Saturday, May 9, 2015
Would I have to pay for another contact lens fitting to try out other contact lenses?
I was given 2 week trial lenses to try out but I don't like the way they feel on my eyes since I get eye burning & dry eye symptoms from them. But if I were to go & try another brand of contact lenses out would I need to pay for another contact lens fitting? Or is when I paid usually all included for as many trial lenses I try out?
Read more: Would I have to pay for another contact lens fitting to try out other contact lenses?
Glasses That Don't Magnify Your Eyes?
I'd love to wear my glasses instead of my contacts 24/7, I can only wear my glasses at home because my eyes looks so huge! Is there any kind of lenses that won't magnify my eyes? And if there are, please explain it in a fashion where I can actually understand it. Also, do they cost more money than normal glasses?
Read more: Glasses That Don't Magnify Your Eyes?
My dog / puppy's left eye is blue?
Hi so i have a 6 month old girl pug and today i came home to her squinting her left eye. Around 5 hours later she stopped squinting more or less but her eyes turned blue - a but like shes wearing contact lenses. My mum says that its nothing to worry about and it will go by tomorrow but i doubt it because i always thought if a dogs eye changed colour then it was bad. Anyone know what should do? Many thanks xx
Read more: My dog / puppy's left eye is blue?
How many time's do i need to clean my contact lenses and how to take care of them?
Is it twice a day? Do i need to clean it at night or at day when i woke up?
Read more: How many time's do i need to clean my contact lenses and how to take care of them?
Can i wear contact lenses after wearing makeup?
Should it be worn before or after makeup? Also can i touch and insert contacts after i used hair removal cream(veet) on arms? Cuz when i was removing hair from arms some of the cream got into my fingers and fingernails and i read that the chemicals are absorbed by skin. So i am wondering if i can touch my lenses and insert them into my eye after thoroughly washing my hands with soap and water or should i wait for a day so that the absorbed chemical wears off? I know this is a ridiculous question but i'm really paranoid when it comes to my eyes! Please help
Read more: Can i wear contact lenses after wearing makeup?
Friday, May 8, 2015
The best contact lenses for astigmatism that cause the least dry eyes & burning?
I've worn 2 week trial contact lenses that my eye doctor has given me about 8 times & I've still been getting a burning or dry eye feeling in my eye from using them even after using eye drops. Is there any astigmatism contact lenses that cause the least dry eye & burning sensation symptoms?
Read more: The best contact lenses for astigmatism that cause the least dry eyes & burning?
My doctor will not give me my contacts help?!
Okay So I just went in to get my new prescription and decided I wanted contacts (again -_-). My doctor said my eyes were fine for contacts and set out my contacts lenses (they have them in office). Though, he said I needed to do the class. I did the class (for a second time and payed 50 bucks again), but I still couldn't get my contacts in. So they wont give them to me. I ask to use different methods and they say they are telling me the only way. This is a lie -_-.
My mom asked if I can just get my contacts since I have taken a class (how to care for them etc) and because they have my contacts. Though they refuse to give them to me. I know its going to take me hours to get them in, but they only have 40 min sessions.
So what can I do?
Read more: My doctor will not give me my contacts help?!
Why are colored contacts otc when clear contacts require a rx?
Why are colored contacts otc when clear contacts require a rx?
Read more: Why are colored contacts otc when clear contacts require a rx?
Thursday, May 7, 2015
How to know if I would look good as a blonde? And how blonde?
I'm slightly tan. I'm german and irish, but for some reason slightly tan skin runs in my family. I'm not tan enough to look spanish, or indian. I would say my skin tone matches Nicole Richie's(She's blonde
) My natural hair color is a chocolate brown. I have brown eyes, but I often wear blue or light green contact lenses. I'm 16, and I've always stuck with dark hair colors, like browns, black and even some dark reds. But I've had a blonde undercoat for a while and I really like it.
So, should I give blonde a try? And what shade of blonde? Any advice? I would be going to my hair dresser to get it done.
Read more: How to know if I would look good as a blonde? And how blonde?
So, should I give blonde a try? And what shade of blonde? Any advice? I would be going to my hair dresser to get it done.
Read more: How to know if I would look good as a blonde? And how blonde?
Can I wear colored contacts/circle lenses on top of prescription lenses?
circle lenses can come in your prescription if you're farsighted, which, unfortunately, I am not (nearsighted gal here!) I Really want to be able to wear circle lenses and still see, so my question is; what would happen if I put in my prescription contacts, and then put the circle lenses over them? I'm aware that it's a pretty dumb idea, but I don't know what else to do. Has anyone else tried doing this or anything similar, or have a lot of knowledge on this kind of thing? Also, if you're just gonna say "don't do this" with no actual explanation as to why it's a bad idea, don't bother answering. Thanks!
Read more: Can I wear colored contacts/circle lenses on top of prescription lenses?
Why are my contact lenses blurry/uneven?
I have worn contacts for 12 years and in the past 2 years, have had problems from time to time with blurry vision in one eye. I saw an ophthalmologist a few years ago, no problems then. No pain, no dryness, no redness. Yet my previous brand (coopervision - encore 100's) had so many problems that I ventured to try some new brands. I now have proclear monthlys and am having similar problems. The annoying thing is that the "one eye" blurryiness is not always the same eye. 2 months ago I could barely read out of my right eye, now its my left. What is going on?! Should I be seeing the ophthalmologist again? Am I just sensitive to "new" lenses since I just started the new set today? I've tried 5 different brands and had problems with all of them… I just want to be able to see again! I can't wear glasses due to migraines, they hurt my head and neck to the point of missing work. That is also consistent across three pairs of glasses over the last 5 years. My RX is -5.5 left and -7 right.
Added (1). One more detail - I am 26
Read more: Why are my contact lenses blurry/uneven?
Conjuctivitis from contact lenses! Any doctors?
Ok so I had bacterial conjuctivitis 2 week ago (what the doctor said) and they said it was from my contact lenses and so I had some chloramphenical ointment and within 5 days The conjuctivitis had gone. 2 weeks later (today) I woke up with the same feeling as I did in my eye when I woke up 2 weeks ago (I've had corneal abrasion before so I know this isn't it) im pretty sure i have conjunctivitis again and i can understand why because ive been using solutions that i wasnt sure were this month's. Yes silly i know. Well It says on the chloramphenical ointment 'discard 28 days after opening' so instead of going to the doctors I've just been using the chloramphenical ointment that I already have from 2 weeks ago. However I've just thought, what if I make it worse due to the ointment maybe already been infected by my conjunctivitis a couple weeks ago? Is that possible?
Thank you I appreciate your help ðÂÂÂ
Read more: Conjuctivitis from contact lenses! Any doctors?
Thank you I appreciate your help ðÂÂÂ
Read more: Conjuctivitis from contact lenses! Any doctors?
I put my contacts in when I have a cut on my finger?
I feel like one of my lenses may have come into contact with it, please reassure me that I won't somehow get an eye infection or something? I got the cut several days ago and have washed my hands loads, and did just before I put my contacts in - but I haven't used any alcohol or anything on it.
I thought there was just one but there seems to have been a bit of cut on the skin above it too (no red blood marks on this smaller cut, it looks like I just split the skin a bit)
Should I take my contacts out immediately or is any damage that may happened already been done? How soon will I know if something's wrong? And can I still wear contacts tomorrow?
Read more: I put my contacts in when I have a cut on my finger?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Afraid I might need glasses?
I can't read out of my left eye because it's blurry, and I close it when the sun is in my eyes, so I look like this o_- It drives me crazy! My english teacher has us do these weird read-a-louds and we have to be doing an action while reading, and most often it's closing your dominant eye, when I'm picked it's really embarressing to not being able to read, it makes me look stupid. I'm also having trouble seeing the board in classes that I sit at the front of the room. I have to ask people around me to say what it says. I'm considering getting contacts but then again… I usually wake up 10 minutes before I leave for school, that gives me enough time to brush my teeth, hair, and change my clothes. Then I have to get on my bike and get to school. And I'm kinda noncommital… I'd wear my lenses/glasses for the first few weekes but then I'd stop wearing them. My little sister has glasses and she never takes them off! She even sleep in them! Because when she takes them off, she can't find them.
Read more: Afraid I might need glasses?
Skeptical of cheap Encore Premium contact lenses?
I was looking for cheap contacts because I have to always buy 2 boxes and it gets pricy. The first contact brand my Dr. Prescribed me was Coopervision Encore contacts. They claim when you buy them through them they are cheaper, it's $100 for a year which isn't bad at all. However, on a couple of websites they list them for $15 a box?! Should I go for it or no? The we sites are and Would this be an iffy buy? The description and boxes have barely any differences.
Read more: Skeptical of cheap Encore Premium contact lenses?
Why does my contact go blurry every time i blink?
Why does my contact go blurry every time i blink?
Added (1). I have a one day contact lenses and have been wearing them for about 2 months now. I took a break of wearing them for a week and 1/2 and now when i put in my left one every time i blink or move my eye really fast everything gets blurry. Please help because I purchased a 4 month supply to start out with because it was cheaper.
Read more: Why does my contact go blurry every time i blink?
Is my contact still good?
So I was driving home and I rubbed my eye and my contact lenses fell out so I held it in my hand for about 10 minutes then put it right in solution when I got home. It looked a little shriveled compared to the other one. But if it goes back to normal is it okay to wear again? They are monthly and I have another week and half with them and I really don t want to throw them out so please tell me what I should do. Thanks. I m a new contact lenses wearer. Lol
Read more: Is my contact still good?
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
I can't remove my contact lenses? - 1
I just got fitted for contact lenses for the first time today and getting them in was easy but I cannot for the life of me remove them. I've watched all sorts of videos and checked google and still no dice.
Considering how late it is I can't go back to the eye doctor now. What should I do?
Read more: I can't remove my contact lenses? - 1
Custom contact lenses, colour and lettering?
Custom contact lenses, colour and lettering?
Added (1). Is there a way to add lettering to contact lenses, like such a website to add some small lettering as well as having a custom colour. Just for special effect.
Read more: Custom contact lenses, colour and lettering?
Best websites to buy contacts lenses?
I don't want ones that look fake. I want ones that look real.
I'm looking for either grey or green contacts. And my real eye colour is like chocolate brown:)
Read more: Best websites to buy contacts lenses?
Monday, May 4, 2015
How to get my glasses prescription back?
After an eye exam, I chose a new pair of glasses from the place I took the eye exam. However, I was not using good judgment when picking out a pair a new glasses, and I chose a pair too small. With the new glasses, I can see much better, but my field of view through the glasses is smaller. I wear my old pair now, but I cannot see as clearly through it. The frame if belt out of shape a little, but nothing is actually wrong with it. However, I want a new pair so I can see clearly in during class. I saw a website called 39DollarGlass:, and I found a pair I want, but I need a prescription for the lenses. My dad said that after the exam, the prescriptions for our glasses was given to the dealer, which was the place of the exam, so we could get new glasses. I heard it is required by law for the eye examiner to give their patients their prescriptions, but that does not apply to this situation, as the prescriptions were willingly given back to the eye place after they were given back to us. My dad said that he would need to pay for another eye exam again. I don't think he mind that too much, but is there a way to get it back without retaking the exam?
Read more: How to get my glasses prescription back?
I'm 15,and I'd like contact lenses?
Hi I really hate wearing glasses, they make me feel very unattractive and they're pretty annoying. I asked my mum if I could get contact lenses and she said yes as long as they are affordable.So basically what I'm asking here is:should I get disposable ones or long term ones? Which are cheaper? Any useful information about contact lenses would be much appreciated:)Thanks!
Read more: I'm 15,and I'd like contact lenses?
I cant tell which ones are my old and new eye contacts?
Apparently i was dumb enough not to throw my old lenses and i took both of them when i went to my hometown. Now i cant tell which ones are the new ones and which the old ones. The old ones are Filcon IV with UV blocker and the new ones are Enfilcon A so if you can point a difference between the appearance of those 2 i'd probably be able to tell which are the new ones
Added (1). by the way, the one pair looks more blue while the other one looks more transparent
Read more: I cant tell which ones are my old and new eye contacts?
My eye contacts disapeared out of the cass?
One night iput my contacts in the case next day after school i went to put them on the right contact was not in the case. I know for a fact it was in there the night i put them up and no one touches my stuff can contacts just randomly disapear?
Read more: My eye contacts disapeared out of the cass?
Sunday, May 3, 2015
What might be causing my contact lens not to be fitting properly right now?
I have been wearing contact lens for the last 3 years (acuvue oaysis for astigmatism) and i recently got an eye exam that resulted in no change at all besides my right eye moving from -1.75 to -2.00. For some reason my right eye lens seem to move/create blurry or double images every few minutes-- something that has never happened before. Does anyone know what might be causing this extremlely obnoxious problem?
Read more: What might be causing my contact lens not to be fitting properly right now?
Why do contact lenses dry out if they aren't in solution?
Why do contact lenses dry out if they aren't in solution?
Read more: Why do contact lenses dry out if they aren't in solution?
What to do against a Sty at home? And can I wear lenses?
It is sunday now, so I don't have the opportunity to go and see a doctor.
I have the symtomps of a sty on my lower lid since yesterday, and I'm pretty sure it is one.
It isn't big or something, but it is hurting a bit.
I've read you should put warm compresses on your eye, but what if the sty is infected? Doesn't warmth make an infection grow faster?
And would I be able to wear day lenses? (which I throw away at the end of the day)
Thank you! :D
Read more: What to do against a Sty at home? And can I wear lenses?
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