I'm not looking for a fight with liberals just an answer and possible intelligent reason why you think it is wrong or if you were honestly blindsided by these. Can you really afford this money to be removed from your paycheck? Also, before you blame FOX Snope it. I get bored with people responding with "another Faux News lie" I'm sure if your attention span were better you'd see it on MSNBC or CBS soon after they determine they have to air it.
Six months from now, in January 2013, five major ObamaCare taxes will come into force:
1. The ObamaCare Medical Device Manufacturing Tax
This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table. Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care? The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven't turned a profit yet.
These are often small, scrappy companies with less than 20 employees who pioneer the next generation of life-prolonging devices.In addition to raising the cost of health care, this $20 billion tax over the next ten years will not help the country's jobs outlook, as the industry employs nearly 400, 000 Americans. Several companies have already responded to the looming tax by cutting research and development budgets and laying off workers.
2. The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax
This onerous tax provision will hit Americans facing the highest out-of-pocket medical bills. Currently, Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one's adjusted gross income.
The new ObamaCare provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill. This tax will hit pre-retirement seniors the hardest. Over the next ten years, affected Americans will pony up a minimum total of $15 billion in taxes thanks to this provision.
3. The ObamaCare Flexible Spending Account Cap
The 24 million Americans who have Flexible Spending Accounts will face a new federally imposed $2, 500 annual cap. These pre-tax accounts, which currently have no federal limit, are used to purchase everything from contact lenses to children's braces. With the cost of braces being as high as $7, 200, this tax provision will play an unwelcome role in everyday kitchen-table health care decisions.
The cap will also affect families with special-needs children, whose tuition can be covered using FSA funds. Special-needs tuition can cost up to $14, 000 per child per year. This cruel tax provision will limit the options available to such families, all so that the federal government can squeeze an additional $13 billion out of taxpayer pockets over the next ten years.
The targeting of FSAs by President Obama and congressional Democrats is no accident. The progressive left has never been fond of the consumer-driven accounts, which serve as a small roadblock in their long-term drive for a one-size-fits-all government health care bureaucracy.
For further proof, note the ObamaCare "medicine cabinet tax" which since 2011 has barred the 13.5 million Americans with Health Savings Accounts from purchasing over-the-counter medicines with pre-tax funds.
4. The ObamaCare Surtax on Investment Income
Under current law, the capital gains tax rate for all Americans rises from 15 to 20 percent in 2013, while the top dividend rate rises from 15 to 39.6 percent. The new ObamaCare surtax takes the top capital gains rate to 23.8 percent and top dividend rate to 43.4 percent. The tax will take a minimum of $123 billion out of taxpayer pockets over the next ten years.
And, last but not least…
5. The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase
This tax soaks employers to the tune of $86 billion over the next ten years.
As you can understand, there is a reason why the authors of ObamaCare wrote the law in such a way that the most brutal tax increases take effect conveniently after the 2012 election.It's the same reason President Obama, congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media conveniently neglect to mention these taxes and prefer that you simply "move on" after the Supreme Court ruling.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/05/five-major-obamacare-taxes-that-will-hit-your-wallet-in-2013/#ixzz2BrkXHUGU
Added (1). Ok, since you only trust liberal sites …
>>> Are you aware of and okay with the taxes coming under Obamacare?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
What is the diameter of any lens?
I mean how can I know it.
Is it the length of the lens?
If I imagine that the lens is making a circle then I measure diameter?
>>> What is the diameter of any lens?
Is it the length of the lens?
If I imagine that the lens is making a circle then I measure diameter?
>>> What is the diameter of any lens?
What position should i play?
I'm 14 about to join the rugby team. I'm 5 foot 8" tall and I can run not fast well.As fast as an average 14 year old. I can kick and recive well but I can't really pass well as I wear glasses and I take them off for rugby.(I can't wear contact lenses) I want to make a few tackels but just a few in a game. I want to also score some tries… I want to be in the back…
>>> What position should i play?
>>> What position should i play?
What will my first contact lenses eye exam be like?
I am planning to get contact lenses eye exam this wednesday. I'm getting them at costco, can anybody tell me what they do? For some reason I am extremely nervous. I've been to a normal eye exam and have been wearing glasses for about three years now.My vision isn't too bad.
Do they give me the contact lenses in the office right afterwards or do I have to order them?
Can I ask for a certain brand and type of contact lenses afterwards or do I have to try out the doctor's recommended brand firstt?
How can I order my preffered contact lenses? Do I go online or do I asked the eye doctor?
And can you please tell me what they do first to last? TYSM everybody! ^^<3
>>> What will my first contact lenses eye exam be like?
Do they give me the contact lenses in the office right afterwards or do I have to order them?
Can I ask for a certain brand and type of contact lenses afterwards or do I have to try out the doctor's recommended brand firstt?
How can I order my preffered contact lenses? Do I go online or do I asked the eye doctor?
And can you please tell me what they do first to last? TYSM everybody! ^^<3
>>> What will my first contact lenses eye exam be like?
Circle lenses help? diameter and such?
I've been a little confused about this for awhile… so i have 20/20 vision, i've never been to an eye doctor before so i don't know the size of my eye or anything.i've been thinking for awhile about getting circle lenses, but i have yet to have this question answered -- what kind do i buy? can i only buy plano with no size difference, or since because my eyes are 20/20 i can buy any diameter i want? or do i need a prescription? i'm really confused.i want to buy circle lenses that are wider than my iris so i can make them bigger, but can i only do that if i have a prescription, or can i just go ahead and buy (from what i've heard/understood) 14 diameter? i'm aware of all the risks and complications that go along with circle lenses, i'm just confused about what size i should and shouldn't buy, since i'm a first time buyer.
>>> Circle lenses help? diameter and such?
>>> Circle lenses help? diameter and such?
I'm embarrassed to wear my contact lenses?
It's a bit unusual but i'm 15 and i started wearing contacts during the summer.
my classmates last year in school knew me as the person wearing glasses.
This wear they haven't seen me yet cuz i go to another school.So i'm invited
to a party today but my friends think i still wear glasses.it may look like a stupid
question but what are they gonna say when they see i dont wear glasses?
will they think i stopped wearing them cuz i'm shy? and if they ask me should
i tell them that i wear contacts? or just go to the party with my glasses?
ty for ur tolerance in this stupid question …
>>> I'm embarrassed to wear my contact lenses?
my classmates last year in school knew me as the person wearing glasses.
This wear they haven't seen me yet cuz i go to another school.So i'm invited
to a party today but my friends think i still wear glasses.it may look like a stupid
question but what are they gonna say when they see i dont wear glasses?
will they think i stopped wearing them cuz i'm shy? and if they ask me should
i tell them that i wear contacts? or just go to the party with my glasses?
ty for ur tolerance in this stupid question …
>>> I'm embarrassed to wear my contact lenses?
Why my eyes red after a while when having contact lens on?
Everytime I wear any kind of contact lens after 2 hours my eyes will become red.
I did put eye drops but the redness didn't go away.
I using solution for normal eyes.
>>> Why my eyes red after a while when having contact lens on?
I did put eye drops but the redness didn't go away.
I using solution for normal eyes.
>>> Why my eyes red after a while when having contact lens on?
Is it bad to see through 1 lenses with glasses i mean will it damage my eyes?
I have a pair of glasses with only 1 lenses the other popped out is it bad to look through 1 lenses
>>> Is it bad to see through 1 lenses with glasses i mean will it damage my eyes?
>>> Is it bad to see through 1 lenses with glasses i mean will it damage my eyes?
Contact lenses - which ones do I need?
Hi I've got my prescription card from specsavers as to what contact lenses I need but haven't a clue where to order from and my numbers to makeup to exactly what's on offer please see this picture.
If possible I'm only looking for the dailies ones because I play football once a week and that's the only time I'd where them
>>> Contact lenses - which ones do I need?
If possible I'm only looking for the dailies ones because I play football once a week and that's the only time I'd where them
>>> Contact lenses - which ones do I need?
If I Buy Contact Lenses With Color, Will It Hurt And Will It Damage My Eyes?
Hi, I am going to be buying Cat Eye and Blue contact lenses. I am wondering (this is my first time using contacts) if they hurt when you place them in your eye. Also, if they damage your eyesight. I wear glasses and I don't like them.It's hard to play in sports without them being knocked off your face. If the lenses hurt, please scale it 1-10. And if you have any additional colors you think pop out please list them! Thank You!
>>> If I Buy Contact Lenses With Color, Will It Hurt And Will It Damage My Eyes?
>>> If I Buy Contact Lenses With Color, Will It Hurt And Will It Damage My Eyes?
Friday, November 9, 2012
What are the best and most comfortable contact lenses?
I've never had contacts before. I'm planning to order them online, but there are a zillion and one different types. What would be the best brand and type for the money? Thanks!
>>> What are the best and most comfortable contact lenses?
>>> What are the best and most comfortable contact lenses?
Eyes burn after wearing Contact lenses?
When i put them put it burns and a sudden strong sensitive to the light, i cant even open my eyes and remove them … but it went back normal after few minutes… anybody know why? yeah im wearing the type of contact lenses that u have to keep them and wear them the next day
>>> Eyes burn after wearing Contact lenses?
>>> Eyes burn after wearing Contact lenses?
If you're forehead is too big, can you still wear contact lenses?
I have a big forehead, but I am ready to wear contact lenses.
>>> If you're forehead is too big, can you still wear contact lenses?
>>> If you're forehead is too big, can you still wear contact lenses?
Why do you like to watch lesbian porn?
A gay man, who is like a "straight woman" does not like lesbian porn. Gay men find the lesbian porn disgusting. But many "straight women" like lesbian porn.
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
A gay man, who is like a "straight woman" does not like lesbian porn. Gay men find the lesbian porn disgusting. But many "straight women" like lesbian porn.
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
Any creative ideas for my video?
I have to make a short movie that ranges from 1-3 minutes about contact lenses, any ideas?
Thanks in advance
>>> Any creative ideas for my video?
Thanks in advance
>>> Any creative ideas for my video?
How long will mail be delayed due to hurricane sandy?
I'm in northern NJ and I was wondering about the mail delay. (My contact lenses were supposed to come in the mail a week ago.) Does anyone know when ups/fedex will be regulated?
>>> How long will mail be delayed due to hurricane sandy?
>>> How long will mail be delayed due to hurricane sandy?
I've left my contact lenses out of their solution overnight, can i still wear tgem?
I've done it before a few months ago and was fine, but now I'm beinginning to wonder if it'll damage my
>>> I've left my contact lenses out of their solution overnight, can i still wear tgem?
>>> I've left my contact lenses out of their solution overnight, can i still wear tgem?
Are contact lenses suitable for itchy eyes?
Sometimes my eyes feels itchy and i'm wondering if i would be suitable to put on contact lenses?
>>> Are contact lenses suitable for itchy eyes?
>>> Are contact lenses suitable for itchy eyes?
Solotica contact lenses: can they be harmful to my eyes?
So i wanted to buy a new brand of contacts, i found the Solotica brand from brazil are yearly, affordable and, not cheesy looking. However it kinda makes me uneasy because they are not a brand from the US and i dont want to damage my eyes permanently.
Manufacturer: Solotica
Contains: 2 lenses in factory sealed packaging
Type: Yearly
Base Curve: 8.7
Diameter: 14.2
What kind of risks am i running? i already use freshlook, but the color looks cheesy, and i know how to properly take care of contacts.
Since these are yearly, would they build up bacteria? (my optometrist said that the 2 week ones would develop like plaque, bacteria (or something like that) on the inside if i wear them for more than 2 weeks.
Any Optometrists out there that can help ?
>>> Solotica contact lenses: can they be harmful to my eyes?
Manufacturer: Solotica
Contains: 2 lenses in factory sealed packaging
Type: Yearly
Base Curve: 8.7
Diameter: 14.2
What kind of risks am i running? i already use freshlook, but the color looks cheesy, and i know how to properly take care of contacts.
Since these are yearly, would they build up bacteria? (my optometrist said that the 2 week ones would develop like plaque, bacteria (or something like that) on the inside if i wear them for more than 2 weeks.
Any Optometrists out there that can help ?
>>> Solotica contact lenses: can they be harmful to my eyes?
What is the estimated price of monthly contact lens in singapore?
I'm trying contacts for the first time. What are the prices for astigmatism and without? I'm buying for one month (1 pair) only. Thank you!
>>> What is the estimated price of monthly contact lens in singapore?
>>> What is the estimated price of monthly contact lens in singapore?
Where can I buy red contact lenses FAST!
I have a play coming up this Friday and I need red contacts but I can't find any anywhere. I've looked on eBay and Amazon already and they don't have any and I don't know any stores that would. Anybody know a non guessing source that i can get this from? Thanks
>>> Where can I buy red contact lenses FAST!
>>> Where can I buy red contact lenses FAST!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Do I need an adult present to have an eye test?
Hi, this is regarding the UK (specifically England) and I'm aged 13. I want to get an eye test after school as there is an opticians on the way home.My mum agreed to this but I was wondering whether she needs to be present or if I can just go by myself. Also, can I buy contact lenses if I wanted? Without an adult present? Thanks guys!
>>> Do I need an adult present to have an eye test?
>>> Do I need an adult present to have an eye test?
Does the sun make your eyes brighter?
I don't want answers like OH NO DONT LOOK AT THE SUN THATS DANGEROUS Im not going to stare at the sun I just want to know if it makes your eyes a brighter colour
PS don't want makeup tips on contact lenses
>>> Does the sun make your eyes brighter?
PS don't want makeup tips on contact lenses
>>> Does the sun make your eyes brighter?
Can I wear contact lens instead of glasses?
Can I wear contact lens instead of glasses?
>>> Can I wear contact lens instead of glasses?
>>> Can I wear contact lens instead of glasses?
Why are my contact lens stronger than my glasses perscription?
Hi all! I am about to buy prescription glasses over the internet so my eye doctor emailed me both my eyeglasses & contact lens prescription.
I got my contact lens prescription done this past summer & I have -2.00 in both eyes.My contact prescription before that was at -1.75 in both eyes (that was given to me the same day I got my eyeglasses one done)
My eyeglasses prescription was done over a year ago & it is as follows
OD: SPH: -1.75 CYL -0.50 AXIS: 180
OS: SPH: -1.75 CYL: -0.75 AXIS: 180
Does this sound right? I always thought contact lenses were supposed to bit weaker than eyeglasses but, with me, the reverse seems to be true?
Does this sound logical? Or should I bump the SPH up to -2.00 before I buy my new glasses over the internet? I just don't want to waste a bunch of money.
Anyways, thanks for your time.
>>> Why are my contact lens stronger than my glasses perscription?
I got my contact lens prescription done this past summer & I have -2.00 in both eyes.My contact prescription before that was at -1.75 in both eyes (that was given to me the same day I got my eyeglasses one done)
My eyeglasses prescription was done over a year ago & it is as follows
OD: SPH: -1.75 CYL -0.50 AXIS: 180
OS: SPH: -1.75 CYL: -0.75 AXIS: 180
Does this sound right? I always thought contact lenses were supposed to bit weaker than eyeglasses but, with me, the reverse seems to be true?
Does this sound logical? Or should I bump the SPH up to -2.00 before I buy my new glasses over the internet? I just don't want to waste a bunch of money.
Anyways, thanks for your time.
>>> Why are my contact lens stronger than my glasses perscription?
What circle lenses does Qri wear?
So i totaly love T-ara and Qri and i noticed (i think everyone already noticed) that Qri does always wear Circle lenses that make her eyes look even prettier then they already are ^^
So i wanted to ask if anyone knows what circle lenses she uses ?
>>> What circle lenses does Qri wear?
So i wanted to ask if anyone knows what circle lenses she uses ?
>>> What circle lenses does Qri wear?
Re-post: where can i get white contact lenses?
I dont have bad eyes so i dont want lenses with strenght. Hopsin (a rapper) has these contact lenses where he can turn his whole eye white except for his pupils ofcourse, and i know it cost like 100 - 200 NOK (Norwegian Krones) which is about 17-34 USD.Do you know where i can buy these lenses cheap and quick? I need them for a school project (a short film) which is in about 3 weeks
>>> Re-post: where can i get white contact lenses?
>>> Re-post: where can i get white contact lenses?
Where do i get white colored lenses like Hopsin?
I dont have bad eyes so i dont want lenses with strenght. Hopsin (a rapper) has these contact lenses where he can turn his whole eye white except fo his pupils ofcourse, and i know it cost like 100 - 200 NOK (Norwegian Krones) which is about 17-34 USD.Do you know where i can buy these lenses?
>>> Where do i get white colored lenses like Hopsin?
>>> Where do i get white colored lenses like Hopsin?
Does this happen often?
I went for an eye exam at lenscrafters and the doctor made me look through the refraction machine at the eye chart.In my left eye she put a -0.75 lens and asked whether I could read the bottom line.At first, I instinctively said yes, but realized I couldn't make out the letters. However, she told me to blink several times and after that I could make out the letters but I mistook a G for a C or an O (I forget). She said that's common and prescribed -0.75 without even testing the -1.00 diopter lens. I don't think my glasses correct my left eye to 20/20. Should I go back?
>>> Does this happen often?
>>> Does this happen often?
Would toric contact lens cause vision distortion, if I read books, lying down on the bed?
I have around -0.75 Dioptre Spherical and -1.25 Dioptres Cylindrical power in my eyes.
I was thinking of shifting to toric contact lenses. (Cooper Vision Frequency Excel Toric).
I have a question: Would I face problems, if I read books, lying down on the bed? Because, I've heard that toric contact lenses use the power of gravity to keep them straight in the eyes, without changing the desired axis of the cylindrical power.
Would these lenses work, while I'm reading, lying down on the bed?
>>> Would toric contact lens cause vision distortion, if I read books, lying down on the bed?
I was thinking of shifting to toric contact lenses. (Cooper Vision Frequency Excel Toric).
I have a question: Would I face problems, if I read books, lying down on the bed? Because, I've heard that toric contact lenses use the power of gravity to keep them straight in the eyes, without changing the desired axis of the cylindrical power.
Would these lenses work, while I'm reading, lying down on the bed?
>>> Would toric contact lens cause vision distortion, if I read books, lying down on the bed?
Where should i buy my contact solution, walmart or heb?
I'm wondering where my contact solution opti free would be cheaper. And I don't know if it's cheaper at Heb, Walmart or maybe walgreens
>>> Where should i buy my contact solution, walmart or heb?
>>> Where should i buy my contact solution, walmart or heb?
Coloured contact lense problem?
So i have just put on contact lenses for the first time and it feels really strange and my eye feels like theirs sand in it, is this just my eyes getting used to the lenses or something else? please help
>>> Coloured contact lense problem?
>>> Coloured contact lense problem?
About circle lenses please come help <3?
Okay … so i have astigmatism
my left eye is
BC 8.5
SPH -1.25
CYL -1.75
AX 150
my right eye is
BC 8.5
SPH -3.25
CYL -0.75
AX 10
I heard if you divide your astigmatism number by two and add it to your sphere (power) then round it to the nearest whole number you can switch to regular lenses.
So which mean i divide -1.75 and add on to -1.25 which is around -2.00
so if i want to get beautiful circle lenses i will have to buy -2.00 degree ?
>>> About circle lenses please come help <3?
my left eye is
BC 8.5
SPH -1.25
CYL -1.75
AX 150
my right eye is
BC 8.5
SPH -3.25
CYL -0.75
AX 10
I heard if you divide your astigmatism number by two and add it to your sphere (power) then round it to the nearest whole number you can switch to regular lenses.
So which mean i divide -1.75 and add on to -1.25 which is around -2.00
so if i want to get beautiful circle lenses i will have to buy -2.00 degree ?
>>> About circle lenses please come help <3?
Hey all, is it okay for me to go .25 stronger/weaker on my contact lens prescription?
I'd like to buy some color contacts online and they don't have my prescription (which is -5.00 for my right and -4.25 for my left eye) but they do have -4.50/-4.75/-5.25. They basically have every prescription except for mine. I know it's not recommended to not buy your correct prescription but I'd really like these and I want to know if it's better for me to go stronger or weaker.
>>> Hey all, is it okay for me to go .25 stronger/weaker on my contact lens prescription?
>>> Hey all, is it okay for me to go .25 stronger/weaker on my contact lens prescription?
My roommate is abusing my dog, what can I do? - 1
I found out yesterday that my roommate has been squirting my dog with water or contact lens fluid when she's unhappy with him!
Yesterday I caught her squirting him with contact lens fluid, and she said it was because he wouldn't stop barking and she couldn't concentrate on her studying. She said it wasn't hurting him, it was just to make him stop.My dog really doesn't like being squirted and I think if she needs to study and he's barking she should just go to the library or something! She agreed to let us move in and this is just what you get when you agree to have a dog in your place!
Also she got angry when he chewed up her earrings which were on the floor in her room - I was actually mad that she would leave things on the floor for my dog to possibly choke on!
How can I stop her mistreating my dog? Can I report her to someone? Help!
>>> My roommate is abusing my dog, what can I do? - 1
Yesterday I caught her squirting him with contact lens fluid, and she said it was because he wouldn't stop barking and she couldn't concentrate on her studying. She said it wasn't hurting him, it was just to make him stop.My dog really doesn't like being squirted and I think if she needs to study and he's barking she should just go to the library or something! She agreed to let us move in and this is just what you get when you agree to have a dog in your place!
Also she got angry when he chewed up her earrings which were on the floor in her room - I was actually mad that she would leave things on the floor for my dog to possibly choke on!
How can I stop her mistreating my dog? Can I report her to someone? Help!
>>> My roommate is abusing my dog, what can I do? - 1
Where can I get cheaper contact lenses?
I've been wearing contacts for about 2 years now, off and on, because I just can't afford them.
I usually buy my lenses at 1800contacts.com and they are about $40 a box.
The brand is Bausch & Lomb, SofLens Daily Disposables, 90pk. Although, I am open to trying other brands as long as they are cheaper.
I want to find a place where I can buy my contacts cheaper!!! Any suggestions?
>>> Where can I get cheaper contact lenses?
I usually buy my lenses at 1800contacts.com and they are about $40 a box.
The brand is Bausch & Lomb, SofLens Daily Disposables, 90pk. Although, I am open to trying other brands as long as they are cheaper.
I want to find a place where I can buy my contacts cheaper!!! Any suggestions?
>>> Where can I get cheaper contact lenses?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the?
The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the
A. pupil.
B. cornea.
C. visual cortex.
D. lens
E. blind spot
>>> The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the?
A. pupil.
B. cornea.
C. visual cortex.
D. lens
E. blind spot
>>> The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the?
Will it be ok? are my eyes in danger?
Ive been wearing lenses for about two or three weaks speratly and when i wear them on and face the sun i see like if theres something moving in front of me kinda like a transparant shadow.anyways now its been two days since i last used them and when i see the sun i still see that kinda things.so will they fade away partially? or do i need to see a doctor immediatly?
>>> Will it be ok? are my eyes in danger?
>>> Will it be ok? are my eyes in danger?
Embarrassing colorblindess.?
I can't tell the difference between certain shades of yellow and orange. The same is for some purple and some blue.It's also like this for green and yellow and red and orange sometimes.It sometimes happens in red and brown.
It's very embarrassing because I'm doing art as a GCSE and I'm trying to avoid colors… I know I'm going to have to use them sooner or later and I'm scared. Any suggestions on what to do?
Also, is there anything I can do about this such as special glasses or contact lenses? I'm crying because I want to see color like everyone else :(.
>>> Embarrassing colorblindess.?
It's very embarrassing because I'm doing art as a GCSE and I'm trying to avoid colors… I know I'm going to have to use them sooner or later and I'm scared. Any suggestions on what to do?
Also, is there anything I can do about this such as special glasses or contact lenses? I'm crying because I want to see color like everyone else :(.
>>> Embarrassing colorblindess.?
Mixed my contact lenses!
So what happen is i putted my new lenses in my old lenses case.My old case contained my old lenses which i wore for about 2 monthes. I am not sure if they are mixed.the new lenses i wore them for month i was planning to replace them at the the end of this month. When i try the first with second i feel no differeant. I reamber when on myfirst days how the dirty lenses feel my eyes become red i feel pain and so on. But with those two the mixed no differant no pain same same. Should i continue wearing them untill the end of the month? :|
>>> Mixed my contact lenses!
>>> Mixed my contact lenses!
Why do i still see blurry with my contactlens?
I putted my contact lenses only in my right eye because that's my problem eye, my left eye is good. But when I had it on, i felt my lens a bit in my eye is that normal? And I could look with my right eye when i close my left eye, but when i try to look with both eyes it's blurry it's like i don't have contacts on… Why is it like that? It is my first time i tried contact lenses ..PLEASE HELP!
Thanks :)
>>> Why do i still see blurry with my contactlens?
Thanks :)
>>> Why do i still see blurry with my contactlens?
Where can I buy SAFE! colored eye lenses? how do you put it on? are they safe?
Srry if I'm asking lots of questions.
>>> Where can I buy SAFE! colored eye lenses? how do you put it on? are they safe?
>>> Where can I buy SAFE! colored eye lenses? how do you put it on? are they safe?
How to put my contact lenses?
I putted my contact lenses only in my right eye because that's my problem eye, my left eye is good. But when I had it on, i felt my lens a bit in my eye is that normal? And I could look with my right eye when i close my left eye, but when i try to look with both eyes it's blurry it's like i don't have contacts on… Why is it like that? It is my first time i tried contact lenses ..PLEASE HELP!
Thanks :)
>>> How to put my contact lenses?
Thanks :)
>>> How to put my contact lenses?
Can optical lens be used while playing soccer?
And can optical lens be used in snorkeling, and for which works or sports optical lens cant be used. and while crying if optical lens are on then can it pain? on eyes
>>> Can optical lens be used while playing soccer?
>>> Can optical lens be used while playing soccer?
Women don't get weak eyesight?
Mostly it is men who are seen wearing glasses… women with glasses are rare to be seen…
… is it that women are less likely to have weak eyesight… or they wear contact lens, so that their beauty and look is not spoiled?
>>> Women don't get weak eyesight?
… is it that women are less likely to have weak eyesight… or they wear contact lens, so that their beauty and look is not spoiled?
>>> Women don't get weak eyesight?
Can I still wear Contact lenses if.?
Can I still wear contact lenses it has a tiny rip in it? Because I just got Them now I'm upset that they have a little rip.
>>> Can I still wear Contact lenses if.?
>>> Can I still wear Contact lenses if.?
Gas mask good enough for airsoft?
I'm playing airsoft and i had bought a gas mask from a military store. Its a real deal thing, but i was wondering if it would protect my eyes? the lenses are made out of glass, will it protect me?
>>> Gas mask good enough for airsoft?
>>> Gas mask good enough for airsoft?
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
There is pain in my eye and redness on the bottom half. Help?
Since I have woken up, I have had pain on the top center of my Iris with redness on the bottom half of my eye. Its very painful and has persisted for 12 hours now.It feels like a very large eyelash in there. Any suggestions? I wear ortho-k lenses(nighttime) everyday.
Is there something on my eyelid?
Was it caused by trauma?
Other than go to the doctor, what solutions to you have?
>>> There is pain in my eye and redness on the bottom half. Help?
Is there something on my eyelid?
Was it caused by trauma?
Other than go to the doctor, what solutions to you have?
>>> There is pain in my eye and redness on the bottom half. Help?
Whic spelling do you prefer?
Pick your favorite spelling of the following names :)
(add-uh-lyn) - Adeline, Adelyn, Adaline, Adalyn, Addalyn, Addelyn, Addeline, Addaline
(ann-uh-belle) - Annabelle, Annabel, Anabelle, Anabel
(emm-uh-line) - Emmeline, Emmaline, Emeline, Emaline
(is-ah-belle) - Isabelle, Isobel, Isabel, Isobelle, Izabelle, Izabel
(mad-uh-len) - Madeline, Madeleine, Madelyn, Madiline, Madileine, Madilyn
(em-E) - Emmy, Emmie, Emme, Emmi, Emy, Emie, Eme, Emi
(add-leigh) - Adley, Adlie, Adly, Adli, Adlee, Adleigh
(ay-den) - Aden, Aiden, Aidan, Aaden, Ayden
(r-eye-lee)- Riley, Reilly, Rylie
(jack-son) - Jackson, Jaxson, Jaxon
(sky-lar) - Schuyler, Skyler, Skylar
(bray-den) - Brayden, Braiden, Braden, Breydon, Breidon
>>> Whic spelling do you prefer?
(add-uh-lyn) - Adeline, Adelyn, Adaline, Adalyn, Addalyn, Addelyn, Addeline, Addaline
(ann-uh-belle) - Annabelle, Annabel, Anabelle, Anabel
(emm-uh-line) - Emmeline, Emmaline, Emeline, Emaline
(is-ah-belle) - Isabelle, Isobel, Isabel, Isobelle, Izabelle, Izabel
(mad-uh-len) - Madeline, Madeleine, Madelyn, Madiline, Madileine, Madilyn
(em-E) - Emmy, Emmie, Emme, Emmi, Emy, Emie, Eme, Emi
(add-leigh) - Adley, Adlie, Adly, Adli, Adlee, Adleigh
(ay-den) - Aden, Aiden, Aidan, Aaden, Ayden
(r-eye-lee)- Riley, Reilly, Rylie
(jack-son) - Jackson, Jaxson, Jaxon
(sky-lar) - Schuyler, Skyler, Skylar
(bray-den) - Brayden, Braiden, Braden, Breydon, Breidon
>>> Whic spelling do you prefer?
What's that vocaloid song called that has a reverse disney theme?
Yeah reverse disney XD there's no other way i can explain it. Like a black guy in a mickey suit (or rabbit suit?). Umm lets see… it's very gruesome. Miku is either Alice (in wonderland) or Dorthy from Oz. Her fingers are all twisty and broken i guess. I think Kaito was the bunny from wonderland. He had a golden watch in his hand. Yep… I just forgot the name of this video on YouTube so yeah XD it would be helpful if anyone answered :)
Dont know if this helps but Meiko was a nurse in the beginning and Len and Rin were dead, stitched up zombies. Len was pushing Rin in a wheelchair. There was one line in this song that said something about Disney princesses.It went something like this: Chop up the little mermaid's tail and eat it.
Its not Circle You Circle You, Alice of Human Sacrifice, Dark Woods Circus or Before Dark Woods
>>> What's that vocaloid song called that has a reverse disney theme?
Dont know if this helps but Meiko was a nurse in the beginning and Len and Rin were dead, stitched up zombies. Len was pushing Rin in a wheelchair. There was one line in this song that said something about Disney princesses.It went something like this: Chop up the little mermaid's tail and eat it.
Its not Circle You Circle You, Alice of Human Sacrifice, Dark Woods Circus or Before Dark Woods
>>> What's that vocaloid song called that has a reverse disney theme?
Do women like lesbian porn too?
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
>>> Do women like lesbian porn too?
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of
>>> Do women like lesbian porn too?
Do I need to wear glasses?
I am training to be a pilot and also like to fly rc aircraft.My last eye test was at least 5-6 years ago and then my eyes were fine.In the past couple of months I have been noticing a lot more often that it takes a couple of minutes for me to actually understand what has been written on the board. Along with that I sometimes see double images. When I read a Snellen chart I don't seem to have a problem reading the bottom line as it only happens sometimes. If I do end up needing glasses I would assume that I would need a weak prescription. I have been looking online and tbh I haven't found one that suits me. Would contact lenses be available to me if I have a weak prescription?
Added (1). I have an appointment with an optometrist though its not for a couple of weeks.
>>> Do I need to wear glasses?
Added (1). I have an appointment with an optometrist though its not for a couple of weeks.
>>> Do I need to wear glasses?
How to buy My First part of Circle Lenses?
Okay so my mom said that I can get circle lenses and theses are gonna be my first pair ever
I've seen alot of reviews for these and many people have given it a thumbs up :3
but i'd like to know what does the product options box mean? and do you need to go to a doctor before you get them? oh and when it says something like geo medical as a brand does that mean that the certain type of lenses help your vision?
~Please only answer if you buy circle lenses and have tried them and aswell know about them!!!~
>>> How to buy My First part of Circle Lenses?
I've seen alot of reviews for these and many people have given it a thumbs up :3
but i'd like to know what does the product options box mean? and do you need to go to a doctor before you get them? oh and when it says something like geo medical as a brand does that mean that the certain type of lenses help your vision?
~Please only answer if you buy circle lenses and have tried them and aswell know about them!!!~
>>> How to buy My First part of Circle Lenses?
Contact lenses adjusting?
I have astigmatism, can't see at a distance. Plus now the old age can't read THIMG. I am not adjusting to bi focal glasses at all.
Do any of you have similar eye problems and if so have you had any luck with contact lenses? Is so what kind of contacts do you use?
>>> Contact lenses adjusting?
Do any of you have similar eye problems and if so have you had any luck with contact lenses? Is so what kind of contacts do you use?
>>> Contact lenses adjusting?
Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
Hey! Hoping you are well!!! :)
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary. (… hence, I cut off all of my hair too.)
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.

Thank you so much for your input! :)
>>> Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary. (… hence, I cut off all of my hair too.)
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.
Thank you so much for your input! :)
>>> Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)? - 1
Hey! Hoping you are well!!! :)
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary. (Hence, I cut off all my hair too, it was waist length :'( ahahaha)
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.

Thank you so much for your input! :)
Added (1). I would do that Little Bear, but unfortunately my dress code at work doesn't allow us to cover our faces. :(
>>> Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)? - 1
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary. (Hence, I cut off all my hair too, it was waist length :'( ahahaha)
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.
Thank you so much for your input! :)
Added (1). I would do that Little Bear, but unfortunately my dress code at work doesn't allow us to cover our faces. :(
>>> Which colour should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)? - 1
What color should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
Hey! Hoping you are well!!! :)
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary.
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.

Thank you so much for your input! :)
>>> What color should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
So… I really really really need a change… lot of stuff's been going on and it feels necessary.
I'm trying to decide between blonde or a really dark dark dark brown (almost black).
But I'm not completely opposed to going redder, though it's not my first choice.
btw it's not my natural hair color to begin with. And also, eye color is not a problem because I wear different coloured contact lenses almost allways.
Thank you so much for your input! :)
>>> What color should I dye my hair? I need a big change? (photo)?
What contacts are good for eyes with astigmatism?
I currently am using my DailyFocus lenses but they do not correct my astigmatism. I have pairs of glasses but I tend not to wear them outside of the house.My glasses help and correct my astigmatism but my contacts don't. Are there are good lines of contact lenses that help correct astigmatism?
>>> What contacts are good for eyes with astigmatism?
>>> What contacts are good for eyes with astigmatism?
Cosplay Contact Lenses Website? - 1
I need to order some for cheeper like around 20-30$. Mangekyo Sharingan to be precise. Sasuke's, Itachi's, or Kakashi's. Please help. Thank you :3
>>> Cosplay Contact Lenses Website? - 1
>>> Cosplay Contact Lenses Website? - 1
Best site for circle lenses?
I really want to get circle lenses but I don't know which site to get them from, I also don't know what color to get. I have very dark skin (picture Alec Wek) dark brown eyes, long hair ( about 16 inches.) please keep in mind I want the circle lenses to look natural, not like crazy or anything.
>>> Best site for circle lenses?
>>> Best site for circle lenses?
Monday, November 5, 2012
Issue with this code? I can't figure it out!
'Menu Program
'Calculates Area of a Circle and Area of a Rectangle
'CAlculates Perimeter of a rectangle and Circumference of a Circle
'Variables include:
' Choice - To let the program know what to calculate (or exit)
' PI - The Trancendental Function (we're using 3.14159) and it's used more as a constant
' Len- length of the Rectangle (Keyed Input)
' Wid - Width of the Rectangle (keyed Input)
' Rec Area - Area of the Rectangle (Calculated by the Program
' Rec Perim - Perimter of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
' Rad - Radius of the circle (Keyed Input)
' CirCirc - Circumference of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
' CirArea - Area of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
Choice = "Y"
Pi = 3.14159
While (Choice <> "X")
If Choice <> "A" and Choice <> "C" and Choice <> "X" Then
Choice = "Err"
If Choice = "A" Then
If Choice = "C" Then
If Choice = "Err" Then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Bad Parameter. Try Again.")
'End Of Program
'Calculation Subroutines Start Here
Sub menu
TextWindow.WriteLine(" Menu")
TextWindow.WriteLine("Select the calculation from the list below (Use caps)")
TextWindow.WriteLine("A - Area of a Circle")
TextWindow.WriteLine("C - Circumference of a Circle")
TextWindow.WriteLine("X - Exit")
Choice = TextWindow. Read()
Sub CircOfCir
Sub AreadOfCir
Added (1). The program will run, but when I enter the command to get the answer to display, nothing appears. I can't figure it out… I've been looking at it for an hour
>>> Issue with this code? I can't figure it out!
'Calculates Area of a Circle and Area of a Rectangle
'CAlculates Perimeter of a rectangle and Circumference of a Circle
'Variables include:
' Choice - To let the program know what to calculate (or exit)
' PI - The Trancendental Function (we're using 3.14159) and it's used more as a constant
' Len- length of the Rectangle (Keyed Input)
' Wid - Width of the Rectangle (keyed Input)
' Rec Area - Area of the Rectangle (Calculated by the Program
' Rec Perim - Perimter of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
' Rad - Radius of the circle (Keyed Input)
' CirCirc - Circumference of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
' CirArea - Area of the Circle (Calculated by the Program)
Choice = "Y"
Pi = 3.14159
While (Choice <> "X")
If Choice <> "A" and Choice <> "C" and Choice <> "X" Then
Choice = "Err"
If Choice = "A" Then
If Choice = "C" Then
If Choice = "Err" Then
TextWindow.WriteLine("Bad Parameter. Try Again.")
'End Of Program
'Calculation Subroutines Start Here
Sub menu
TextWindow.WriteLine(" Menu")
TextWindow.WriteLine("Select the calculation from the list below (Use caps)")
TextWindow.WriteLine("A - Area of a Circle")
TextWindow.WriteLine("C - Circumference of a Circle")
TextWindow.WriteLine("X - Exit")
Choice = TextWindow. Read()
Sub CircOfCir
Sub AreadOfCir
Added (1). The program will run, but when I enter the command to get the answer to display, nothing appears. I can't figure it out… I've been looking at it for an hour
>>> Issue with this code? I can't figure it out!
I will have my first flight soon.is it okay if i wear my contact lens?
I will have my first flight soon, is it okay if i wear my contact lens or should i just remove them from my eyes? i am wondering if i enter the airport and for screening or checking maybe they will see or notice that i am wearing contact lens and maybe they will ask me to remove them… please help… I really dont know what to do… i havent travel with plane eversince, so soon i will have my first flight i just want to know if i can wear my contact lens for my first flight..thank u…
>>> I will have my first flight soon.is it okay if i wear my contact lens?
>>> I will have my first flight soon.is it okay if i wear my contact lens?
Cosplay Contact Lenses Website?
I need to order some for cheeper like around 20-30$. Mangekyo Sharingan to be precise. Sasuke's, Itachi's, or Kakashi's. Please help. Thank you :3
>>> Cosplay Contact Lenses Website?
>>> Cosplay Contact Lenses Website?
Which Contacts would look best? (w/Pics)?
So I've finally gotten the money to get a pair of new contacts, but I'm having an EXTREMELY hard time picking a pair out. I used to have a pair of "Manson/Zombie" white contacts that I loved, but everyone told me I should go with something different.
but anyways my natural eye color is a brown/greenish -->

and here's a pic of my "Manson/Zombie" contacts when I had them in. -->
but I'm debating between a few pair.
My old White/Zombie/Manson one's
Aqua "3 Tone" one's -->
Blue 3 Tone one's -->
and this is my second favorite the Grey 3 Tone one's -->
So which one's would you think would look best?
>>> Which Contacts would look best? (w/Pics)?
but anyways my natural eye color is a brown/greenish -->
and here's a pic of my "Manson/Zombie" contacts when I had them in. -->
but I'm debating between a few pair.
My old White/Zombie/Manson one's
Aqua "3 Tone" one's -->
Blue 3 Tone one's -->
and this is my second favorite the Grey 3 Tone one's -->
So which one's would you think would look best?
>>> Which Contacts would look best? (w/Pics)?
Should i cut my eyelashes? (guy)?
Ok ive got contact lenses and i but them into day in school ive never noticed before but i hav really long eyelashes and all the lads were giving me stick, i got to an all boys school and i was being given nasty comments that i look like a *** and that i looked weird and i shoud trim them, sould i cut them or keep them?
>>> Should i cut my eyelashes? (guy)?
>>> Should i cut my eyelashes? (guy)?
Which color contact lenses would look good on me or suit my skintone?
Http://www.designereyelenses.com/productdetail.php?product=236 - The other colors are at the bottom of the page.
Thanks :)
>>> Which color contact lenses would look good on me or suit my skintone?
Thanks :)
>>> Which color contact lenses would look good on me or suit my skintone?
Advice on Contact Lenses?
My Axis for one eye is 145. However, the closest option for Toric lenses are 120 and 160.So should I get 120 or 160?
Any help is appreciated.
>>> Advice on Contact Lenses?
Any help is appreciated.
>>> Advice on Contact Lenses?
My contact lenses hurt when i put them in?
Ive had my contact lenses for about 2 months now, and most mornings now when i put them in they hurt - it feels like ive got a little stone in my eye.sometimes this goes after a while but other times it could feel like it all day and feel like i have a sty.
anyone know why this could be?
>>> My contact lenses hurt when i put them in?
anyone know why this could be?
>>> My contact lenses hurt when i put them in?
Is contact lense perscription wrong?
I just got my first contact lense perscription mailed to me from the eye doctor. I have trouble seeing things at a distance. Now, my perscription says plano on the Sphere on both eyes. Checking around on the web says that Plano is 0.00 and no correction.My full perscription is BC = 8.60, DIA = 14.20, SPHERE = PLANO, Cylinder = SPH. This is both eyes and it's for air optix aqua.
>>> Is contact lense perscription wrong?
>>> Is contact lense perscription wrong?
Is it okay to wear non - prescription circle lenses with prescription glasses?
I have astigmatism in my left eye, and recently got a pair on circle lens.
>>> Is it okay to wear non - prescription circle lenses with prescription glasses?
>>> Is it okay to wear non - prescription circle lenses with prescription glasses?
First time with Contact Lenses. HELP?
I just bought contact lenses. But I'm not sure how to use 'em yet… They are still in their package.At the store they gave me some liquid thingy called Opti-Free Replenish. There's also a case in the box with the liquid.
So… I want to test them right away! What should I do to wear them? Do I have to clean 'em first? How to do I properly use all this stuff? o.o
>>> First time with Contact Lenses. HELP?
So… I want to test them right away! What should I do to wear them? Do I have to clean 'em first? How to do I properly use all this stuff? o.o
>>> First time with Contact Lenses. HELP?
Where can I buy Black Sclera Contact Lenses in the Philippines?
Where can I buy Black Sclera Contact Lenses in the Philippines?
>>> Where can I buy Black Sclera Contact Lenses in the Philippines?
>>> Where can I buy Black Sclera Contact Lenses in the Philippines?
Are contact lenses suggestible for cylindrical sight or not?
Are contact lenses suggestible for cylindrical sight or not ?
>>> Are contact lenses suggestible for cylindrical sight or not?
>>> Are contact lenses suggestible for cylindrical sight or not?
How to go about surprising someone with prescription glasses?
So my really great guy friend can not afford glasses and has a hard time seeing in the distance. I do not have eye problems so I cannot relate, nor do I know how the whole prescription glasses process works. He has style, so for Christmas I really thought it would not only be a nice but practical gift to give him Ray Ban Optical glasses. How long does it take to get prescription lenses and is there a way I can find out what lenses he needs exactly with out it being too obvious? Any info helps, thank you.
>>> How to go about surprising someone with prescription glasses?
>>> How to go about surprising someone with prescription glasses?
Eye contacts lens fell.will it cause infection?
I opened a new pair of contacts this morning.At night i forgot that i did that so I threw them away thinking i could get a new pair in the morning.As soon as I remembered (which was right when they both went into the trashcan) i took them out and put them in clean contact solution.will they be okay? I dont want to throw them away cuz i will get punished and i hate wasting money especially when its so tight.i need help. Will it cause infection? WHAT DO I DO!!!
Im worried about infection because the optomitrist are always saying to wash your hands before you touch the contact lens cuz it could cause infection.
Please get me professional advice not just your opinion
>>> Eye contacts lens fell.will it cause infection?
Im worried about infection because the optomitrist are always saying to wash your hands before you touch the contact lens cuz it could cause infection.
Please get me professional advice not just your opinion
>>> Eye contacts lens fell.will it cause infection?
Anaesthetic from operation has damaged my corneas?
I recently had an operation under general anaesthetic. A couple of days after I had blurred vision and went to my eye doctor who said that my corneas have effectively dried out. When I said I'd had an operation he said that the anaesthetic they used.was probably the cause. I am now on medication and eye drops for the foreseeable future until my corneas, which he said are now pitted like the surface of the moon, recover.
Has anyone ever come across this before and do people make a full recovery - in what time?
I was a regular contact lens wearer until this happened and am now unable to wear them anymore.
>>> Anaesthetic from operation has damaged my corneas?
Has anyone ever come across this before and do people make a full recovery - in what time?
I was a regular contact lens wearer until this happened and am now unable to wear them anymore.
>>> Anaesthetic from operation has damaged my corneas?
What are some natural-looking circle lenses that wont damage eyes?
I want to wear them to school but my school does not allow circle lenses.so it has to be natural-looking.also, do circle lenses include eye degree too? my eye degree is 500 :(
Added (1). Btw is it damaging to eyes if i wear circle lenses everyday for 4 years? im 14 now and will be getting plastic surgery when i turn 18.
>>> What are some natural-looking circle lenses that wont damage eyes?
Added (1). Btw is it damaging to eyes if i wear circle lenses everyday for 4 years? im 14 now and will be getting plastic surgery when i turn 18.
>>> What are some natural-looking circle lenses that wont damage eyes?
Do i look like im wearing circle lens?
>>> Do i look like im wearing circle lens?
>>> Do i look like im wearing circle lens?
Can I wear circle lense if I have an astigmatism?
I want to wear circle lens, but i don't know if it's okay to or not.
My prescription is:
Sphere Cylinder Axis
OD: -4.25 -2.25 008
OS: -5.50 -1.50 170
If I can't wear circle lense, then is there any coloured contact brands that are for astigmatisms?
>>> Can I wear circle lense if I have an astigmatism?
My prescription is:
Sphere Cylinder Axis
OD: -4.25 -2.25 008
OS: -5.50 -1.50 170
If I can't wear circle lense, then is there any coloured contact brands that are for astigmatisms?
>>> Can I wear circle lense if I have an astigmatism?
Does Megan Fox wear contact lenses?
I've seen quite a few pictures of her with brown eyes.So are they contacts?
Added (1). No, there's pictures of her with brown eyes when she was younger.
Added (2). Found out she does :)
>>> Does Megan Fox wear contact lenses?
Added (1). No, there's pictures of her with brown eyes when she was younger.
Added (2). Found out she does :)
>>> Does Megan Fox wear contact lenses?
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Why is my contact bothering my eye all of a sudden?
Okay so I got contacts a week ago and have been wearing them everyday but today I put my right contact in and it was really bothering my eye. I could feel it in there and usually I don't. This has never happened before and I cleaned it a bunch of times and I put it in and out of my eye but I still felt it. I don't know if it is something in my eye or if there is something wrong with my contact. I use Acuvue Oasys (the two week). Thank you.
>>> Why is my contact bothering my eye all of a sudden?
>>> Why is my contact bothering my eye all of a sudden?
Flexible Eye Glasses?
Is there a way to make flexible glasses? I heard about a silicone hot glue gun or something and I was wondering if I could use that to make a frame for my glasses and put it my own lens. This way my glasses can bend around if I ever get hit in sports but it will just revert back to its regular shape. What are your ideas or where could I get materials to make such an item?
In short: playing basketball can result in my glasses getting bent out of shape.
And it would be awesome if I had glasses with a frame made from silicone or some other flexible but firm material.
>>> Flexible Eye Glasses?
In short: playing basketball can result in my glasses getting bent out of shape.
And it would be awesome if I had glasses with a frame made from silicone or some other flexible but firm material.
>>> Flexible Eye Glasses?
Best contacts for dry eyes? - 1
I have really dry eyes and I tried a bunch of different eye drops none really worked so now I'm thinking I'll just try a new brand. Right now I'm using biofinity. I wear them for about a month day and night and take them out. But My eyes get really dry. Any other suggestions on a different brand? Preferably ones you can wear day and night for at least a week because it takes me awhile to get my contacts in my eyes: p
>>> Best contacts for dry eyes? - 1
>>> Best contacts for dry eyes? - 1
I heed help on contact lens?
I'v been wearing glasses since 3rd grade and now im in 10th grade im tired if wearing glasses but i have no knowledge about contact lenses like how long do they last? are they expensive? what type should i get?
>>> I heed help on contact lens?
>>> I heed help on contact lens?
Contact lens prescription?
My right eye's -4.25 but is it okay to go up a quarter to -4.50?
>>> Contact lens prescription?
>>> Contact lens prescription?
Is it possible to get a corneal tattoo that is a realistic colour?
I've just watched a thing about tattooing your cornea (ie your eye). The thing was all about people getting weird colours/the whites of their eyes coloured in electric blue etc (nothing wrong with that, whatever floats your boat).
I have green eyes, and I wear contact lenses that have a slight 'tint' to them. I get complimented on my eyes a lot. If you actually look at the contact, there's not much colour to it at all.
I was wondering, could you get a corneal tattoo like that, that has the exact same effect as a tinted contact?
Anyone know? Thanks.
(oh, and btw, PLEASE no replies saying things like "why would you want to?", I'm not saying I'm going to do it, and I'm not asking whether it's a good idea. I'm asking IF IT'S POSSIBLE. I'm just interested).
Added (1). @Kara dooda Please please PLEASE READ THE QUESTION. I'm not going to do it.Im not asking if it's a good idea. I'm asking IF IT'S POSSIBLE.
Thank you.
>>> Is it possible to get a corneal tattoo that is a realistic colour?
I have green eyes, and I wear contact lenses that have a slight 'tint' to them. I get complimented on my eyes a lot. If you actually look at the contact, there's not much colour to it at all.
I was wondering, could you get a corneal tattoo like that, that has the exact same effect as a tinted contact?
Anyone know? Thanks.
(oh, and btw, PLEASE no replies saying things like "why would you want to?", I'm not saying I'm going to do it, and I'm not asking whether it's a good idea. I'm asking IF IT'S POSSIBLE. I'm just interested).
Added (1). @Kara dooda Please please PLEASE READ THE QUESTION. I'm not going to do it.Im not asking if it's a good idea. I'm asking IF IT'S POSSIBLE.
Thank you.
>>> Is it possible to get a corneal tattoo that is a realistic colour?
Circle Lenses wearers - Help a fellow Uzzlang out :0?
Ive been wearing Circle Lenses for 2 years now.
Yet, I always wear them once or twice a week if not every 2 weeks i wear them on special occasions. I ordered new pairs and I have other pairs. I was wondering If i could alternate wearing different lenses so I can wear them everyday. Or close to everyday. Sometimes i like to just stroll out of bed to school without trying and circle lenses just makes the ugly waking up prettier. Plus they look better without make up :(
Does anyone know if you can do this?
I know most people say they are damaging, but I can go a while without having them feeling uncomfortable in my eyes.
Added (1). I look nice with or without them.My friends say I have naturally big eyes anyways, But i just like the look alot. :o please dont put any mean comments down … if you dont approve of them please go somewhere else.thank you !
>>> Circle Lenses wearers - Help a fellow Uzzlang out :0?
Yet, I always wear them once or twice a week if not every 2 weeks i wear them on special occasions. I ordered new pairs and I have other pairs. I was wondering If i could alternate wearing different lenses so I can wear them everyday. Or close to everyday. Sometimes i like to just stroll out of bed to school without trying and circle lenses just makes the ugly waking up prettier. Plus they look better without make up :(
Does anyone know if you can do this?
I know most people say they are damaging, but I can go a while without having them feeling uncomfortable in my eyes.
Added (1). I look nice with or without them.My friends say I have naturally big eyes anyways, But i just like the look alot. :o please dont put any mean comments down … if you dont approve of them please go somewhere else.thank you !
>>> Circle Lenses wearers - Help a fellow Uzzlang out :0?
I keep getting makeup on my contacts and cant see out of them, what do i do!
So ive been wearing contacts for a little over a year and for the most part my makeup hasnt been a problem. The only eye makeup i wear is waterproof mascara and black eyeliner. Latley i cant see out of my contacts and when i take them off makeup is clouding the lenses. Yes, i wear my eyeline on my waterline and no i am not going to change that. What should i do!
For a while i would put my contacts on first and then do my makeup, but when i did that makeup tended to get on the lenses more often so now i do it the other way around and its starting to become a problem too.
Any tips? What kind of makeup do you think i should use?
Thank you SO much!
p.s please dont tell me to stop wearing eyeliner on my water line.
>>> I keep getting makeup on my contacts and cant see out of them, what do i do!
For a while i would put my contacts on first and then do my makeup, but when i did that makeup tended to get on the lenses more often so now i do it the other way around and its starting to become a problem too.
Any tips? What kind of makeup do you think i should use?
Thank you SO much!
p.s please dont tell me to stop wearing eyeliner on my water line.
>>> I keep getting makeup on my contacts and cant see out of them, what do i do!
Do white Turkish people dye their hair blonde and bleach their skin?
Do white Turkish people dye their hair blonde and wear blue contact lenses! Or are they actually born like that, white?
>>> Do white Turkish people dye their hair blonde and bleach their skin?
>>> Do white Turkish people dye their hair blonde and bleach their skin?
Did you know that heterosexual women like to watch lesbian porn?
All, absolutely all women are bisexual.No matters if they say "no, I'm not" Many researches have shown this. Straight women do not exist. While we straight men get aroused only by female images, and gay men get aroused only by male images, women get aroused by both male and female images.
Here the investigation:
I really think that's why we men love so much watching lesbian scenes.Is nature! Men are naturally atracted by women, they love female features. One main female's feature is that all of them are bisexual.
Maybe, some women have never noticed their bisexuality, but they are bisexual, however, many women love to watch lesbian porn. If you search in google: female sexual fantasies, you will find everywhere this one: sex with another woman.
Those are very good news for us men and for lesbian women. A lesbian can bring to her bed any woman that she likes, and we men can make threesomes when we want.
Women who are reading this, respond this: what kind of woman do you prefer to sleep with?
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of sexual orientation, but without
>>> Did you know that heterosexual women like to watch lesbian porn?
All, absolutely all women are bisexual.No matters if they say "no, I'm not" Many researches have shown this. Straight women do not exist. While we straight men get aroused only by female images, and gay men get aroused only by male images, women get aroused by both male and female images.
Here the investigation:
I really think that's why we men love so much watching lesbian scenes.Is nature! Men are naturally atracted by women, they love female features. One main female's feature is that all of them are bisexual.
Maybe, some women have never noticed their bisexuality, but they are bisexual, however, many women love to watch lesbian porn. If you search in google: female sexual fantasies, you will find everywhere this one: sex with another woman.
Those are very good news for us men and for lesbian women. A lesbian can bring to her bed any woman that she likes, and we men can make threesomes when we want.
Women who are reading this, respond this: what kind of woman do you prefer to sleep with?
Eyes being the windows to the soul, we can all innately read a lot about personality by looking through these portals.
Now researchers believe that sexual orientation can also be revealed by pupil dilation, after a study at Cornell University used a specialised infrared lens to measure pupillary changes to participants watching erotic videos.
The researchers said pupils were highly telling: they widened most to videos of people who participants found attractive, thereby 'revealing where they were on the sexual spectrum from heterosexual to homosexual'.
Previous research explored these mechanisms either by simply asking people about their sexuality, or by using physiological measures such as assessing their genital arousal. These methods, however, come with substantial problems.
Gerulf Rieger, lead author and research fellow at Cornell, said: 'We wanted to find an alternative measure that would be an automatic indication of sexual orientation, but without
>>> Did you know that heterosexual women like to watch lesbian porn?
Why are my contact lenses so expensive?
It's about 130 dollars for 2 pairs of weekly contact lenses here's my prescription
R: -2.75 CYLINDER: -2.00 AXIS 20
L: -2.25 CYLINDER 2.50 AXIS 180
>>> Why are my contact lenses so expensive?
R: -2.75 CYLINDER: -2.00 AXIS 20
L: -2.25 CYLINDER 2.50 AXIS 180
>>> Why are my contact lenses so expensive?
I've been wearing glasses all my life now and I want to switch to contact lenses?
Would it be weird if I wore coloured lenses?
>>> I've been wearing glasses all my life now and I want to switch to contact lenses?
>>> I've been wearing glasses all my life now and I want to switch to contact lenses?
How to order contact lenses?
Today, I got my prescription and decided to order contact lenses online as it was cheaper then in store. However, my cylinder for my right and left appear to be -2.00 and -2.50 and I can't find any selection for either. Which do I select?
Added (1). There is no -2.00 or -2.50 only in 1.75 or 2.25. I have glasses now, and it says the prescription in glasses. What would be equivalent to contact lenses?
>>> How to order contact lenses?
Added (1). There is no -2.00 or -2.50 only in 1.75 or 2.25. I have glasses now, and it says the prescription in glasses. What would be equivalent to contact lenses?
>>> How to order contact lenses?
What kind of glasses would look best with my face shape?
I'm getting a new pair of prescription lenses… my last ones were too thin and rectangular and just looked stupid. What kind of glasses would look cute on me with my face shape? I usually wear contacts but I want to love my glasses enough so that I'll wear them more often.
Here is a picture of me, I think I have a heart shaped face but I'm not sure. What lenses would go best with my face shape?
>>> What kind of glasses would look best with my face shape?
Here is a picture of me, I think I have a heart shaped face but I'm not sure. What lenses would go best with my face shape?
>>> What kind of glasses would look best with my face shape?
How to get over being scared of putting on eyeliner?
I cringe when I think of tightlining my eyes or applying eyeliner on my waterline. I wear contact lenses and I'm scared the makeup will go in my eyes or i'll get an infection. Should I wear my contacts while tightlining my eyes and waterline? How do I remove the makeup properly? Thanks!
Added (1). It feels like im gonna poke my eyes if I try
Added (2). Should I remove my contacts before or after I remove my makeup?
>>> How to get over being scared of putting on eyeliner?
Added (1). It feels like im gonna poke my eyes if I try
Added (2). Should I remove my contacts before or after I remove my makeup?
>>> How to get over being scared of putting on eyeliner?
What vision do I have?
If my two contact lenses have the power of -2.25 and -3.50 what would that be in terms of 20/20? Like would you say for example, I have 20/20 vision, or I have 20/100 vision… What would those powers be?
>>> What vision do I have?
>>> What vision do I have?
How to get prescription put into glasses?
I bought clear lens glasses today, but I actually wear contacts and real glasses. How can I get my prescription put into these frames? thanks!
>>> How to get prescription put into glasses?
>>> How to get prescription put into glasses?
Contact lenses solution has ran out. How can I clean them?
My solution for my contact lenses has ran out. Its 12.30am & I need to take them out.Is it safe to use tap water to keep them wet/moist so they do not ruin. What should I do?
>>> Contact lenses solution has ran out. How can I clean them?
>>> Contact lenses solution has ran out. How can I clean them?
What is the ulzzang/korean style for girls?
I know ulzzangs use eyelid glue and circle lenses but i'm talking about their clothes… what do they wear? like korean fashion? a lot of pictures would be VERY helpful!
>>> What is the ulzzang/korean style for girls?
>>> What is the ulzzang/korean style for girls?
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