Sunday, September 13, 2015

Can I become a kpop idol?

I really want to become a idol, but im not sure if i can be one,so can anyone tell me if i have a chance?
About me:
-Girl,15 years old,160cm and 38kg,people say that i am very slim? And Im considered quite good-looking and I have long black hair and natural curls
-I wear glasses, my degree for left eye is 275 and right is 400,is it possible for me to enter a company despite me wearing glasses? Will I have to wear contact lenses or will they provide?
-Im an Asian, which company should I audition for? Are there chances of being scouted?
-I can sing pretty well, but im not sure how my voice sounds like… My voice sounds pretty nice when i hear myself but when i hear myself in a recording,it sounds quite different
-Im not so good at dancing, but I learn dance moves pretty fast.
-Can I enter a company without knowing how to speak Korean? I know a bit of korean but not much, but im willing to learn. I know Chinese and English
-Any past trainee experience for me to know?
-Any advice if I decide to audition?
-What is the process of the auditions?
-If I enter the company, do I move to Korea or stay here until I finish my studies?
-My grades are only average, do I have to have very good grades to become an idol?

Thanks so much, if there is extra information, do let me know!

Read more: Can I become a kpop idol?