wanting to change my hairstyle, and the way i dress. I'm not trying to dress or look weird, i just want to have my own style rather than dress like a nerd. but my mom keeps saying stupid things like "who are you trying to immitate" or "is this how your friends dress?" Recently we got into a big arguement cuz i'm spending a ot of time on a girl i like, WTF??? WHY IS SHE AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT I LIKE?
>>> Why is my mom always arguing with me over small things?
>>> Why is my mom always arguing with me over small things?
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