I would like to get contacts for halloween.
is it safe/legal to buy colored lenses online without a prescription?
what are some websites i can purchase them on?
>>> Buying contacts on the internet?
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Has anyone ever been told not to wear contacts for 3 months?
I went for a regular check up today and mentioned that I've had reduced contact lens tolerance and some blurred vision recently so I just thought my prescription needed changing. After putting dye in my eyes the optician said I had severe dry patches (like a pitted surface) on the centre of my corneas and that I should not wear contacts for three months.My eyes have been uncomfortable but I did not expect to have to stop wearing contacts. I've not heard of anyone being told this before so is it unusual?
>>> Has anyone ever been told not to wear contacts for 3 months?
>>> Has anyone ever been told not to wear contacts for 3 months?
Can I wear colored contact lenses that are not made for astigmatism?
Im looking to buy circle colored contact lenses (the kind that makes your irises look bigger), however the lenses specially made for astigmatism are too expensive for me. Can i wear normal contacts that arent made for astigmatism? The power of my clear contacts made for astigmatism is -2.00.
Added (1). Sorry, the full prescription is -2.00 (power) and -0.75x160
>>> Can I wear colored contact lenses that are not made for astigmatism?
Added (1). Sorry, the full prescription is -2.00 (power) and -0.75x160
>>> Can I wear colored contact lenses that are not made for astigmatism?
How Do Create A Dead Angel Costume?
This Halloween i wanted to be a dead angel.i thought of everything for the makeup; pale and cracked face and white contact lenses, and of course the wings.i'm not sure what to do for the costume.any ideas?
>>> How Do Create A Dead Angel Costume?
>>> How Do Create A Dead Angel Costume?
I was at a show last night, My friend and I went to the bathroom and had a puff or two of weed from our pipe we'd just brought before people walked in, after this we went on a ride and so far I had no symptoms after I got off the ride my eyes started to burn and water and swell, by the way I wear contact lenses to see. I got onto the bus to leave back to where I live when my two mates noticed my face, it was extremely swollen so bad I look like a chinese freaking avatar. I joked about it for awhile until it got so bad my neck started to swell and affect my ability to swallow and breathe great. I've smoked weed countless times.My friend and I thought it was because the marijuana smoke got in my contacts then we got on the ride and the dust went in my eyes(I'm very slightly allergic to dust) and it all reacted. I had to go to hospital and have a needle in my 'bum' cheek and a needle in my arm, I was put on oxygen. I'm still badly swollen and all my face is puffy.My nose looks flatter and my eyes are extremely puffed up below and on top.Am I suddenly allergic to weed or is it just what I thought and how long will this *** take to stop swelling :( I miss my face. The doctors don't know I had weed or i'll get suspended from where I'm staying and so will my mate, so they just gave me medicine after all the needles and said it'll go away in a day or two but it's been almost two and no improvements.
Contact Lenses are irratating the right side of my right eye?
So I've been wearing contacts for 5 weeks now with no problem. But when I placed my contacts this morning, it was impossible for me to open my right eye. I felt scratching. I checked my contacts and there was no tear or any debris or anything. But my left eye is okay. What happened? Here's a picture of my right eye.
>>> Contact Lenses are irratating the right side of my right eye?
>>> Contact Lenses are irratating the right side of my right eye?
Will I be allowed entry into a night club on Halloween dressed like this?
I'm 22, I don't look my age so I often get ID'd.
I'm planning on going out to a night club's fancy dress halloween event dressed up as a zombie.
I am going to be wearing white contact lenses and plan to use liquid latex to "zombify" my face.
I'm a little worried that the club wont be able to ID me because of all the makeup I'll be wearing, do you think they'll accept the fact that it's halloween and take my word when I tell them my DOB and show them my ID? (I wont look much like the guy in the photograph!)
I'm wondering how much makeup I can put on without risking my chances of being allowed entry.
Here's a photograph of me last year as an example of what I'll look like:
>>> Will I be allowed entry into a night club on Halloween dressed like this?
I'm 22, I don't look my age so I often get ID'd.
I'm planning on going out to a night club's fancy dress halloween event dressed up as a zombie.
I am going to be wearing white contact lenses and plan to use liquid latex to "zombify" my face.
I'm a little worried that the club wont be able to ID me because of all the makeup I'll be wearing, do you think they'll accept the fact that it's halloween and take my word when I tell them my DOB and show them my ID? (I wont look much like the guy in the photograph!)
I'm wondering how much makeup I can put on without risking my chances of being allowed entry.
Here's a photograph of me last year as an example of what I'll look like:
>>> Will I be allowed entry into a night club on Halloween dressed like this?
Are cosmetic colorlenses bad?
I have brown eyes, and occasionally I wear blue or green color lenses.
People around me always seem to have an opinion ready with supporting facts about why I shouldn't be wearing them.
I love my color lenses, because they make me feel like I'm a different person. But I care even more about my eyes.So that's why I want to know, what the bad side is to wearing cosmetic lenses?
>>> Are cosmetic colorlenses bad?
People around me always seem to have an opinion ready with supporting facts about why I shouldn't be wearing them.
I love my color lenses, because they make me feel like I'm a different person. But I care even more about my eyes.So that's why I want to know, what the bad side is to wearing cosmetic lenses?
>>> Are cosmetic colorlenses bad?
I bought way too big circle lenses!
I recently went shopping with my dad and he bought me some circle lenses which I have been wanting for ages. But the next day when I put them on for the first time they looked REALLY strange and made me look like some demonic alien!
They are black, 18mm with a lace pattern. I really wanted big ones which I now realise was really stupid seeing as I have never worn contacts before, but I didn't expect them to be this huge! I think they wound be better with fake lashes and heavy eye makeup, but I don't know how to do it!
I don't know what to do now because they were really expensive and my dad will be mad if I never wear them! What should I do?
>>> I bought way too big circle lenses!
They are black, 18mm with a lace pattern. I really wanted big ones which I now realise was really stupid seeing as I have never worn contacts before, but I didn't expect them to be this huge! I think they wound be better with fake lashes and heavy eye makeup, but I don't know how to do it!
I don't know what to do now because they were really expensive and my dad will be mad if I never wear them! What should I do?
>>> I bought way too big circle lenses!
So, I REALLY want to go all out for halloween this year but I am having problems deciding which type of contact lenses to choose in order to amplify my look. Ideally I wanted to buy the white mesh contacts but I can't because they don't make them in the US and I don't want to pay a processing fee. I need to be able to see and no sclera (too expensive). any color suggestions? Have a great halloween and thanks!
Are store brand contact lens solution as good as name brand?
I wear acuvue oasys and bought cvs solution and my eyes feel kind of "tired" and itchy. I don't know if its because I just tried it or what. What's the best lens solution? I usually use opti free and was going to get Bosch and laumb biotrue but sprang for the cheap one.
>>> Are store brand contact lens solution as good as name brand?
>>> Are store brand contact lens solution as good as name brand?
Special effects contact lenses, bad for your health myths?
I really want to buy some Special effects Halloween contact lenses, preferably the full eye lenses. I've heard that you can only wear for a few weeks at most and that these types of contacts are harmful to your eyes. I plan to buy then online specifically these( http://02a5349.netsolstores.com/deadeye.aspx ). For the price of $185.00 I can get one full eye contact, I don't mind if its a little expensive my concern would be safety first.So is it even worth buying. And yes I would wear it on other days besides Halloween, you know, just to freak people out.
Also if you can find an other website with the same quality and awesomeness I'd like to know, Thank You!
>>> Special effects contact lenses, bad for your health myths?
Also if you can find an other website with the same quality and awesomeness I'd like to know, Thank You!
>>> Special effects contact lenses, bad for your health myths?
What eye contacts are these?
This girl on tumblr has really cool eye contacts and I asked her what kind they were but she didn't answer lol so i'm asking here, like what color, type, (circle lenses) ect. I can't quite figure it out
angelguts [dot] tumblr [dot] com/post/33351795858
(sorry I can't post links, just remove the [dot] with an actual period.and remove spaces.
so what do you guys think? anyone know where i can buy contacts like these?
>>> What eye contacts are these?
angelguts [dot] tumblr [dot] com/post/33351795858
(sorry I can't post links, just remove the [dot] with an actual period.and remove spaces.
so what do you guys think? anyone know where i can buy contacts like these?
>>> What eye contacts are these?
Friday, October 19, 2012
Is it alright to use a contact lense case like this?
>>> Is it alright to use a contact lense case like this?
>>> Is it alright to use a contact lense case like this?
How thick are 25 prism glasses?
I just had a visit with my opthamologist and she prescribed me to update my prism lenses. I now need 25 prism lenses for both of my eyes base out. I understand and know how prisms work. However, how thick are 25 prism lenses for glasses? She told me they are going to be very bulky and very thick. I was wondering what they would look like and how thick exactly they will be?
Added (1). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
Added (2). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
>>> How thick are 25 prism glasses?
Added (1). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
Added (2). Foorprintz I did NOT what-so-ever misunderstand my opthamologist at all. I need 25 diopters of prism as in 25 power prism. Prism lenses range anywhere from 1-60 usually. A prism bends light. 1 prism is eqivilent to 1 cm. I need 25 prism diopter lenses. You are wrong.
>>> How thick are 25 prism glasses?
Slept in contacts and on muscle relaxants?
/I slept in my contacts but I was on muscle relaxants the day before and it doesn't hurt much and the lenses came out easily, but I'm afraid it didn't hyurt because of the muscle relaxants and I might done some damage, do I need to see the doc although it doesn't hurt/ is not red?
>>> Slept in contacts and on muscle relaxants?
>>> Slept in contacts and on muscle relaxants?
What eye colour does kareena kapoor have?

no matter if she wears lens.i just want to know the exact colour that i see of her eyes.i want to buy this colour lenz and i get confused with the colours.she always has such eyes like a mixture of brown and green.help with your opinion friends
>>> What eye colour does kareena kapoor have?
no matter if she wears lens.i just want to know the exact colour that i see of her eyes.i want to buy this colour lenz and i get confused with the colours.she always has such eyes like a mixture of brown and green.help with your opinion friends
>>> What eye colour does kareena kapoor have?
Good contact lens site?
Hi, i need to buy some green contacts for my halloween costume. Just cosmetic. What's a good site that doesn't charge too much for shipping? I only need it by halloween.
>>> Good contact lens site?
>>> Good contact lens site?
Will My Vision Continue To Improve With Multifocal Lens Implant?
I had my right cataract replaced with a multifocal lens.At the two week checkup that eye was 20/70.Is that the best I can expect or will it continue to improve?
>>> Will My Vision Continue To Improve With Multifocal Lens Implant?
>>> Will My Vision Continue To Improve With Multifocal Lens Implant?
Can a teenager have contact lenses without having glasses first?
Can a teenager have contact lenses without having glasses first?
>>> Can a teenager have contact lenses without having glasses first?
>>> Can a teenager have contact lenses without having glasses first?
Part of right eye red?
The right side of my right eye is red, not bloodshot, but u can see the veins. Been wearing contacts from 6am-9.30pm. I know its long, made a mistake, and juz now in the bathroom, i've been in there for like 1h with really really hot water, so thres steam.Is it a problem and will it clear up after a good night's sleep? i use daily acuvue contacts if that matters.i can see it clearing abit now.it does not irritate me, but when i close my eyes, theres burning sensation, not too bad, but i'm in a dry enviroment now ..so? Pls help and thks in advance .
>>> Part of right eye red?
>>> Part of right eye red?
What do I need for my costume?
I'm being a lolita doll for halloween and im not sure what I would need to actually look the part. I know what Im doing for makeup and im wearing circle lenses but im not sure costume/accessory wise. And im not being a slutty lolita doll im being a genuine doll like this: http://www.milanoo.com/Fashion-Gothic-Black-Long-Sleeves-Cotton-Lolita-Dress-p171170.html
So yeah thanks so much!!!
Added (1). I realize that thats an actual fashion but its also a costume. Its a type of doll, too.
>>> What do I need for my costume?
So yeah thanks so much!!!
Added (1). I realize that thats an actual fashion but its also a costume. Its a type of doll, too.
>>> What do I need for my costume?
Does it cost money to change lenses in eyeglasses?
I wanted to buy a new pair of ray bans eyeglasses because i dont really like my current frames. Will it cost money if i ask the eye doctor if i can give him a ray bans frame to put my lenses in instead of the free ones insurance covers?
>>> Does it cost money to change lenses in eyeglasses?
>>> Does it cost money to change lenses in eyeglasses?
Omg, I keep losing my contsct lenses, help?
I just got them on monday. Already i have lost 3 contacts. -.- Im using trials.my mom is pissed and im sure the eye doctor is too. Ive missed alot of class because of this -.- how can i stop losing them? it happens when im trying to put them in, which i still cant do in the Mornings. Help me stop losing them!
>>> Omg, I keep losing my contsct lenses, help?
>>> Omg, I keep losing my contsct lenses, help?
White out or manson contact lenses?
Hi :)
I want to be a zombie for the upcoming halloween.Do you think I should buy white out contacts or manson? White out are completely white while the manson ones have the black edge
>>> White out or manson contact lenses?
I want to be a zombie for the upcoming halloween.Do you think I should buy white out contacts or manson? White out are completely white while the manson ones have the black edge
>>> White out or manson contact lenses?
Spectacle Prescription of sphere +0.25 and add +0.50. What does it mean?
So i went and got my eyes tested for the first time the other day and i came out a little confused. I am having some eye strain issues from working on my computer so often as well as doing detailed paintings and embroidery.
The optometrist said I was far sighted and gave me a prescription saying Sphere: +0.25 (in each eye) and Add +0.50 (for each eye). I had to leave the optometrist straight after test and it wasn't explained to me completely what this meant.So I went to check out those reading glasses at the chemist and they only have +1.00. Does my prescription mean i should wear +0.25 or +0.50 glasses.
Will using the +1.00 be bad for my eyes when using them for my computer and embroidery work?
Should i go back to the optometrist and potentially pay more for frames and lenses?
>>> Spectacle Prescription of sphere +0.25 and add +0.50. What does it mean?
The optometrist said I was far sighted and gave me a prescription saying Sphere: +0.25 (in each eye) and Add +0.50 (for each eye). I had to leave the optometrist straight after test and it wasn't explained to me completely what this meant.So I went to check out those reading glasses at the chemist and they only have +1.00. Does my prescription mean i should wear +0.25 or +0.50 glasses.
Will using the +1.00 be bad for my eyes when using them for my computer and embroidery work?
Should i go back to the optometrist and potentially pay more for frames and lenses?
>>> Spectacle Prescription of sphere +0.25 and add +0.50. What does it mean?
How to convince parents to buy contact lens?
Yes I know lamest situation ever.So I have glasses that make me look TERRIBLE and they won't pay to get me another one. I want to get contacts but they won't let me!!! They won't let me buy prescription lens!!! How am i supposed to persuade them? thry dont want me to look pretty so they keep thr glasses on me… People say contacts are more convinient. I really want them! Help please xD
>>> How to convince parents to buy contact lens?
>>> How to convince parents to buy contact lens?
What the hell is her problem?
My mom is bitching at me just cause I spent 75 dollars on a contact lens exam with my OWN money. She claims it's free. Of it was free he wouldn't have charged me any money. She's too stupid to realize that many things aren't covered by health insurance. She's threatening to cancel my debit card, how do I prevent this from happening?
I can't just convince she's a heartless *** who wouldn't listen.
Also I'm not apologizing because she's the one who's *** wrong and she does not have any right to control how I should spend my money. Wtf is up with her.
>>> What the hell is her problem?
I can't just convince she's a heartless *** who wouldn't listen.
Also I'm not apologizing because she's the one who's *** wrong and she does not have any right to control how I should spend my money. Wtf is up with her.
>>> What the hell is her problem?
What the hell is her problem? - 1
My mom is bitching at me just cause I spent 75 dollars on a contact lens exam with my OWN money. She claims it's free. Of it was free he wouldn't have charged me any money. She's too stupid to realize that many things aren't covered by health insurance. She's threatening to cancel my debit card, how do I prevent this from happening?
I can't just convince she's a heartless *** who wouldn't listen.
>>> What the hell is her problem? - 1
I can't just convince she's a heartless *** who wouldn't listen.
>>> What the hell is her problem? - 1
Will the eye company have to take my frames just to replace the lenses?
I wanna get new lenses (I have the dumb transitions and I hate them!!!).
If I ask them to get me new lenses for my old frames, will they have to take my glasses or will they just order the frames and switch them?
>>> Will the eye company have to take my frames just to replace the lenses?
If I ask them to get me new lenses for my old frames, will they have to take my glasses or will they just order the frames and switch them?
>>> Will the eye company have to take my frames just to replace the lenses?
What the hell is her problem? - 2
My mom is bitching at me just cause I spent 75 dollars on a contact lens exam with my OWN money. She claims it's free. Of it was free he wouldn't have charged me any money. She's too stupid to realize that many things aren't covered by health insurance. She's threatening to cancel my debit card, how do I prevent this from happening?
>>> What the hell is her problem? - 2
>>> What the hell is her problem? - 2
I need vampire contact lenses delivered quick in Australia!
I got my outfit for a Halloween party all sorted and forgot about contact lenses, I know their not essential but I really think they would tie the hole look together! Does anyone in Australia, preferably Sydney know of any sites that deliver contact lenses regularly cheap and within 2 weeks minimum?
Would realllllly appreciate help! :D
>>> I need vampire contact lenses delivered quick in Australia!
Would realllllly appreciate help! :D
>>> I need vampire contact lenses delivered quick in Australia!
A problem when I'm wearing my cosmetic coloured lens?
When I wear my lens, you can still see my eye colour through the clear part where you see from, is there a way to fix that so you can't see the colour, but only the pupil? The lens are wear are Cosmetics so their just for fun really.
>>> A problem when I'm wearing my cosmetic coloured lens?
>>> A problem when I'm wearing my cosmetic coloured lens?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Is wearing contact lenses dangerous? - 1
Ok, so I'm going to be darth maul for halloween and he has yellow eyes and I want to get every detail right.So I was talking with my mom about it and she said that they are so dangerous and i could get an eye infection and that the lense could slip behind my eyeball… so are they safe? and if so what should I soak them in before i wear them?
>>> Is wearing contact lenses dangerous? - 1
>>> Is wearing contact lenses dangerous? - 1
Can I buy JUST lenses and put them into frames?
I will be taking an eye exam to get some glasses for astigmatism next week. I have frames I love already(popular name brand), so is there any way to just order lenses to have sent to me so I can put them in myself?
Added (1). Any websites online where I can order the lenses?
>>> Can I buy JUST lenses and put them into frames?
Added (1). Any websites online where I can order the lenses?
>>> Can I buy JUST lenses and put them into frames?
I left my contacts in tap water, is that why contacts now make my eyes red?
Everytime I wear contacts, (new and clean) they make my eyes red. This all started after I put my contact lenses in tap water over night because I didn't have my solution.
>>> I left my contacts in tap water, is that why contacts now make my eyes red?
>>> I left my contacts in tap water, is that why contacts now make my eyes red?
What’s the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy? - 1
I am thinking of buy colored contact depending on how the color looks against my skin tone. For what many people say I am a mini version of Mariah Carey same complexion as her just with dark brown hair.
>>> What's the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy? - 1
>>> What's the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy? - 1
Do actors wear contact lenses to play someone in glasses?
I was recently watching Alec Guinness in "Smiley's People". The glasses are a big thing of Smiley's persona, and it looks fake especially in HD if they have flat glass instead of real 3-diopter lenses or whatever, because real glasses distort the actor's face behind them.
So I wondered if normal-sighted actors might wear, say -3 diopter contacts and then +3 diopter glasses to look credible but still be able to see.
>>> Do actors wear contact lenses to play someone in glasses?
So I wondered if normal-sighted actors might wear, say -3 diopter contacts and then +3 diopter glasses to look credible but still be able to see.
>>> Do actors wear contact lenses to play someone in glasses?
What do the vision numbers mean?
I am trying to see what the definitions of blindness are, and if my brother is considered legally blind.
He has 25/50 in one eye, and the other eye is totally blind. He has failed the field exam for the drivers license, and does not have peripheral vision at all. I know the legal definition of blindness is 20/200 in the better eye, with corrective lenses. I am unsure how the 25/50 relates to the 20/200.
>>> What do the vision numbers mean?
He has 25/50 in one eye, and the other eye is totally blind. He has failed the field exam for the drivers license, and does not have peripheral vision at all. I know the legal definition of blindness is 20/200 in the better eye, with corrective lenses. I am unsure how the 25/50 relates to the 20/200.
>>> What do the vision numbers mean?
How much is the contact lens exam at Costco?
How much is the contact lens exam at Costco?
>>> How much is the contact lens exam at Costco?
>>> How much is the contact lens exam at Costco?
I have an astigmatism and my lens (or cornea) is diagonal in both eyes?
The doctor said I have 20/20 vision but I am near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other. I can read things fine but I've been getting wicked headaches so I went to the eye doctor and he prescribed me glasses… but he said I dont need to wear them all the time but it would help. He said to definitely wear them when I'm in class, reading, watching tv, driving at night, and on the computer to help with the eye strain. He compared it to standing up in class for 2 hours… I dont need to sit down but it sure would feel nice… I dont need to wear the glasses all the time but it would be nice.My concern if I dont wear them all the time is: Will my eyes not adjust to the glasses? Will I continue getting headaches? I'm just looking for some advice from people in my situation… thanks in advance!
>>> I have an astigmatism and my lens (or cornea) is diagonal in both eyes?
>>> I have an astigmatism and my lens (or cornea) is diagonal in both eyes?
What does SPH mean on my contacts prescription?
I have gone to get my eyes checked (the new DR didnt ask if I see through one lens better than another he simply flicked them around then was done) and in comparing my prescriptions I see better with my old prescription before him (-2.25), than my newer prescription he gave me (-2.75).Is this possible? I dont know much about how to read the prescriptions but I would think I would see better with my newer pres.than my old one since the number is higher. I could be completely wrong though.
>>> What does SPH mean on my contacts prescription?
>>> What does SPH mean on my contacts prescription?
Bought contact lenses online?
I have never had or need contact lenses and have just bought some cool ones for a haloween costume online. They have been sent to me and are in little temporary popout type cases with water inside.
I have looked up how to insert them but everyone has separate cases, solutions and cleaners for the lenses. They say it is not safe to put them in if not cleaned from the solution but the lenses I bought did not come with anything but the temporary case of saline solution they are in.
Are they safe to put in or do I have to buy a case and solutions/ cleaners?
The package says they are 1year disposable and instructs to ask my eye practitioner on how to apply/ take care. I don't have an eye practitioner. What do I do?
>>> Bought contact lenses online?
I have looked up how to insert them but everyone has separate cases, solutions and cleaners for the lenses. They say it is not safe to put them in if not cleaned from the solution but the lenses I bought did not come with anything but the temporary case of saline solution they are in.
Are they safe to put in or do I have to buy a case and solutions/ cleaners?
The package says they are 1year disposable and instructs to ask my eye practitioner on how to apply/ take care. I don't have an eye practitioner. What do I do?
>>> Bought contact lenses online?
Dry eye symptoms with contacts?
I have been diagnosed with dry eyes. I wear contacts and am trying to wear them a bit less as my optician recommended. I will go back next month to see if it's improved. Today one eye feels a bit sticky which is making my vision in that eye slightly blurred.It's not uncomfortable enough for me to feel I need to take the lenses out but is there any risk of damage?
>>> Dry eye symptoms with contacts?
>>> Dry eye symptoms with contacts?
Contact lens stuck or lost?
When i went to remove my contact lens I found it wasn't there. I thought it might be stuck in my eye somewhere but I can't find it and I don't feel anything when I move my eyes around.Is it more likely that it just fell out, or should I just keep looking in my eye?
>>> Contact lens stuck or lost?
>>> Contact lens stuck or lost?
It asks for my OS and my OD?
I'm buying circle lenses and i dont know what it means when they ask me for my OS and my OD
>>> It asks for my OS and my OD?
>>> It asks for my OS and my OD?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Symptoms of MS, could I have it?
My symptoms are stabbing pain throughout my body, my leg goes numb every now and then, I think I am exhausted and energy levels are off. I am vitamin d deficient.My vision gets really blurry several times a day for about 5 minutes but I don't know if it is because I wear contact lenses but without them i don't think id notice the blur because my vision is horrible as it is.i checked my symptoms online and first thing was MS. I'd like some help with this issue.
>>> Symptoms of MS, could I have it?
>>> Symptoms of MS, could I have it?
I can't stand wearing contact lenses anymore. Suggestions?
I have extremely bad vision (around 20/300) and have worn contact lenses for about 6 years now. However, since I've worn them they've given me nothing but trouble. There is the occasional period where I have no trouble with them, but I'd say at least 50% of my total time with contacts, they've been nearly unwearable due to causing constant irritation, pain, and even infections.
Early on I admittedly didn't take good care of my contacts, but over the last few years I've taken them out every night, cleaned them with saline solution, etc. (They're soft contact lenses.) But it seems like there is always something wrong with them, and many, many times I've "burnt through" several boxes of them (wasting money) due to a sudden bout of pain. I feel like I've had extremely bad luck with contacts, as my family and friends who wear them never have any problems at all, while here I am constantly having to take them out, only wear one, wear both and grit through the pain, etc. I've tried a few different brands of contacts, and all have brought middling results: sometimes fine, sometimes extremely irritating and/or excruciatingly painful.
In general, it's just been an extremely frustrating experience. I've had multiple bouts of pink-eye and eye infections, including an ongoing infection right now that has forced me to wear glasses since early September and will force me to wait another month until I can wear my lenses again. And although it doesn't strictly have to do with my contacts alone, there was even an episode towards the end of March to early April this year where my family accidentally bought me Clear Care solution instead of saline solution, and I burnt my eyes very badly with hydrogen peroxide, leaving my almost blind for over a week. (No lasting damage, though… thank god!) I feel like I've had just terrible luck with my contacts and eyes, and I'm sick of all the years of irritation and pain.
For the record, I do have glasses (like I mentioned above), but I don't prefer to wear them, as I play a sport and they're huge and dorky. I've been wearing glasses for a month and a half now, and while they're serviceable, I'd much rather avoid wearing them permanently.
So what are my options? Obviously there's Lasik surgery.Is this safe? I've looked into it somewhat (not that I would be able to afford it, because my family is poor) but the chance of complications occurring seems unclear to me. I mostly just need to vent right now, because I discovered yesterday how bad my current eye infection is and how long it will take before I can wear my lenses again. Can anyone help out a troubled contact lens wearer?
>>> I can't stand wearing contact lenses anymore. Suggestions?
Early on I admittedly didn't take good care of my contacts, but over the last few years I've taken them out every night, cleaned them with saline solution, etc. (They're soft contact lenses.) But it seems like there is always something wrong with them, and many, many times I've "burnt through" several boxes of them (wasting money) due to a sudden bout of pain. I feel like I've had extremely bad luck with contacts, as my family and friends who wear them never have any problems at all, while here I am constantly having to take them out, only wear one, wear both and grit through the pain, etc. I've tried a few different brands of contacts, and all have brought middling results: sometimes fine, sometimes extremely irritating and/or excruciatingly painful.
In general, it's just been an extremely frustrating experience. I've had multiple bouts of pink-eye and eye infections, including an ongoing infection right now that has forced me to wear glasses since early September and will force me to wait another month until I can wear my lenses again. And although it doesn't strictly have to do with my contacts alone, there was even an episode towards the end of March to early April this year where my family accidentally bought me Clear Care solution instead of saline solution, and I burnt my eyes very badly with hydrogen peroxide, leaving my almost blind for over a week. (No lasting damage, though… thank god!) I feel like I've had just terrible luck with my contacts and eyes, and I'm sick of all the years of irritation and pain.
For the record, I do have glasses (like I mentioned above), but I don't prefer to wear them, as I play a sport and they're huge and dorky. I've been wearing glasses for a month and a half now, and while they're serviceable, I'd much rather avoid wearing them permanently.
So what are my options? Obviously there's Lasik surgery.Is this safe? I've looked into it somewhat (not that I would be able to afford it, because my family is poor) but the chance of complications occurring seems unclear to me. I mostly just need to vent right now, because I discovered yesterday how bad my current eye infection is and how long it will take before I can wear my lenses again. Can anyone help out a troubled contact lens wearer?
>>> I can't stand wearing contact lenses anymore. Suggestions?
Is it ok to wear one contact lenses for just a couple days?
I just took my right contact out and it split. Its only 2 days before my new contacts come.Is it ok to just wear 1 contact lense for these 2 days. I really hate wearing glasses. If i was to get a headache, how bad would it be?
>>> Is it ok to wear one contact lenses for just a couple days?
>>> Is it ok to wear one contact lenses for just a couple days?
I think my contact lens is lost somewhere in my eye?
I didn't feel it fall out at any point and its not in the centre of my eye. I've tried to feel around, but I can't find it. I'm aware they can't get stuck at the back but they can get stuck under the eyelid.Is there a sure way to know its there?
>>> I think my contact lens is lost somewhere in my eye?
>>> I think my contact lens is lost somewhere in my eye?
Can I wear contacts with a high prescription?
I want to start wearing contacts, but I'm afraid that my current prescription will be too high. I think it is around -7.75 or something? Or -700, I'm not exactly sure… (the 700 is probably wrong). All I know is that I'm EXTREMELY near-sighted. I'm not kidding, I have to be like 10 centimeters close to read a book comfortably without my glasses.So yeah, maybe that will determine how bad my eyesight is… I know, I'm practically blind.
I want to wear them for sports and some special occasions like parties and such, I won't be wearing them all the time.Is safe for me to wear contacts with my current eyesight? I'd like to know what brands you would recommend to me, and the type (bi-weekly… etc). I heard Acuvue Oasys is pretty good. I haven't checked with my optician yet because I don't really have the time. And I'm 15, if my age matters and I started wearing glasses around grade 2 or 3. And I have astigamatism (blurry objects and words).
>>> Can I wear contacts with a high prescription?
I want to wear them for sports and some special occasions like parties and such, I won't be wearing them all the time.Is safe for me to wear contacts with my current eyesight? I'd like to know what brands you would recommend to me, and the type (bi-weekly… etc). I heard Acuvue Oasys is pretty good. I haven't checked with my optician yet because I don't really have the time. And I'm 15, if my age matters and I started wearing glasses around grade 2 or 3. And I have astigamatism (blurry objects and words).
>>> Can I wear contacts with a high prescription?
Halloween makeover suggestions?
HI, just wanted to know the opinion of people about how this contact lens would work out for Halloween party? ?
>>> Halloween makeover suggestions?
>>> Halloween makeover suggestions?
What costume/make up goes well with white contact lenses?
I want to get some white contacts lenses but i dont know what costume and what make up i should do lol i just want to look scary
>>> What costume/make up goes well with white contact lenses?
>>> What costume/make up goes well with white contact lenses?
Anyone every buy eye contacts online?
If you have do you think this website is trust worthy http://www.foureyez.com/uv-ultra-violet-contact-lenses/blue-uv-contact-lenses-pair.html
i googled ultra violet contacts lenses and this is the first website that poped up and i want to get these for halloween
can i trust this site? it wont scam me?
Added (1). *EVER
>>> Anyone every buy eye contacts online?
i googled ultra violet contacts lenses and this is the first website that poped up and i want to get these for halloween
can i trust this site? it wont scam me?
Added (1). *EVER
>>> Anyone every buy eye contacts online?
How to care for colored contacts? - 1
I ordered colored contacts from the UK the other day, to avoid the need of a prescription even when I don't need one, and all colored contacts are the same size.So. I don't see the point. Anyways.So I didn't get doctor specific instructions on how to care for them.
I know to change the case every few months
And the solution with every use
And to rub them befor and after
To wash my hands
To make sure my hands are dry because water contains bacteria
To never sleep with them
But my question is, are there any colored contact specific care instructions? Like any certain way to take care of the colored ones?
I heard that when you get them you have to let them sit for 8 hours in the case with contact solution, is this true? Or can I just use them after soaking them for say, an hour or two, maybe 3? Or even right away?
I bought Opti-free replenish, is this good stuff? And should I buy separate eye drops for when my eyes feel dry or can I use this stuff?
Any tips for colored contacts would be great! They're not natural looking ones so I don't want the bashing for trying to change my eye color and what not. They're meant to freak people out(:
>>> How to care for colored contacts? - 1
I know to change the case every few months
And the solution with every use
And to rub them befor and after
To wash my hands
To make sure my hands are dry because water contains bacteria
To never sleep with them
But my question is, are there any colored contact specific care instructions? Like any certain way to take care of the colored ones?
I heard that when you get them you have to let them sit for 8 hours in the case with contact solution, is this true? Or can I just use them after soaking them for say, an hour or two, maybe 3? Or even right away?
I bought Opti-free replenish, is this good stuff? And should I buy separate eye drops for when my eyes feel dry or can I use this stuff?
Any tips for colored contacts would be great! They're not natural looking ones so I don't want the bashing for trying to change my eye color and what not. They're meant to freak people out(:
>>> How to care for colored contacts? - 1
Do Geo Contact Lenses Expire?
I bought a pair of bright blue Geo contact lenses online for a Halloween costume. I was talking to my friend about next Halloween and that I wanted to do a costume where I could wear my contacts again, but she said that they would probably expire before then. I wear prescription contacts daily to see and by my knowledge contacts last until you tear them, I have never heard of them expiring before.So, my question is, is it true that they can expire? whats different about them that makes them expire? and how long do they usually last if I only wear them a few times a year?
>>> Do Geo Contact Lenses Expire?
>>> Do Geo Contact Lenses Expire?
If you had the chance, would you change the color of your eyes?
What color would they be, if you would want to change it?
No contact lenses responses.
>>> If you had the chance, would you change the color of your eyes?
No contact lenses responses.
>>> If you had the chance, would you change the color of your eyes?
Can i change my eyes color without using any lens?
>>> Can i change my eyes color without using any lens?
>>> Can i change my eyes color without using any lens?
Why is it after two prescriptions I still can't read a number plate at 20m?
I'm getting a bit down and fed up because i've been to two opticians to have my eyes tested, both seemed thorough tests and didn't seem to find a problem with my eyes and yet both glasses are not helping me read a car number plate at 20 meters. I can pick out shapes of some of the letters and generally seems sharper but just can't see it enough to read them without wasting several minutes of squinting and just guessing. I don't know what to do. Go to another opticians? Go to the doctors and see if they can pick up anything wrong? Also would thinning glass lenses effect how much I can see from a longer distance? I'm coming up to my driving test soon so I need to get this sorted and it is important to me that I can get driving for my career.
>>> Why is it after two prescriptions I still can't read a number plate at 20m?
>>> Why is it after two prescriptions I still can't read a number plate at 20m?
What’s the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy?
I am thinking of buy colored contact depending on how the color looks against my skin tone. For what many people say I am a mini version of Mariah Carey same complexion just with dark hair dark brown with a reddish tint.
>>> What's the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy?
>>> What's the best brand of color contact lens and which color should I buy?
Can I still attract guys in Japan even if Im not super fashionable like the girls there?
I'm a Japanese girl whose lived in Canada most her life. I recently came back to Japan with my family.To my surprise practically all the girls here dress so fashionably and girly and pretty.
They all dye their hair into different shades of brown or blond. (often brown and I admit they look nice)
They seem to spend a lot of time into their hair to either straiten it stick straight or curly.and coloured contact lenses. And quite a lot of makeup but they do look pretty!
A lot of them a slender and they ALL wear high heels and platform shoes. Their clothes are so bright, sexy and girly.
I have a pretty face and I'm 5'7 and quite skinny. I don't have trouble attracting guys but coming to Japan I was extremely shocked how 70/100 of girls were very pretty.
All are skinny and hair is perfect, face done nicely with makeup and sexy or cute outfits.
I kind of dress simply like girls do in Canada. I only have a streak of a brown highlight in my hair that I did for fun a year ago, I don't know how to do makeup (just basic mascara) I have thick nice hair that looks fine but compared to the girls here i feel so insecure. (I'm not kidding they all do their makeup and hair like they are going to a photoshoot)
I dress nicely and I have a nice slender body and long legs.and I have a naturally beautiful face (been told, don't want to seem vain lol) I like how I dress but seeing these girls I feel so plain and invisible.
Like no matter where I look I see pretty japanese girls (sure they may look different without makeup but with it many of them are quite cute)
And I was thinking sometimes "what kind of guys would date such materialistic girls?" but to my surprise these girls are often the ones with boyfriends. I go to a mall and there are couples everywhere.
>>> Can I still attract guys in Japan even if Im not super fashionable like the girls there?
They all dye their hair into different shades of brown or blond. (often brown and I admit they look nice)
They seem to spend a lot of time into their hair to either straiten it stick straight or curly.and coloured contact lenses. And quite a lot of makeup but they do look pretty!
A lot of them a slender and they ALL wear high heels and platform shoes. Their clothes are so bright, sexy and girly.
I have a pretty face and I'm 5'7 and quite skinny. I don't have trouble attracting guys but coming to Japan I was extremely shocked how 70/100 of girls were very pretty.
All are skinny and hair is perfect, face done nicely with makeup and sexy or cute outfits.
I kind of dress simply like girls do in Canada. I only have a streak of a brown highlight in my hair that I did for fun a year ago, I don't know how to do makeup (just basic mascara) I have thick nice hair that looks fine but compared to the girls here i feel so insecure. (I'm not kidding they all do their makeup and hair like they are going to a photoshoot)
I dress nicely and I have a nice slender body and long legs.and I have a naturally beautiful face (been told, don't want to seem vain lol) I like how I dress but seeing these girls I feel so plain and invisible.
Like no matter where I look I see pretty japanese girls (sure they may look different without makeup but with it many of them are quite cute)
And I was thinking sometimes "what kind of guys would date such materialistic girls?" but to my surprise these girls are often the ones with boyfriends. I go to a mall and there are couples everywhere.
>>> Can I still attract guys in Japan even if Im not super fashionable like the girls there?
Best site for pink contact lenses?
I need some pink(hot pink) contacts to cosplay Lucy from Elfen Lied, but please answer if you have used that brand, and/or same color lans. Also what does it mean by " lasts (# of days) after opened"? Thanks! :D
>>> Best site for pink contact lenses?
>>> Best site for pink contact lenses?
Is it harder to get your eyes fitted for daily contact lens than monthly contact lens?
I am currently using monthly contact lens and would like to switch to daily when I see my optometrist in a few months. However, I'm a bit hesitant to ask my him because it was already hard for him to get my eyes fitted for contact lens the first time =(
>>> Is it harder to get your eyes fitted for daily contact lens than monthly contact lens?
>>> Is it harder to get your eyes fitted for daily contact lens than monthly contact lens?
Need to buy blue glow in the dark contacts lenses?
I need to buy a pair of blue glow in the dark contacts lenses online, (i live near an optical store but i doubt they have it) that glow all the time, not only in pure darkness
Added (1). And i only have 50 bucks to spend
>>> Need to buy blue glow in the dark contacts lenses?
Added (1). And i only have 50 bucks to spend
>>> Need to buy blue glow in the dark contacts lenses?
Tips of what in doing wrong with my colored contacts?
Ok i baught some colored contacts from my friend at school and he says they were 45$ so right before lunch i put them in and in the process i droped one but i cleaned them off then i put them in and i couldn't keep my eyes open so i kept them in and they got better and my eyes were watering so much i had tears running down my face and i kept them in for one more hour thinking i have to get use to them and when i took them out my eyes were watering and i couldn't read and everything was blurry. I don't know if it was the solutions or what the solutions is revita lens i was looking over it just now and it said it was for cleaning, rinsing, disinfectant, stores, removes protein, and conditioning. I was planning on wearing them to homecoming…
>>> Tips of what in doing wrong with my colored contacts?
>>> Tips of what in doing wrong with my colored contacts?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Teens: Do any of you have contacts?
I bought mine today… but the place wont let me take them home until tomorrow.
BQ: Glasses or contacts?
BQ2: Okay… how you put contacts in, teens? I tried half an hour putting one lens in one ball..and it's hard.
I need help, so that's why I kinda asked this..from teens.
Added (1). Lemme rephrase.
I know how to, but my fingers can't stay in place when I'm holding the eyelids apart. And my eyeball keeps blinking/tweaking when I'm about to put the lens in.
Added (2). Awk hi BEEFY! ;3
They're regular contacts for vision.
How are you?
>>> Teens: Do any of you have contacts?
BQ: Glasses or contacts?
BQ2: Okay… how you put contacts in, teens? I tried half an hour putting one lens in one ball..and it's hard.
I need help, so that's why I kinda asked this..from teens.
Added (1). Lemme rephrase.
I know how to, but my fingers can't stay in place when I'm holding the eyelids apart. And my eyeball keeps blinking/tweaking when I'm about to put the lens in.
Added (2). Awk hi BEEFY! ;3
They're regular contacts for vision.
How are you?
>>> Teens: Do any of you have contacts?
How to put contacts in without eye flinching.?
I had the appointment today… and I tried for an HOUR.an hour.My eye kept tweaking and flinching.
I barely got the second one in, and my mom was furious.
See..thing is it's hard because
-I need help pulling and keeping the eyelids pulled
-My eye keeps blinking/twitching when I'm about to put the contact in.
Any help? I'm going to retry tomorrow..but I wanna know how to relax your eye reflexes or something. And how do contacts feel..? Do you ge used to sticking in the lenses? Thanks.
>>> How to put contacts in without eye flinching.?
I barely got the second one in, and my mom was furious.
See..thing is it's hard because
-I need help pulling and keeping the eyelids pulled
-My eye keeps blinking/twitching when I'm about to put the contact in.
Any help? I'm going to retry tomorrow..but I wanna know how to relax your eye reflexes or something. And how do contacts feel..? Do you ge used to sticking in the lenses? Thanks.
>>> How to put contacts in without eye flinching.?
Why Do I see 2 Circles Around Every Light I See?
It's both annoying and scary. I have myopia. 1, 25 on the right eye and 1, 00 on the left eye. I wear contact lenses 2 months now. With my first pair of contact lenses I had no problem at all and I could see perfectly. When they expired, I went to the shop to buy a new pair. When I tried them I noticed something real strange. I could see 2 circles around every light I saw. I also noticed I saw them only from my left eye.So, I went to the shop again and they gave me a new one for the left eye and guess what. Still seeing the circles. They eventually gave me a new pair and again, 2 circles around every light from the left eye. I carried out several experiments at home and when I switched each eye's lens I could see the circles from the right eye now. What the hell? Is it possible for the myopia to increase in one day? Oh yeah, something that really drives me nuts is that when I wear my spectacles I see ALL RIGHT from both eyes. I'll consult my doctor in some days besides the fact that I will pay the enormous amount of 20€ for just an eye check. Any suggestions?
>>> Why Do I see 2 Circles Around Every Light I See?
>>> Why Do I see 2 Circles Around Every Light I See?
How old have you got to be to have an opticians appointment alone?
It's diffucult for my mum and I to have time off work or school at the same time, i'm 16 years old getting contact lenses, can I just go on my own?
>>> How old have you got to be to have an opticians appointment alone?
>>> How old have you got to be to have an opticians appointment alone?
How long is an 10 inch tutu skirt?
I'm looking for a Halloween costume, preferably ''Playboy Bunny''. I'm planning on putting in contact lenses, and using fake blood also. However I'm still not sure on what sort of costume to get, as I don't want to show too much flesh below the waist. I've found a moulin rouge black corset & tutu set but the tutu is of around 10-11 inches, I was wondering, for my height (5'5'') how short this would actually be. I want to keep some modesty so I'll be wearing tights, and maybe short black hotpants also but I really don't want to show too much so any ideas on how short it will be will be greatly appreciated
>>> How long is an 10 inch tutu skirt?
>>> How long is an 10 inch tutu skirt?
Should I trust the total or the subtotal when shopping online?
I'm trying to buy contact lenses and the deal is that for 4 boxes, you only pay $13.40. But when I went to check out, the subtotal says $70. I've never paid more than 25 for contact lenses.Is it really going to cost that much money??? Which is the real price?
>>> Should I trust the total or the subtotal when shopping online?
>>> Should I trust the total or the subtotal when shopping online?
Should I go for 1.67 or 1.74 high index lenses with my prescription and glasses?
I have a prescription of -4.50 or more.It is probably less than -5.00 though but I have not had an eye check up for glasses in 1.5 years.My contact lens prescription remains the same as it was last year.So i suspect it has not changed much.
Added (1). I am 27 and hoping my eyes should stabalise soon.
>>> Should I go for 1.67 or 1.74 high index lenses with my prescription and glasses?
Why do I constantly feel ugly am I?
Okay so I am 16 years old and going to college soon.
All through school I have felt really ugly I am quite a shy person.
There is always girls in the class that get loads of attention boys all over them and instead i get called names like plain Jane.
No guys have ever asked me out or anything.
Am I really that ugly?
I also feel very manly because I am tall
How can I change my appearance?
I am thinking of getting green contact lenses and I am growing my hair out.
Added (1). I actually went to a makeup consultation and they told me to wear red lipstick tomato colored.
>>> Why do I constantly feel ugly am I?
All through school I have felt really ugly I am quite a shy person.
There is always girls in the class that get loads of attention boys all over them and instead i get called names like plain Jane.
No guys have ever asked me out or anything.
Am I really that ugly?
I also feel very manly because I am tall
How can I change my appearance?
I am thinking of getting green contact lenses and I am growing my hair out.
Added (1). I actually went to a makeup consultation and they told me to wear red lipstick tomato colored.
>>> Why do I constantly feel ugly am I?
Is there a big difference between 170 and 0 (180) degrees on an eyeglass prescription?
I went to the doctor today and he gave me a prescription which is a tad different from the one he gave me one year and a half ago - the axis on the cylindrical lens for my right eye is now 170 degrees, compared to 0 (180) on the first prescription; the axis on the left eye is still 0.
It doesn't bother me when speaking of glasses, but on contact lenses I would have like to have the same prescription for both eyes. Can I order glasses with 170 degrees for my right eye and wear contacts with 180 for both or will this cause some problems?
Thanks !
Added (1). The prescription is:
Right eye: -1.00 spherical, -0.75 cyl, axis 170
Left eye: -1.00 spherical, -0.75 cyl axis 0
It's the first time I get a prescription for cylindrical contact lenses because until now I've had a -0.50 cyl, which isn't available on contact lenses.
I've been wearing glasses with -1.00 sph, -0.50 cyl, axis 0 (180) for a year and a half and I haven't had any problems, that's why I'm a little bit concerned about the axis change.
>>> Is there a big difference between 170 and 0 (180) degrees on an eyeglass prescription?
It doesn't bother me when speaking of glasses, but on contact lenses I would have like to have the same prescription for both eyes. Can I order glasses with 170 degrees for my right eye and wear contacts with 180 for both or will this cause some problems?
Thanks !
Added (1). The prescription is:
Right eye: -1.00 spherical, -0.75 cyl, axis 170
Left eye: -1.00 spherical, -0.75 cyl axis 0
It's the first time I get a prescription for cylindrical contact lenses because until now I've had a -0.50 cyl, which isn't available on contact lenses.
I've been wearing glasses with -1.00 sph, -0.50 cyl, axis 0 (180) for a year and a half and I haven't had any problems, that's why I'm a little bit concerned about the axis change.
>>> Is there a big difference between 170 and 0 (180) degrees on an eyeglass prescription?
Pain behind left eye?
Most of the day I've got a pressure type pain behind my left eye, which hurts particularly if I look up and I've had it for several weeks now. I'm currently going through some issues and I've been restricting my calories to around 600-800 calories a day for several months now (I'm seeing a therapist). I was wondering whether this is a side effect of that or whether its something else. I'm not having vision problems but I do wear daily disposable contact lenses. Should I bother going to the doctors (which I hate going to)?
>>> Pain behind left eye?
>>> Pain behind left eye?
Is it safe for a twelve years old to wear contact lens?
Okay, my little cousin keeps begging his dad to buy some contact lens but he wouldn't allowed, but what if I buy for him is it okay? Because it is going to be his twelve birthday this year and is it safe for him ?
>>> Is it safe for a twelve years old to wear contact lens?
>>> Is it safe for a twelve years old to wear contact lens?
Can you sell prescription Ray-Ban sunglasses on Craigslist?
I have a pair of authentic Ray Ban sunglasses. I recently got laser eye surgery, so i no longer need them.My question is, can I sell them on Craigslist? They were originally $200 glasses and are in great condition. Would I have to pop the lenses out? I do not want to donate them, because I paid a lot of money for my eye surgery and I really could use some money. Thanks.
>>> Can you sell prescription Ray-Ban sunglasses on Craigslist?
>>> Can you sell prescription Ray-Ban sunglasses on Craigslist?
Any place I can get contact lenses on the spot?
I have my prescription but I can't go back to were I got my contacts before for some personal reason.Is there any place that I can just go in, give them my prescription, and then buy them that very day?
>>> Any place I can get contact lenses on the spot?
>>> Any place I can get contact lenses on the spot?
What color contacts should I buy? - 1
I'm Asian. I'm having trouble deciding which color would look good on me. I need opinions. What color should I buy?

Thanks :)
>>> What color contacts should I buy? - 1
Thanks :)
>>> What color contacts should I buy? - 1
Geo Super Size Angel Brown Contact Lenses used to lighten brown eyes?
I have green eyes and I want contacts that make my eyes so dark brown they look like asian eyes.but I don't want my green to show thorough the pupil hole. Because they make the pupil holes big when your eyes adjust but I don't want that.
>>> Geo Super Size Angel Brown Contact Lenses used to lighten brown eyes?
>>> Geo Super Size Angel Brown Contact Lenses used to lighten brown eyes?
NYCC 2012 have you taken my picture?
Hello~ im looking for pictures from new york comic con 2012
me and my friends went as sebastian, ciel, and madam red from black butler on saturday and sunday
the ciel was wearing a red outfit
and the sebastian and madam red were wearing red contact lenses
on friday we went as yui, mio, and azusa from k-on
thank you~
>>> NYCC 2012 have you taken my picture?
me and my friends went as sebastian, ciel, and madam red from black butler on saturday and sunday
the ciel was wearing a red outfit
and the sebastian and madam red were wearing red contact lenses
on friday we went as yui, mio, and azusa from k-on
thank you~
>>> NYCC 2012 have you taken my picture?
Does dream lenses help recover my eye sight?
I'm 16 years old and my eye sight is starting to get bad. I can see everything up close clearly and read everything far away except objects and letters far away overlap slightly and my eyes get tired easily now.would dream lenses help to get my eye sight back?
>>> Does dream lenses help recover my eye sight?
>>> Does dream lenses help recover my eye sight?
What age can you where full-time contact lenses? Is it different in other opticians?
Hi I am a 14 year old girl from England that wears glasses. I went for an appointment at 'specsavers' and they said I was to young for full-time contact lenses and that I can only where them for sports but, not for going out. I really don't want to wear glasses anymore. I've been wearing them for about 3 years now and I'm not a big fan of them.Is there any place that will give full-time contact lenses i.e 'Boots' or any other opticians?
Please let me know.
Thanks :) B)
>>> What age can you where full-time contact lenses? Is it different in other opticians?
Please let me know.
Thanks :) B)
>>> What age can you where full-time contact lenses? Is it different in other opticians?
Will the lens on these glasses stick out too much?
I already have a pair of glasses and I had the lenses on them thinned. I got those high index 1.67 lenses. I have a prescription of about --4.50 or more. This has probably changed to higher prescription though because I haven't had my eyes checked in 1.5 years. The lens of my glasses do stick out the metal frame a bit but it's not too noticeable.
I ordered new glasses but I'm worried the lenses will stick out too much? Here they are:
I can actually return them its not too late.
Added (1). I did look at plastic frames to hide the thickness but they did not suit me. I am stuck.
>>> Will the lens on these glasses stick out too much?
I ordered new glasses but I'm worried the lenses will stick out too much? Here they are:
Added (1). I did look at plastic frames to hide the thickness but they did not suit me. I am stuck.
>>> Will the lens on these glasses stick out too much?
Monday, October 15, 2012
What does the law in the U. S. say about circle lenses?
Circle lenses are contacts, but are slightly larger with color around the edge.
Is it legal to buy circle lenses online? Does the online provider have to be a U. S. company?
I heard it's illegal to sell circle lenses in the U. S. Would I have to buy from a company outside the U. S?
Is there a difference in legality between prescription circle lenses and regular circle lenses? I've heard that since it's a prescription, it's illegal to buy outside the U. S.
I would like to buy prescription circle lenses, and I live in the U. S.
Please cite your sources.
>>> What does the law in the U. S. say about circle lenses?
Is it legal to buy circle lenses online? Does the online provider have to be a U. S. company?
I heard it's illegal to sell circle lenses in the U. S. Would I have to buy from a company outside the U. S?
Is there a difference in legality between prescription circle lenses and regular circle lenses? I've heard that since it's a prescription, it's illegal to buy outside the U. S.
I would like to buy prescription circle lenses, and I live in the U. S.
Please cite your sources.
>>> What does the law in the U. S. say about circle lenses?
Can you buy black contact lenses higher than -6.00?
My prescription is -7.50, the highest I've found is -6.00. Anyone know where I can find some?
>>> Can you buy black contact lenses higher than -6.00?
>>> Can you buy black contact lenses higher than -6.00?
How to stop contacts from getting dry?
I have acuvue contacts and i just opened the contacts yesterday and today when i was in school my eyes keep tearing up and getting dry.after i put on my contacts i put eye drop but it still gets dry
what can i do? :(
please help
>>> How to stop contacts from getting dry?
what can i do? :(
please help
>>> How to stop contacts from getting dry?
I lost one of my contact lenses?
I lost one of my contacts in the morning before school so I just left because I was getting late. I'm pretty sure it's dried up by now.My parents bought me a year supply so I just put on one of those. I've had my contacts since 10/9/12 and i'm supposed to change my lenses every month. I have one extra from the pack since I took one out for today. Should I just put on both of those? I don't know how to exactly explain it but basically I lost one of my contact lenses and I have a year supply so I just put on one of my contact lense from next month. I don't know if this makes sense but can you help me :(
>>> I lost one of my contact lenses?
>>> I lost one of my contact lenses?
Good Halloween Costume Ideas with Yellow Contacts?
I recently got yellow contact lenses for Halloween and was wondering what I should do with them. I was just going to wear all black and the contacts, but that's really boring! I love Halloween so if you guys have any good ideas, that would be very much appreciated!
>>> Good Halloween Costume Ideas with Yellow Contacts?
>>> Good Halloween Costume Ideas with Yellow Contacts?
Do you need a prescription for accuve lenses?
I probably spelled it wrong, but I'm not sure. Anyway I believe you can purchase them in the store, but I'm not 100% sure about that. If I can do I need a perscription or do they automatically made for you to see. I want contact lenses because I wear glasses. If I purchased accuve lenses online how much would they be without insurance?
>>> Do you need a prescription for accuve lenses?
>>> Do you need a prescription for accuve lenses?
Where can i buy blackout eye contact lenses for halloween?
Ive been searching over the internet and havent found any.where can i buy halloween contacts 15mm? any type .. websites?
>>> Where can i buy blackout eye contact lenses for halloween?
>>> Where can i buy blackout eye contact lenses for halloween?
My eye has been a little red, i think it has all day?
Okay so this morning i took my make up off because i forgot to last night, when i took my mascara off my eye went a bit red, i put my contact lenses in and it didnt seem to red so i thought it would be fine, i couldnt feel anything all day, when i took them out this evening i noticed my eye is still a little red? i dont think it is to do with contact lenses because it was red before i put them in? if it doesnt go by the morning i will just wear glasses buthas anybody experienced the same thing/ think they have an idea why it has happened? just wondering, thanks x
>>> My eye has been a little red, i think it has all day?
>>> My eye has been a little red, i think it has all day?
Black dot in my dogs eye?
I have an irish setter who is about 11 years old. I've noticed today that there is something in her eye that moves around, but don't really know what it is… =/
Should I take her to the vet and have it checked out? As you can tell by the picture, it doesn't seem to be bothering her in anyway.
This thing looks like it's moving around inside her lens… if you get what i'm saying.
Thanks for your answers!
Added (1). I was thinking it could be a blood clot? But not really sure.
>>> Black dot in my dogs eye?
Should I take her to the vet and have it checked out? As you can tell by the picture, it doesn't seem to be bothering her in anyway.
This thing looks like it's moving around inside her lens… if you get what i'm saying.
Thanks for your answers!
Added (1). I was thinking it could be a blood clot? But not really sure.
>>> Black dot in my dogs eye?
Cursed with eye strain forever?
From the very beginning of time, I have had this huge eye strain problem when using computers.
However, more than eyestrain, I tend to get a kind of headache on computer use.It's not really a headache, but more of a feeling of whole head being weighed down by something.It feels like my whole head has gotten heavier, and it really hinders my concentration. After spending more than 45 minutes on the computer, I'm unable to concentrate on anything at all.
When I spend close to two hours on the computer on an evening, I feel really spaced out the next morning. I'm able to attend college, but the whole day is really uncomfortable. And social interactions are much more difficult. I'm already shy with girls. This tends to make interactions with them really awkward, and so I try to avoid them altogether.
I really love gaming, and I've heard of people spending as much as 2 hours continuously playing games without experiencing any eyestrain at all. I'm really envious of them. :(
P.S. I wear glasses. The lenses are correct and I check every year.
Please tell me what I should do.Do I have any other choice other than to cut down on computer use altogether?
>>> Cursed with eye strain forever?
However, more than eyestrain, I tend to get a kind of headache on computer use.It's not really a headache, but more of a feeling of whole head being weighed down by something.It feels like my whole head has gotten heavier, and it really hinders my concentration. After spending more than 45 minutes on the computer, I'm unable to concentrate on anything at all.
When I spend close to two hours on the computer on an evening, I feel really spaced out the next morning. I'm able to attend college, but the whole day is really uncomfortable. And social interactions are much more difficult. I'm already shy with girls. This tends to make interactions with them really awkward, and so I try to avoid them altogether.
I really love gaming, and I've heard of people spending as much as 2 hours continuously playing games without experiencing any eyestrain at all. I'm really envious of them. :(
P.S. I wear glasses. The lenses are correct and I check every year.
Please tell me what I should do.Do I have any other choice other than to cut down on computer use altogether?
>>> Cursed with eye strain forever?
Thinking of switching to glasses permanently?
I do wear glasses but I normally wear contacts whenever I set foot out the door, particularly at work. I'm thinking of permanently wearing glasses from now on because contacts can be quite expensive. But I am a little hesitant.My mum says glasses suit me better but I am unsure.
I just bought myself these:
Waiting to have an eye test so I can get new lenses fitted in.
My vision is really bad, more than -4.0. I have had glasses since I was around 7. I am 27 now.
Added (1). Yes I know that which is why I usually get the lenses thinned.
>>> Thinking of switching to glasses permanently?
I just bought myself these:
Waiting to have an eye test so I can get new lenses fitted in.
My vision is really bad, more than -4.0. I have had glasses since I was around 7. I am 27 now.
Added (1). Yes I know that which is why I usually get the lenses thinned.
>>> Thinking of switching to glasses permanently?
Were old contact lenses made from glass?
Were old contact lenses made from glass?
>>> Were old contact lenses made from glass?
>>> Were old contact lenses made from glass?
Is the brittish mk2/mk1 gas mask any good?
It has a new filter so no asbestos.just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this mask also the price is 49nzl (new zealand) dollars.is this mask comfy do the eye peices/lenses fog up easily etc etc… if you have any knowledge at all please share.
>>> Is the brittish mk2/mk1 gas mask any good?
>>> Is the brittish mk2/mk1 gas mask any good?
Toric colored contacts?
I am looking for colored contacts for an astigmatism also known as toric lenses, but I want colored I tried freshlook and they were horrible they ripped so easily and lasted maybe 4days, (with out sleeping in them) when they were supposed to last weeks.
Please help :)
>>> Toric colored contacts?
Please help :)
>>> Toric colored contacts?
Where do I find specific contact lenses?
For Halloween or for any other random time i would want to wear contact lenses. But not just colored ones but maybe ones that make your eyes look like you have serpent eyes or wolf eyes. I know i just can't buy that from anyone because it may contain something that isn't good for my eyes so if anybody knows where i can find a special store that sells that, that would be awesome.
>>> Where do I find specific contact lenses?
>>> Where do I find specific contact lenses?
When will I receive my lenses?
I ordered colored circle lenses on October 5, 2012.My payment was received and confirmed. Upon the confirmation I got an email from the website stating the status of my order.It is also recorded on their website when I sign in.It said that it had been shipped.It also had the tracking number for the order so I have no doubt in my mind that this is a fake website or any scam. Anyways, they did say it will take about 8-12 days for my order to arrive because it is being shipped out from Hong Kong. I went on USPS.com and the most recent update is that my order has been processed through sort facility (ISC New York NY USPS), And the feature says registered mail.So my question is, does anyone know exactly or approximately how many more days I have to wait to receive my order? I live in Maryland by the way. I have to know because I don't know if it will come by UPS or be dropped in my mailbox. I'm not always going to be home, so if it comes by UPS I might not be home to sign off that paper they make you sign when your package is delivered.
Added (1). And I forgot to mention, my order went through sort facility (ISC New York NY USPS) on October 10, 2012, 6:26 am.
Added (2). Sorry I keep adding details (lol). I just checked again, and it says now it has been processed through USPS sort facility (Kearny, NJ 07032) October 14, 2012, 5:53 pm.
Added (3). Okay seriously this is the last update for the night, but before it said that it went through the New Jersey sort facility like I stated above. I just checked USPS.com and they completely deleted that out.So now it just says that it went through the New York sort facility.what does this even mean?
>>> When will I receive my lenses?
Added (1). And I forgot to mention, my order went through sort facility (ISC New York NY USPS) on October 10, 2012, 6:26 am.
Added (2). Sorry I keep adding details (lol). I just checked again, and it says now it has been processed through USPS sort facility (Kearny, NJ 07032) October 14, 2012, 5:53 pm.
Added (3). Okay seriously this is the last update for the night, but before it said that it went through the New Jersey sort facility like I stated above. I just checked USPS.com and they completely deleted that out.So now it just says that it went through the New York sort facility.what does this even mean?
>>> When will I receive my lenses?
Is my vision bad? I'm joining military?
I'm reading this off my contact lens prescription.
Left Eye: BC: 8.7 DIA: 14.5 PWR: -4.00/-1.75 times 180
Right Eye: BC: 8.6 DIA: 14.0 PWR: -4.75
Is this bad? I'm 15 and when I turn 18, I'm going to get PRK surgery to go to the military. I need 20/20 max and 20/25 minimum. Does PRK have a high success rate of perfect vision?
>>> Is my vision bad? I'm joining military?
Left Eye: BC: 8.7 DIA: 14.5 PWR: -4.00/-1.75 times 180
Right Eye: BC: 8.6 DIA: 14.0 PWR: -4.75
Is this bad? I'm 15 and when I turn 18, I'm going to get PRK surgery to go to the military. I need 20/20 max and 20/25 minimum. Does PRK have a high success rate of perfect vision?
>>> Is my vision bad? I'm joining military?
How much are circle lens IN korea?
How much are circle lens IN korea?
>>> How much are circle lens IN korea?
>>> How much are circle lens IN korea?
Which high index lens should I get? 1.67 vs 1.74?
I am trying to figure out if I can use a 1.67 high index lens vs.the 1.74 high index lens. The price difference is incredible.My prescription is -6.5 on one eye and -7.25 on the other with an astigmatism.It's twice as much to buy the 1.74 lenses and I am really wondering if that is necessary. I use plastic frames, oval style so a little thickness on the sides is no big deal to me. Any thoughts? What really is the difference between these two lenses?
>>> Which high index lens should I get? 1.67 vs 1.74?
>>> Which high index lens should I get? 1.67 vs 1.74?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Since I have mild astigmatism?
Since I have mild astigmatism and can use regular contacts, when I order the normal contacts do I just put in the power of the contacts or do I need to add anything to that power so the contacts can be the same strength as my toric lenses? Basically since i am not ordering toric lenses but my prescription is for toric lenses do I need to change anything about my SPH
My contact prescription is
SPH: -5.75
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 150
OS: -5.25
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 180
>>> Since I have mild astigmatism?
My contact prescription is
SPH: -5.75
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 150
OS: -5.25
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 180
>>> Since I have mild astigmatism?
Girls, which coloured contact lenses would suit me the most?
Please be honest and tell me which coloured contact lenses would look the sexiest on me…
I want answers from girls only please…
Thanks very much
>>> Girls, which coloured contact lenses would suit me the most?
I want answers from girls only please…
Thanks very much
>>> Girls, which coloured contact lenses would suit me the most?
Can I wear circle lenses with my prescription?
My prescription is:
BAS: 8.6
DIA: 14.5
SP: -0.50
CYL: -0.75
AX: 180
BAS: 8.6
SP: Plano
CYL: -0.75
AX: 180
My doctor gave me toric lenses as a trial, they fit fine but I would like to get a pair of circle lenses
The diameter and base curve for the circle lenses are the same as my prescription but they do not correct the astigmatism. I was wondering if it would be the same prescription just without the help for astigmatism? And do i have moderate or slight astigmatism?
Added (1). Thank you for replying and I meant circle lenses as in the ones that are used to give the eyes a larger appearance.
The reason I wanted spherical lenses is because I was told I had a slight astigmatism that I might not need toric lenses… also because the cost is less for regular lenses.
BUT I did want circle lenses because of the cosmetic effect for halloween and a couple of halloween parties. The only problem is that I want to be able to wear them, not hurt my vision, and see.
>>> Can I wear circle lenses with my prescription?
BAS: 8.6
DIA: 14.5
SP: -0.50
CYL: -0.75
AX: 180
BAS: 8.6
SP: Plano
CYL: -0.75
AX: 180
My doctor gave me toric lenses as a trial, they fit fine but I would like to get a pair of circle lenses
The diameter and base curve for the circle lenses are the same as my prescription but they do not correct the astigmatism. I was wondering if it would be the same prescription just without the help for astigmatism? And do i have moderate or slight astigmatism?
Added (1). Thank you for replying and I meant circle lenses as in the ones that are used to give the eyes a larger appearance.
The reason I wanted spherical lenses is because I was told I had a slight astigmatism that I might not need toric lenses… also because the cost is less for regular lenses.
BUT I did want circle lenses because of the cosmetic effect for halloween and a couple of halloween parties. The only problem is that I want to be able to wear them, not hurt my vision, and see.
>>> Can I wear circle lenses with my prescription?
Can my principle make me remove my contacts?
I'm getting golden-brown circle lenses and I want to know if she'll be able to make me remove them. They will be prescription lenses, I'll be using them to see. Naturally I have blue-grey eyes so will she be able to make me remove them?
>>> Can my principle make me remove my contacts?
>>> Can my principle make me remove my contacts?
Since I have mild astigmatism? - 1
Since I have mild astigmatism and can use regular contacts, when I order the normal contacts do I just put in the power of the contacts or do I need to add anything to that power so the contacts can be the same strength as my toric lenses?
My contact prescription is
SPH: -5.75
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 150
OS: -5.25
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 180
My glasses prescription is
SPH: -6.00
CYL: -1.00
Axis 150
SPH: -5.50
CYL: -1.00
>>> Since I have mild astigmatism? - 1
My contact prescription is
SPH: -5.75
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 150
OS: -5.25
CYL: -0.75
Axis: 180
My glasses prescription is
SPH: -6.00
CYL: -1.00
Axis 150
SPH: -5.50
CYL: -1.00
>>> Since I have mild astigmatism? - 1
Where to buy Sharingan contact lenses?
I live in Sandy Utah and would like to buy from a store but a website would be fine. I would also like them to be under $50
Added (1). Ok thanks guys I'll either buy some or trace my Uchiha lineage, thanks!
>>> Where to buy Sharingan contact lenses?
Added (1). Ok thanks guys I'll either buy some or trace my Uchiha lineage, thanks!
>>> Where to buy Sharingan contact lenses?
What can be the reason one eye is weaker w/ corrective lens but stronger w/o?
I've had glasses/contacts for 12 years (since I was 14) and my prescription has remained fairly stable.My prescription is currently considered mild with it being around -1.50, depending on the doctor.
In the last week I've noticed while wearing corrective lens, my right eye isn't seeing as sharp as my left eye anymore.It's actually my slightly stronger eye, and without glasses/contacts on it has sharper vision than my left eye. This isn't affecting my ability to work or anything, just something mild I noticed. What could be the reason for this? Astigmatism possibly?
I haven't gone to the doctor yet as it's only been a few days, isn't a drastic difference, and I just went to the eye doctor a few months ago.
>>> What can be the reason one eye is weaker w/ corrective lens but stronger w/o?
In the last week I've noticed while wearing corrective lens, my right eye isn't seeing as sharp as my left eye anymore.It's actually my slightly stronger eye, and without glasses/contacts on it has sharper vision than my left eye. This isn't affecting my ability to work or anything, just something mild I noticed. What could be the reason for this? Astigmatism possibly?
I haven't gone to the doctor yet as it's only been a few days, isn't a drastic difference, and I just went to the eye doctor a few months ago.
>>> What can be the reason one eye is weaker w/ corrective lens but stronger w/o?
What can I dress up as for a Halloween party?
I want something really scary that requires contact lenses. I have never used liquid latex before but I'm willing to give it a shot. I would like face makeup to look quite real like ripped face etc just something genuinely terrifying to look at instead of a comical dress up. If you could post tutorials with your suggestions that would be amazing!
>>> What can I dress up as for a Halloween party?
>>> What can I dress up as for a Halloween party?
My right contact lens disappeared?
Ok, so I had to go to my dads house for the weekend and I forgot I had my contact lenses on, so I didn't bring my case. Eventually when I realized I had them on, I remembered I didn't bring my case, so my dad used two cups for a case substitute since he didn't have any extra cases of his.So I took them out and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and went to put them on. The left one was there and I had put it on, but the right one disappeared? I looked everywhere. Around the sink area, double checked both cups, looked around the area of the bathroom, checked my eye, everything. I'm just wondering if there are any other possible places where it could be?
>>> My right contact lens disappeared?
>>> My right contact lens disappeared?
Contact lenses starting to become annoying?
I don't even know what my actual question is to be honest… I've been wearing daily disposables for about a month now but instead of becoming a pro at putting them in, it's taking me longer each morning! It's so annoying. I do everything the same but the contacts don't want to stick in my eyes and then they flip out so I become even more confused on which way they are… not to mention this makes me late nearly every morning.
One day I didn't wear contacts and wow you can really see the difference without them, they are so much better than glasses (well for me anyway).
My other problem is that unless it's broad daylight I can't see the lenses in my eye to take them out? I get the first contact out fine (by sliding it down to the white part) but with the other contact it's really hard because I can't see if I've slide it down…
anyone face these issues or is it just me lol
>>> Contact lenses starting to become annoying?
One day I didn't wear contacts and wow you can really see the difference without them, they are so much better than glasses (well for me anyway).
My other problem is that unless it's broad daylight I can't see the lenses in my eye to take them out? I get the first contact out fine (by sliding it down to the white part) but with the other contact it's really hard because I can't see if I've slide it down…
anyone face these issues or is it just me lol
>>> Contact lenses starting to become annoying?
How to keep my contact lens from moving?
I just got a pair of contats, its my first time, and im fine with getting them in, but when i strt blinking they move up with my eyelid. I know they might be too big, but i got them from a corner-store so i cant just go change sizes. I need to know what i can do to stop them from moving.
>>> How to keep my contact lens from moving?
>>> How to keep my contact lens from moving?
Can daily disposable lenses be worn more that once?
I have recently purchased some daily silicone hyrogel contact lenses from Specsavers. I'm wondering if I can wear them for longer than a day and if not, why? I've heard some daily lenses are the same as the fortnightly ones, just in different packaging.
>>> Can daily disposable lenses be worn more that once?
>>> Can daily disposable lenses be worn more that once?
My contact lens perscription bad?
Ok so I recently got contact lenses and I noticed that my contact lens perscription is stronger then my glasses perscription. I see fine with both but still I'm worried??? My contact perscription is -1.00 and my glasses is -.75
>>> My contact lens perscription bad?
>>> My contact lens perscription bad?
Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription?
Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription?
After my recent trip to the optometrist to get contact lenses, my mom asked them for my prescription because she was hoping to get my lenses elsewhere. However they said that my eyes has certain special conditions such as astigmatism so it wasn't possible to get the lenses elsewhere. And they wouldn't give me my prescription. I am extremely suspicious of this cause it seems like they're trying to make more money off of us. The price they're asking seems really crazy expensive. Its 150 for a 6 month supply, and this is with my family's health insurance applied.
>>> Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription?
After my recent trip to the optometrist to get contact lenses, my mom asked them for my prescription because she was hoping to get my lenses elsewhere. However they said that my eyes has certain special conditions such as astigmatism so it wasn't possible to get the lenses elsewhere. And they wouldn't give me my prescription. I am extremely suspicious of this cause it seems like they're trying to make more money off of us. The price they're asking seems really crazy expensive. Its 150 for a 6 month supply, and this is with my family's health insurance applied.
>>> Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription?
Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription? - 1
After my recent trip to the optometrist to get contact lenses, my mom asked them for my prescription because she was hoping to get my lenses elsewhere. However they said that my eyes has certain special conditions such as astigmatism so it wasn't possible to get the lenses elsewhere. And they wouldn't give me my prescription. I am extremely suspicious of this cause it seems like they're trying to make more money off of us. The price they're asking seems really crazy expensive. Its 150 for a 6 month supply, and this is with my family's health insurance applied.
>>> Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription? - 1
>>> Can an Optometrist refuse to give you a perscription? - 1
Cosplay help: should I buy.?
Those robot ears from Chobits
Or buy circle lenses and make chobits ears myself (which won't look as nice)???
I'm a bit of a shopaholic sooo- lol
>>> Cosplay help: should I buy.?
Or buy circle lenses and make chobits ears myself (which won't look as nice)???
I'm a bit of a shopaholic sooo- lol
>>> Cosplay help: should I buy.?
I split my contact lens! Help!
I split my right contact lens. I have a replacement for it, but didn't split my left one and i don't want to throw that one out because it hasn't been 30 days. Also i will be short 1 right lens at the 12th month and i will not be ale to wear contacts for that month. Any ideas on how to figure out a way to wear my left lens a little longer or something so that i don't have to stop wearing my lenses? Any solution will help, I just don't want an extra lens or no lenses. Thanks!
>>> I split my contact lens! Help!
>>> I split my contact lens! Help!
Contact Lenses going blurry?
So I got my contacts about a year ago and I use acuvue 2 or oasis or something along the lines of that. A few days ago I cleaned my room (finally lol) and it was really dusty.My contacts got all irritated and itchy. I itched my eyes and it got all horrible and started hurting my eyes so I stopped itching and took out my contacts and put in some visene and kept my eyes closed for a while and it went away. I put in my contacts the next day and by 2nd period (about 3 hours after put my contacts in) my eyes started going blurry.It was in one eye, it would get better than worse, sometime in both eyes, sometimes switching, and at a few instances it would just be like I had no contacts in and my eyes where totally naked. I was in school so it wasn't like I could just go to the bathroom and take the lenses out and wash up.So by 9th period, I started reading (focusing my eyes and whatnot) and my eyes got better within 10 minutes. I have no idea why this happened, but I don't want it to happen again. I put in a new sent of lenses two days later (but surprisingly the day after the whole blurry thing i put my contacts in and it didn't happen). What happened? How can I prevent it?
>>> Contact Lenses going blurry?
>>> Contact Lenses going blurry?
How to deal with my contact lenses on a road trip?
I'm going on a long road trip soon, at least twelve hours of driving. I wear contact lenses and I'd like to just pop them in when I wake up without stopping. Can I put solution on my hands to clean them before putting my lenses in? I'm not wearing glasses in the car, they give me a huge headache. Will the solution clean my hands enough that my lenses have less chance of being infected?
>>> How to deal with my contact lenses on a road trip?
>>> How to deal with my contact lenses on a road trip?
Freshlook or Acuvue gray contacts?
Which would look most natural on brown eyes?
i found pictures of a girl wearing gray in Acuvue:

and one with Freshlook:

which would look best? thanks :)
>>> Freshlook or Acuvue gray contacts?
i found pictures of a girl wearing gray in Acuvue:
and one with Freshlook:
which would look best? thanks :)
>>> Freshlook or Acuvue gray contacts?
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